
Club hours?

Avatar for TheeOSU

I was going through some club listings of clubs around a city I have business in tomorrow morning.

I intended to hit some clubs after I'm done and on my way home but I have no idea when they open so now I don't know if I should drive by them to check them out.

I actually called 5 of the clubs to find out when they open. I received answers from 2 of them, 1 club didn't answer the phone, and 2 numbers were disconnected.

Anyway I know clubs change, hours change, but the old TUSCL did list club hours whereas now every club I checked there were no hours listed. It would be helpful if hours of operation were listed again.


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Avatar for Cashman1234

You make a good point. If the club has a website - I’d recommend looking there.

Avatar for chessmaster

The club website, google or yelp is likely to be more accurate anyway.

Avatar for rockie

Tuscl is the best reference for the majority of strip clubs out there that I've found, but the flux in the industry regarding working hours changes is not as current as other new tendencies in the individual strip clubs reviewed here. So it sucks when a club stops opening on a random night with no place indicating the change before or after. It also sucks when a club is open for 16 hours a day, but only has a dancing lineup for 8hours a day, but it's easier to find the trends out than it was 20 years ago. Love yelp for some things, but it only covers about 5% of the strip club industry, as opposed to other businesses and recommendation.

Avatar for wallanon

Also try facebook. A lot of clubs have something on facebook if they don't have their own website.

Avatar for shadowcat

Follies has the hours posted on TUSCL and the newest Atlanta club, The Gold Club, has the hours shown. I'm the one that submitted them. If Founder gets an update he will post them given time.

The problem lies with the membership not updating the club info. Oh they are fast enough with the reviews but can't be bothered with stuff that doesn't earn them VIP points.

Avatar for TheeOSU

Yeah Shadow, I did some more checking on other clubs after I posted. Several of them do have hours listed so it's not an across the board deletion of hours and you're correct that it will be up to members to correct it but most don't care.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Most SCers probably don't know the exact hours a club is open unless maybe it's a club they go to every time.

I've been going to my go-to small black club for years and IDK exactly when it opens or closes cause I never visit near those times.

Avatar for lolruned

I post a lot of updated information and information I think is vital (but not posted) for the SCs I frequent

Avatar for lolruned

I encourage more people on TUSCL to do the same and not just post reviews

Avatar for DandyDan

I have been to a couple clubs where they don't even have a sign by the door saying what their hours are. I assume they are open in the evening, but if they are open in the afternoon, how are you to know? Are they just open whenever they feel like being open? That's a weird way to do things.

Avatar for lolruned


Perhaps the business is a front for something else

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