
Thanks for the insights -

He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
Friday, March 30, 2018 10:10 AM
I had a decent experience the other night. But, after having learned from the guys on this site, I knew how to handle it, and to not read more into it. Thanks! I had a dancer who came over to me - squat down - gave me a good look at her pussy. I told her that I needed to cum hard. She told me I’d cum in a minute with her. I got her in the back - and she stroked and sucked - crawled between my knees - and did everything - and I came after quite awhile. She told me I must have taken viagra because no man could hold off from cuming like I did. She wanted to chat after - so I got a table - ordered a few drinks - and we chatted for about 45 minutes. She kept showing me photos of her vacation and her dog. She kept asking why we haven’t fucked before - and when we could fuck again. As we chatted - dancers came by to say hi to me. I’ve been a patron of this club long enough to know several dancers. Again - this dancer is getting curious. She again says - do you take viagra with those girls? I told her again - I don’t take those pills. I’m pretty sure she couldn’t believe that I didn’t blow my load when she took off her clothes. She wanted to blame drugs for me holding out - as she thought I was a skinny nerd - and I wouldn’t be able to handle her. In the end - I knew it was all SS - and she put on a full court press - to get more of my info. If it wasn’t for this site - I would be a drooling puppy - or a RIL. Instead - I’m $200 lighter - and enjoying the fun I enjoyed on my visit. So thanks for the insight!


  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    $200 lighter and several milliliters...
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Congrats on a good night.
  • K
    6 years ago
    As we sometimes hit the same clubs, would you mind sharing here or in a DM, the club?
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    To follow up - I took the advice of some LDK members - and purchased a pair of lightweight golf pants. They are very comfortable - the fabric is soft and thin - and waterproof. I didn’t keep them on - but I understand how they would make for a comfortable LDK experience. Thanks for those recommendations too!
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    Cashman1234 you were one of the first members that welcomed my input here and also we have been in some fun threads together, so thanks to you too. I just got done LDKing in mine afterwith my ATF DS. Prior to that I sat at the bar with her, and per out usual protocol I massaged her phat ass cheeks on both sides of my hard dick for ten minutes and brought myself to the edge of LDKing as an LD warm up. And it feels so good because of those pants. Glad you enjoyed them too! FTW!!!
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    ^ Forgot to mention I'm $60 and a few mils lighter.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    SirLDAlot - it’s great to hear that you enjoyed your LDK with your ATF! Your advice about comfortable golf pants has been very helpful - thanks!
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    What company supplies these golf pant's ?
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Mine are Greg Norman golf pants. They were $19.99 at Costco. Very comfortable too!
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @Cashman1234 I know it is good to recognize SS but to me the next level after recognizing it is to play into it and enjoy it and use it to your advantage. Recognizing SS is the stupid easy part. A true monger parlays it into more. Like after she assumed that you took ED pills with the other girls you should tell her no and that she's the only one that it takes so long to cum with. LOL without pissing her off, you gotta make it seem like she needs to up her game even more to match those other girls. This puts it all on her and sets her up for the next time to try to make you cum even faster. She was trying to make it seem like you and your ED pills were the "problem". An experienced PL turns it around and, again without any animosity or drama, makes the issue about her not quite hitting all your buttons so that she knows she has room for improvement the next time. LOL she was passive bragging to you about how "good" she is but you can call her on that by claiming there are other strippers that just do it right for you. And also the next time she stops by you have her sit on your lap or get more intimate and flirty with her even before any back room action. Put those golf pants to good use in the main room! Yeah I really enjoy my ATF DS because she doesn't ladle the SS heavy on me and she provides so much dick teasing service at minimal cost and she's never charged me more than $25 for high mileage dances that always end in LDK in 2-4 songs. Also she's hot and sexy as fuck. A true DS.
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