First Time OTC

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Help ! Met a girl at club, just my type, great body, attractive etc. We hit it off well. Exchanged texts. Hadn't heard from her in a over a week until today. She just got out of rehab. Needs $ ASAP. She mentioned $150. I came out and asked " sex for money?" She asked " how much?" Duh.This is uncharted territory for me. What say you my TUSCL brothers ? Clearly she's in a jam.


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she's going to hit you up for that and much more...don't pay her in advance...have your date and then pay. be careful you might be helping her relapse.
If she wants drugs, she'll get them w/ or w/o you.

I shoot for a fair value, not the cheapest I can get-it - if you think $150 is fair for her looks and the type of club she works at, then say you want sex for $150 - but if the going rate in the club is $300 or $400 for FS, then that's a different story; but she may opt for $150 to $200 if she's in a jam and the going-rate is her club is $300+.

Your $$$ so you set the rules of when where and how - for many PLs a request for $$$ upfront (even just partial) is a deal-breaker.

Hi Papi. That's the thing... this club is known as no extras. I'm not so naive to think she's never been paid for sex, but I'm guessing it's been a case-by-case arrangement.
Offer her $200 and see what she says. If her counter offer is within your range, take it. My personal opinion is that no pussy is worth more than $400.
You also need to figure in the cost of the hotel / motel. That's on you.

If you're in MA, then start at $200. Maybe $250. I know you don't want to overspend. But if she feels like she's getting ripped off, then she probably won't have the best attitude during the encounter.
Were that here in Louisville I’d’ve simply said something on the order of, “I can do that, as long as you can fuck me.”

Provided I thought it would be worth it, that is.
Thanks to all of you who took the time to respond. I'll update if/when something happens.
By "first time" I assume you meant it was your first time ever OTCing; not the first time w/ that particular dancer?

If it's the former, then don't sweat it too-much trying ot make it perfect - like everything else one gets better at it w/ experience.

@Papi... yes first time OTC.
The first OTC is the hardest. After you've done it a few times it's easy.
^ yeah - it's like learning to ride a bike - except the bike has a vagina
I paid $500 an hour + the hotel for 8 or 9 years with my ATF in MA for what I viewed as a 9.5. I've also paid $40 for roadhead with a 7. You can find $300 to $500 OTC at several MA clubs but the dancers needs and the depth of your wallet will determine whether it happens.
I also once agreed to $2000 for a very seductive dancer to be my sex slave for 24 hours once. Supply & demand. PM me if you want to share specifics for advice.
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7 years ago
"it's like learning to ride a bike - except the bike has a vagina"

That's a great saying Papi Chulo. That deserves to become one of the taglines on the bottom of the TUSCL page.
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