
Update: Obsessed with Stripper

Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
So a week ago now I mentioned I was unusually an intensely obsessed with a stripper with whom I had a very memorable OTC experience. She sorta ruined it when she asked for $40 and then $80 and then her man called my phone and argued and I was conflicted about it but I went back to the club

Well that night she left with me again and has moved in pretty much, she said that she knew she really liked me more than just a customer that first night. Course she doesn't want me to go to clubs anymore cuz she figures I'm sorry kinda Casanova to these strippers. I know this is probably not going to end well but oh well. Thanks TUSCLers this more than bad idea wouldn't have been possible to make without all your help :)


  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    You are very welcome, one quick bit of advice get all of your guns, knives, and anything that can be used as a weapon under lock and key immediately
    Oh yes be sure you have an escape plan ;)
  • JohnSmith69
    6 years ago
    Don’t do anything that Gawker wouldn’t do.
  • abqspencer
    6 years ago
    I’d go ahead and add her name to the title on your house ASAP just to be sure.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Ya, you get to where gawker is saying "WTF is that guy thinking? THAT is over the line", then you're probably off the map
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Take them home with you and fuck them all night long and night after night.

    But don't loose your head.

  • Uprightcitizen
    6 years ago
    Fuck yes! It was getting boring around here without Gawker updates!!!
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    This is what happens when guys side step the buying dances and LDKing gimmick.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    You should have stuck with the guy in the white polyester suit. He doesn't let stuff like this happen.

    :) :) :)

  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    Q. What's the difference between a battery and having a stripper move in with you?
    A. A battery has a positive side.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    You're crazy, @GACA. She's going to ruin your place and deal drugs out of your house. Then her old BF is going to kill you. Hope the sex is worth it.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    @Gawker, I apologize. I thought this was your post at first.

    Mea culpa.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    I remain glad that I'm not you.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    When SJG looks at what you're doing and gives you a thumbs up, it's time to reevaluate your life choices.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Awesome Thailand AMP hottie, definitely stripper grade, wanted to move in with me, like immediately.

    I was married. And although that girl was mind blowing, I refused to session with her on future visits.

  • GACA
    6 years ago
    Ya so far the sex has been worth it. Completely worth it. And all she's done so far to the apartment is clean it.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    New nickname: GAwCA!

    lol, definitely hoping for the best, G, but given the atrociousness of the backstory, I think the best thing we can do is make sure you stay aware of the warnings signs through the sex haze
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    I wish one of my lovers would express an interest in living with me. Usually they count the seconds until I get off of them and leave as soon as they get paid.
  • Mtent
    6 years ago
    Wait she moved in??????????? Omg
  • max_starr
    6 years ago
    Sounds good to me. Treat her nice. I wish the best for you both.
  • gawker
    6 years ago
    Every case is different. I screwed up when I let my ATF move in while she was getting high. She kept falling asleep while smoking in bed and burnt holes in two sets of sheets, one blanket and 3 rugs.
    When she returned sober there was less sex and no damage. When she returned with her BF, he & I became friends and I suffered through hearing them fucking 2 or 3 times a day with no sex with me ( well, maybe one quickie)
  • WillMunny
    6 years ago
    Gawker: still the PLGOAT. We bow to you, sir.
  • TippingDollars
    6 years ago
    You need to do a Irish rollout with this bitch. By that I mean pack your shit and move out one day without her knowing. Either that or change your locks and call the cops when that bitch tries to get into your place.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    The trick will be figuring out if she really likes you or just needs a place to stay.

    Hey at least she’s cleaning - that’s a nice bonus, most strippers don’t know how to clean.
  • rockstar666
    6 years ago
    If a dancer's BF called me, I'd drop her immediately.
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    Q. What's similar between a battery and having a stripper move in with you?
    A. They both have a negative side.

    I don't see this ending well, good luck.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    JS posted: --->"Don’t do anything that Gawker wouldn’t do."

    Too funny. Is there really anything that gawker wouldn't do? ;)
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I appreciate your update. I hope things work out for you. If things don’t work out - hopefully the split is amicable.

    Gawker has incredible stories. His atf is pretty amazing - her body is basically perfect. It’s amazing how she abuses her system - and yet remains looking so hot.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    The really amazing part about @Gawker's story is the heroic way he took care of his wife in an impossible situation -- while still maintaining a sense of humor.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I agree RandomMember. His resolve and sense of humor are two very important qualities - when dealing with such a difficult situation.
  • lotsoffun201
    6 years ago
    Hide the valuables too. Danger Will Robinson.
  • max_starr
    6 years ago
    @Gawker you let the loser bf move in with you? damn
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