The Appeal of Stripclubs

avatar for Liwet
Strippers have people skills out the wazoo, and are extremely good at making an average schlub wandering in feel like he's the President or something. In short, being in a strip club makes a man feel important in the ways he wants to feel important and rarely does.

That's actually the main draw, and then on top of it the strippers are hot, and at least appear sexually available in the way even wives and girlfriends often are not. Usually seeing some titties in real life requires a bunch of back and forth that is more like a job interview than fun, even if you're the kind of guy who aces both interviews and first dates.

Much like nekkid pictures online, there is the luxury of choice, something most men are often denied. If one club's women aren't up to your standards, simply go elsewhere, and get what pleases you.

Unlike online porn, though, strippers are real people in the present, affecting all five senses, not just the one or two that porn relies on. So their appeal is just that much more powerful.

The typical strip club experience is of a man sitting comfortably at a booth, sipping a drink at his leisure, pretending like it's no big deal while a woman hotter than most displays herself for him and he can watch as much as he wants (usually looking at women he desires is treated as a sort of crime), or, perhaps the even greater luxury, he can blithely ignore her. Like a sultan would.

Then, when he does, the stripper in all her professionalism drifts his way and gives him her attention without him doing much to earn it, and as I said the typical stripper doesn't just show her goodies, she is an expert at exuding idealized femininity and making men feel important. For an actually important and powerful man this may be how most people approach him, but for the guy at the bottom of the ladder this is a desperately addicting experience. Nowhere else in his life does he get to feel anything like this.

Then it's back home to his wife, and feeling mundane, feeling unimportant, even back to having his sexual needs unmet, which is an unexpected but super common experience in marriage. Back to arguing with the girlfriend and feeling inadequate for some reason or another. Or back home alone, to feel altogether unvalued by women.

Some men hope to date and have sex with the strippers, but most have few illusions about it. It's that rare feeling of being important to sexually attractive women that draws them back, again and again. For most men the titty bar is the only place they ever get to experience that, but it's something they start yearning for as soon as they enter puberty, or even earlier.

by /u/AttackPug…


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avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
I didn’t read most of that bc it was really long, but Japan has drinky boy clubs that cater to women. The men dress sharp and hang out for bottle service. I can truly imagine the appeal of going in there, and really being catered to. I think the guys should do stuff like karaoke, magic tricks, comedy, play guitar, etc. I’d totally pay for it.
avatar for GoVikings
7 years ago
Really, really well written
avatar for mark94
7 years ago
Well written, true, and incomplete. It’s about fantasy and talking, but it’s also about touching and, sometimes, straight up sex. The above story is a stripperweb perspective. A bit romanticized.
I didn't get past the first paragraph, but I'll summarize: I want pussy and titties.
Males desire females, strip clubs take the work out of it
Males desire females, strip clubs take the work out of it - it's like "Busting a Nut For Dummies"
i didn’t get past the eighth paragraph... (actually i thought it is a good read.)
i stopped reading after "Strippers have people skills out the wazoo..." most of the threads here are about how to avoid getting robbed, dealing with flakeyness, and stretching your money...everyone is entitled to their opinion though...
I enjoyed the read but I don't necessarily agree that strippers have people skills. I've encountered a good number of them and a lot of them have poor customer service skills. It seems that a good number of strippers think all it takes to strip is to be decent looking and to ask a PL for money. Most of these strippers are missing a lot of those fundamentals that they teach in a basic sales course
"Some men hope to date and have sex with the strippers, but most have few illusions about it. It's that rare feeling of being important to sexually attractive women that draws them back, again and again."

I don't hope to have sex with strippers. I have sex with strippers. I have even dated strippers, whatever that means. I've had relationships with strippers that have lasted for years. However, I think the writer captures the feeling you get when you're in a strip club.
stripclubs are easier access to sexy and beautiful women.
Well written. I think we all went through that phase the OP describe until.a stripper pisses you off & then you realize its all bullshit.
I'm in the minority again......sorry doesn't ring true with me.
I did the same.
"i stopped reading after "Strippers have people skills out the wazoo..."

Pussy and a nice set of tits = people skills
Wait, does this mean it's not about ambiance, reasonably priced cocktails, and good music?
Sounds like a stripper with half an associate's degree is trying to argue its not about daddy issues and a lack of marketable skills.
"Strippers have people skills out the wazoo" some do (like my xATF), but there are a lot of 'wanna dancer' types that don't. The rest of the OP, while valid, is only one layer of this onion.
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
I pretty much agree with the OP: strip clubs are filled with lonely guys who are awkward and inept around the opposite sex. Why else would they be paying for attention?
^ hey bro - TUSCL is for entertainment - no need to keep it so real
Yeah - it's about the tits and ass and access to it - o/w we could join a book club with overweight MILFs if it's about "people skills"
"I pretty much agree with the OP: strip clubs are filled with lonely guys who are awkward and inept around the opposite sex. Why else would they be paying for attention?'

Unlike the guys on SA, right?
"TUSCL is for entertainment - no need to keep it so real"

Right. Next thing you know, someone will be posting that all strippers all lying, thieving, ho's
^ yeah, next thing you know you'll have some ahole on here telling me a stripper doesn't really like me when I treat her as a gentleman and I dress nice
There's always some know-it-all that wants to kill the fantasy
- I know - I hate people like that
"out the wazoo" lol. hadn't heard that phrase in forever and a day... and yeah strip clubs can be fun.
avatar for Bavarian
7 years ago
I am one picky mofo. Why settle for a fat civilian when you can pick your perfect 10 at the strip club? If a perfect 10 is not there, I don’t spend on dances.
avatar for lopaw
7 years ago
Here's a news flash for ya - some of us nymphomaniac lesbians love stripclubs too. Plenty of women do. And I have no qualms about snagging that stripper that you've been eyeing for an hour but who won't come near you. Booya!
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