Well that didn't take long...

avatar for GACA
So went out with a stripper the other night had dinnee and amazing sex seems like it was too good to be true and of course it was.

Called me asking if I could help her out with $40 for her tip out tonight because since she skip work the other night they wouldn't let her go back without tip out.

What does that mean?


last comment
avatar for WillMunny
7 years ago
It means one of four things:
A) You can be a doormat and loan her the $40 for nothing in return

B) You can be a PL and advance her the $40 in exchange for dances as you follow her into the club

C) You can run a "system" and tell her to earn the $40 with a quick BJ before work

D) You can wave goodbye to any hope of repeating the "amazing" sex and tell her to get her $40 someplace else.
avatar for GACA
7 years ago
avatar for gammanu95
7 years ago
Did you have covfefe after dinnee?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
It means she's a stripper
avatar for max_starr
7 years ago
$40 tip out, I'd pay it....my atf was good about repaying such things...sex or bj is fine :) Hell I bought other dancers drinks to hit their min....as long as I was taken care of all the time...
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
It starts small - then once she feels she can count on you, you become "Mr Emergency Fund" - doesn't mean it's not worth it if one is getting a decent ROI even w/ the request$; but if all one is getting in return it's "you're so sweet" and "let me walk you to the door" and "you have pretty-eyes"; then it becomes a problem
avatar for max_starr
7 years ago
yeah you have to set limits with these sugar babies for sure papi
avatar for max_starr
7 years ago
Next thing you know you'll be buying her a car or paying for an apartment!
avatar for GoVikings
7 years ago
GACA....how many times did you visit her at the club..........before she agreed to meet you OTC?
avatar for GACA
7 years ago
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
Send her back a dick pic. She'll understand.
avatar for max_starr
7 years ago
avatar for GoVikings
7 years ago
she agreed to it that quickly huh? That’s cool man

Working on my first OTC.....that’s why I asked
avatar for GACA
7 years ago
I knew the conversation was not going to go in the best direction because the lead text said "hey" ...That's it

A stripper just leading with "Hey" is never a gonna be a good text IME
avatar for Rickberge
7 years ago
Yea I hate the "Hey" text.
avatar for GACA
7 years ago
@Vikings come on brotha, you need to get on The System, I'm down to 39% of the time within two visits (beat that Dugan)

I think strippers can tell whether you are that type of guy or not. Took me awhile for my first OTC and now I guess I got an OTC face because that shit gets offered pretty quick,
Course I'm also 2.5 years older than when I really started, and maybe I just got the old guy face now, closing in on 38 :)

If memory serves.. you still look like a baby, because black don't crack. Maybe that's why you're still not getting OTC thrown at you.
avatar for Huntsman
7 years ago
The “hey” text has never lead to a good result for me either.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
7 years ago
Yea, those "hey" texts are expensive
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
I know that Follies makes the dancers pay the club tip out before they can start work. I have had 2 dancers approach me in street clothes and ask me if I would advance them the money so that they could start work and promised to pay me back in dances. I did one the first one because I wanted the dances from her but refused on the second one last week because I did not.

I use "Hey" myself and don't read anything more into it than I would if she started with "Hi" or "Hello". The best texts have photos attached. They get my attention.
avatar for GoVikings
7 years ago

i've only ever asked one dancer about OTC, and i can tell by how she responds to my texts that she's never gonna meet me OTC, and that's ok.

i met a new dancer on monday that i'm gonna try to get OTC with. i figure i'll visit her a few times and then go for it. in my mind, OTC is a long shot.........so i ain't gonna really get my hopes up about it.........but i'll try for it
avatar for joc13
7 years ago
I had good results for a while with advancing up to one OTC session worth of money to a stripper I was seeing OTC. Then she had a meltdown and whole thing fell apart.

@shadow One girl you and I both know was prone to send lots of requests for small amounts of money. The amounts were no big deal, and I probably would have sent her the money if not for two reasons
1) she wasn't set up to receive the money electronically
2) despite several direct suggestions, she couldn't grasp the idea that requests for money that come with naked pictures are more likely to get answered favorably
avatar for warhawks
7 years ago
“Hey” is short for stripper talk: “I need something from you”

Most likely they need money.

avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
Hey means - “Hey I need money” - it’s stripper shorthand. Being on the Hey list isn’t always a good thing. Some dancers are good at providing services to keep you happy.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
It means that she wants $40. When it comes to stripper gouging, this is pretty lightweight.

Still, I would look for some way for her to earn it, even if it's symbolic. I don't like strippers thinking that I'll give them money for nothing. The price tag on that increases with each ask.
avatar for Dominic77
7 years ago
GACA, I thought you gave her the big-D and gave her the big-O?? What happened? Still just an ATM, brother.
avatar for JohnSmith69
7 years ago
I would tell her that you enjoyed your time together and want to keep spending money on her but you have a policy against just giving cash to strippers. I say that some other strippers have ripped me off in the past so I can no longer function as a charity but I’d be glad to discuss having another get together.
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
Joc- We may both know the same girl but I have never had a dancers specifically text me to directly ask for money.
avatar for RTP
7 years ago
I met a dancer once at Follies who was immediately down for OTC. We had a tentative meet up for the next day. The next morning I get a text asking for $200 Western Union, but that she could not meet up that day. Promised to make it up to me. I just ignored the text and I start getting these "well am I getting the money" texts. I just simply said no.
I later found out that she was pregnant to a typical stripper BF, needed money for a car, and I don't think she was at Follies much longer. I was never remotely close to saying yes, but they are bold in asking for funds.
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
GACA, I'm going to assume that you paid her well for her efforts that night, yet a short time later she is already so broke that she can't pony up $40 to get back in the club. That is a quintessential stripper, lol.

However, before we rush to judgment, irresponsible spending habits are exactly the reason why so many hot strippers end up agreeing to OTC. My CF, who apparently tracks her earnings, told me that she made 100k last year and I believe her. She is easily the hottest girl in the club and no doubt the highest earner. Yet she suffers from a combination of Guilty Mother Syndrome, which leads her to wildly overspending on entertainment and other shit for her kids, and an SO who she has been supporting for years. So instead of finding herself with savings, she is all too often in need of yet more cash, especially on the slow nights on which I tend to visit.

I could say much the same about my former favorites, including my ATF. The point is that if these girls did not spend cash as fast as they earned it, then the odds are good that far fewer of them would ever feel the need to go to a hotel room with a guy 20-30+ years older than them. They would, instead, have savings that would hold them over through leaner times.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
^ I think it was a non P4P date
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
RTP-->" was never remotely close to saying yes, but they are bold in asking for funds."

When you think about it, there's very little downside for them, particularly if they aren't sticking around long-term. Apparently, they will very often find some PL or other who will give the $

One interesting thing I've noticed is that, specifically for these types of requests -- "can you give me an extra $40, because I got fined $40 for going OTC with you instead of making my shift" -- the girls very often convince themselves that this is fair. That it, THEY are not responsible for realizing that they are going to get fined for missing their shift, and baking that into their remuneration -- YOU are responsible, since they did it "for you". It is one of the most consistent things I've found with strippers -- nothing is their fault, and *you* are responsible for any negative consequences they hadn't thought about. I've heard girls whip themselves up into a lather over this type of thing. "It's only fair, since ...". As we've noted over and over, just a lack of personal responsibility that may go hand-in-glove in why some of the girls have few other options other than stripping in the first place
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
As far as giving her $40 goes, IDK how I'd respond. I never get those text cash requests, even from girls who I've seen 10+ times OTC. They know better just from interacting with me, without me ever having to tell them.

I've had a couple of them approach me ITC for small amounts and I've usually said yes, especially when I'm spending time with them ITC anyway. It's a small price to pay to keep a good OTC connection open. though if she wants anything more than a couple of 20s then she's going to have to do a lot more than drink on my tab to earn it. ;)
avatar for Clubber
7 years ago
One rule to follow. WE are in control , not the dancer.

Now if your control heads south, THEN the dancer is in control.
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
---> "I think it was a non P4P date"

Well then that changes things a bit. I would never do a non p4p "date" with a stripper for reasons previously discussed, so I have no idea what the protocols are here. Personally I think that it is the least that GACA could do, but he obviously feels differently with his choice of D above. ;)
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
40 seems like a petty amount for her to call you in to give her. It’s like she’s asking you to buy her tampons. The kind of thing RILs and bff’s are for. I’d let someone else handle that one, and just say you are sorry, but can’t make it over there.
avatar for GACA
7 years ago
@Dugan I paid her overly nicely the first two visits which is probably why she extra motivated to meet OTC right away. Should she have been broke already even if I were the only one to tip her...nope.

Yes this factored into why I was a little annoyed. I didn't pay her for the night out as it was her suggestion not mine. I would have gladly visited the club again if she had asked. Took her out to an Uptown restaurant that wasn't cheap let her order what she wanted (again nothing I wouldn't do on an actual date with a civies). I'm not expecting the classiest behavior, hell I'm not the classiest guy, but damn.

So ya it rubbed me the wrong way, haven't put my finger on why just yet.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Except in rare occasions, there's no such thing as a free-lunch when it comes to strippers - a good regular may get some perks here and there, but $$$ is almost-always in the equation somehow someway, sooner, or later - I would not have been taken by surprise - it sucks, but it's the nature of the beast
avatar for Lone_Wolf
7 years ago
This is a good example of why p4p OTC relationships often has a short shelf life.
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
Ah, I see now. This felt like something a little different than the normal customer/dancer relationship, right up until she reached out and asked for $40. Then the feeling was ruined and maybe you felt like she viewed you like any other dupe she sees at the club.

Well, maybe this was a good wakeup call? Idk, but I think that letting this ruin fun with a good provider would be a shame. Anyway, good luck with it.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Look at it this way, she could've asked for $400 - so basically she's crazy about you
avatar for GACA
7 years ago
^^^ @Papi ...lol... I'll look at it that way :)
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
GACA maybe she wants you to be taking care of her, so that you and she can be spending more nights between the sheets. She probably wants to see you extend yourself towards her, so that she can deliver again just like the night before.

Usually best to escalate and close with women asap because of their lunar cycles.

In the book, "The Incredible Lightness of Being", the protagnonist says the maximum for consecutive over nighters should be three.

avatar for Lone_Wolf
7 years ago
@Papi - lol. Good one.
avatar for DeclineToState
7 years ago
Any of you OTC guys mind sharing the average OTC amount paid (not including dinner drinks whatever)?
avatar for joc13
7 years ago
I guess my average would be $250, since I was giving one girl $200 and a different one $300 (her trying to raise it to $400 was the beginning of the end).
avatar for GACA
7 years ago
Regional. In a certain city I could get away with $250 (barely) . In the bigger city seems like $400 is fairly standard and some even ask for $600 (none that I went for though)
avatar for max_starr
7 years ago
I can get away with 200, but at times I'll give 300 or even 350 for a really special time...my average is probably 250 as well....
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