
Jerking Off instead of Grinding

Avatar for LDJunkie
LDJunkieEnjoying lap dances for 15 years and counting...

Sometimes, when the lap dance is not very good, i just grab my boner and start jerking off (as discreetly as i can), just when i know that the dance itself will not make me LDK. It's sort of like saying "fuck it i need to unload anyway".

Some dancers do notice, and some have no problem with it, others might be offended and/or disgusted.

Have you been in this situation?


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Avatar for vincemichaels

Yes, I think we all have, except the master, SJG, of course. :)

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Front Room Makeout Session, then and only then, when it is time for your own pants to come down, you invite her to the back room.


Avatar for JohnSmith69

I think I posted the story a while ago. I’m at a non extras club and go to vip with a baby stripper who promised me a full contact dance so I can LDK. Baby stripper doesn’t deliver in VIP, not nearly enough contact, and I’m looking at a very frustrating evening. So I grabbed tissues and whipped out the little head and started doing her job. She asks if What I’m doing is allowed. I lie and I assure her that it’s normal and happens in most VIPs. I tell her to assume a comfortable position on the couch and spread her legs so I have the view that I need. It was better than leaving the club with blue balls. But she lost her tip.

Avatar for vincemichaels

I prefer my loving in private. Front room makeout sessions are a chump's game.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

^^^^^ Only way to set things up so it goes well in private is to get the girl softened up right where you are sitting.

The private booths are toll gates, and once you have agreed, you pretty much have to do it her way.

It is intended for taking money off of chumps.


Avatar for MackTruck

Jacking off is a chumps game

Avatar for san_jose_guy

^^^^ Front Room Makeout Session!

Lap Dancing used to mean lap sitting, very conducive to makeout sessions.


Avatar for vincemichaels

Yeah, right, fool, SJG. One can do it many, many ways.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Getting into a situation where you have to jack of is because you are a chump.


Avatar for san_jose_guy

VM, if you buy a dance, then you are the one authorizing a chump making situation.


Avatar for vincemichaels

LMAO, yeah maybe to your diseased mind, SJG, the fool telling us your way is the best. What works for one may not be what people want. But you oh mighty Oz sees all, knows all. ROTFLMMFAO.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

If you had any idea what it is like when a girl just opens up to you, then you wouldn't say such.


Rolan Bolan - Children of the Revolution (OFFICIAL VIDEO)


Avatar for vincemichaels

DUHHH !!!!!!!!! I've had many, many girlfriends in my life, fool. Civvies that I never paid a cent to. How about you, chump. You couldn't handle one even on the other hand.

Avatar for ppwh

The other night I was lying awake pondering the imponderables... like what if SJG is wrong and playing Tuesday night bingo is the real chump's game?

Avatar for Randle_McMurphy

I can jerk off for free. I don't need to be charged by the song.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Never thought about it but I'm not an LDKer - if a visit is not going-well then I just save it for.the next one

Avatar for rh48hr

I've never jerked off in the club. I'm there so I don't have to jerk off.

If that's what you want to do, go for it.I'm not hating, just not my thing.

Avatar for PaulDrake

If it was a baby stripper and we could both masturbate I could see that being fun to try once.

Avatar for nj_pete

I have left a "disappointing club" and gone to a place that was a sure thing.

Avatar for chessmaster

You cant just find another ldk-friendly dancer. I cant ldk but if i could, there seem to be plenty that would help you out. Some, or most, may drag it out for a while or even demand a tip, but thats to be expected. To just start beating off though is kinda weird.

Avatar for Cashman1234

PaulDrake makes a good point. It could be fun to stroke one out as a stripper works her pussy in front of me. It might not work in certain clubs - as the seating might not accommodate it. Sounds like fun though!

I’ve never just whipped it out and started stroking to completion in a club. I’ve moved it inside my pants - when it wasn’t positioned to properly grind.

This reminds me of the Louis CK allegations - about him having women watch him jerk off. Maybe it’s worth a try? It was enough to get him in trouble - so it might be fun...

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

If I want to jerk off I do it at home in my man cave. At a club with strippers I will LDK only and just take it as a loss if not.

The Golden Dragon in Portland has this as a real option if you take a stripper to the VIP rooms. On the way there she will grab a small bottle of lube and a towel and a PL has the option to whip it out and jerk off if he wants. But the downside is that all contact stops once a PL goes this route. I don't understand the appeal and have always done high mileage LDs and told the stripper not to bother with the lube and towel, but apparently some PLs like it because it seems routine to the strippers that work there.

Avatar for Dominic77

See, this is why SCs need to be in a red light district. Then you wouldn’t have this problem ! ;)

Avatar for PaulDrake

LDK>Masturbating in VIP

Mutual masturbating in VIP with baby stripper > Terrible lap dance from baby stripper

Avatar for san_jose_guy

^^^^^^ SC's in red light district? That would in my opinion be the ultimate, where there is seamlessness between the strip club and its dancers, and with the street hookers and their hotels.

Seen something like this once in SF, the place which would become Pink Diamonds. Heard about this in Portland, the most extreme of their dives. Seen it a bit like this at a local place. And of course it looks to be like this in Tijuana.

:) :) :)


Avatar for Dominic77

Sort of like Brookpark Road back in the 'early 90s (on the border of Cleveland and Brook Park). I used to figure all large metro areas had places like that, with everything shoved into one little area, I guess not. Too bad. I kind of liked it that way.

Avatar for orangepicture

I once jerked off on a strippers tits when I knew I was running out of LD money, wanted to finish and she couldn't find a good stroke stride.

From reviews on here, here are, I think, 3 clubs in south Philly where guys can jerk off while watching a stripper play with herself in front of you in a VIP room, but touching the girl is not allowed once you start attending to yourself.

Avatar for joc13

In my favorite non-Follies club in Atlanta, Oasis, the VIP room experience in very YMMV.

Let's say you can get your 30min VIP for a total (room+dancer) of $200. Songs are at least 3min long, so that's 10 songs or $20/song, which is what "contact" dances cost in most other clubs around the country (based on what others say in here; I haven't clubbed out of Atlanta in years).

When I was doing VIP there more often, I would always unzip and take joc6.5 out early in the session. Only encountered one dancer that said "you can't do that". Some would automatically take over, some would let me finger them while I jack off, some would do a tit fuck, some would sit on my lap and let me cum on their stomach, some would stay off to the side and say "aim the other direction". But pretty much the "default" action in VIP for me there was DIY ejaculation services (LDK not going to happen for me). Yeah, I can jack off on my own, but sometimes after you've been drooling over a hot chick at the bar for an hour, it's nice to take her in private and jack off while you're playing with and sucking on her tits and have two fingers 3 knuckles deep in her.

While there are stories of BJs and FS in VIP at Oasis, I've never encountered a dancer there who would for normal VIP prices, and the ones who quoted a price were too damn high (like $500 for a 30min VIP with FS) and still might be ROBs.

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