Best season in Detroit?

Tijuana and Detroit
Been thinking about a return trip to Detroit. Is there a good season for clubbing? No doubt I will return sometime towards the end of a month, but should I be looking at the time of year as well?
Do JS' dreamstrippers end up facing financial reality when the summer after graduation end and their parents tell them to get a job? Do single moms finally get tired of their deadbeat boyfriends towards the end of cuffing season and start auditioning at new clubs? When do financial aid rejection letters usually get mailed out each school year?
What is the right time to visit Detroit clubs? I'm talking about running an arbitrage during an influx of talent, dearth of customers, coupled with dire financial circumstances and/or festive moods.
last commentI was there last night. It wasn't bad. I would prefer to go during summer to avoid the ice and snow.
I agree think warm months for Detroit
Gas bills are higher in the winter, and the students go home in the summer. But I can't say I've noticed any seasonal difference in either talent or customers.
If you come in July, most of the snow will be gone.
I have found two daze before thanksgiving up and through NYE to be the best season for clubbing. Maybe because my business slows down so I have extra time to party, maybe because the dancers have more than the ordinary bills to pay that they're extra motivated, or maybe it's just because everyone wants to get out of their house and do something not related to family or shopping. Either way I prefer this time of the year
Have never seen a big difference throughout the year or time of the month. I usually avoid Holiday weekends like July 4th as the clubs are poorly staffed; dancers like time off too. If you are traveling from a distance certainly the weather would be a factor.
I think the Fall thru the holidays is the best.
If I wait til August will all of the snow be gone. Or is that when winter starts?
Holloween thu Christmas is by far the busiest time at the strip clubs in Detroit. So if you are looking for the time in which there will be the most dancers, that would the time. It will also be the time when there are the most PL’s in the clubs.
Things slow down at the clubs right after New Year Years day. It’s cold, cloudy and dark most days in January and February (but you won’t know it in a club because there aren’t any windows anyways.)
I like the slower months. But that’s a personal preference.
JS69, it can snow any day of the year here. I've seen it snow here in Michigan in July.
Snow and ice do not deter me. The question really pertains to the level/amount of talent and the availability/pricing of services.
Some girls try do do an extended vacation Christmas through New Years so the days they do work they might be more aggressive for work.