
This teen possibly got 50 cosmetic surgeries to look like Angelina Jolie and exa

Thursday, November 30, 2017 7:28 PM
[view link] I defy anyone to be able to tell them apart. Most of the time totally awesome people who get tons of surgery to look like celebs like Brad Pitt or Kim K look awful and nothing like the person they were going for. But not in this case. She totally nailed it. Maybe even an improvement over the original. I gotta find that doctor so he can make me look like Clint Howard(the much more talented of the Howard brothers).


  • 3LeggedMan
    7 years ago
    This girl rates somewhere below negative five. Quite an insult to Angelina to compare them. The fan girl looks like an extra for a zombie movie.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    Thats scary!
  • JohnTitor
    7 years ago
    They're both fugly.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    Maybe she mistakenly gave a photo of the Cryptkeeper to her plastic surgeons. Kind of like the "No Ragrets" tattoos.
  • tumblingdice
    7 years ago
    They should remove her uterus while they're at it.
  • crazyjoe
    7 years ago
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    amazing what some people do to themselves.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    She’s a pretty girl. She has put a lot of effort into her face. Her eyes are quite sunken.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    MY EYES, MY EYES !!!!! U R AN EVIL. PERSON FOR POSTING THAT SCARY THING !! sflguy123, how could you ???
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    Look at the bright side... she never has to spring for a Holloween costume ever again...
  • Tiredtraveler
    7 years ago
    Yes she actually does look like her but the real question is Why Does She want to look like a scarecrow? When Jolie was in her teens and early twenties she looked OK but her looks were that of youth and you could tell they would not last. Her best asset was her big tits and tiny butt if you go for the she-male look. I have never found her particularly attractive and with her tits removed...
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    I think I saw her as an extra on The Walking Dead.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
  • TheeOSU
    7 years ago
    Wow, as bad as that looks what makes it worse is she most likely spent lots of dollars to get to that point. How demented can that chick be to want to look like that?
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    I think it takes a certain level of evil to make other people look at that. And im definitely no male model.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    i've always thought angelina jolie was ugly as fuck, but that thing is even uglier. did the zombie apocalypse finally happen and no one told me?
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