How about that Matt Lauer
Solo PL
Why can't he just pay for it like the rest of us PL's. He makes crap loads more money than nay of us. I have never understood the appeal of rape or coercion.
Having a door close push button door that locks on the inside commercial building violates all kinds of fire laws so there is no way NBC bosses did not condone it. Have you noticed that virtually all the pervs outed this time around are in politics, in entertainment or media. All the lawsuits about this behavior in business and made companies police their own houses for fear of lawsuits and regulators stepping in. I guess when you can control the laws and news you figure you do not have to have manners. If I did what any of these assholes did I would be out of a job and or in jail.
Having a door close push button door that locks on the inside commercial building violates all kinds of fire laws so there is no way NBC bosses did not condone it. Have you noticed that virtually all the pervs outed this time around are in politics, in entertainment or media. All the lawsuits about this behavior in business and made companies police their own houses for fear of lawsuits and regulators stepping in. I guess when you can control the laws and news you figure you do not have to have manners. If I did what any of these assholes did I would be out of a job and or in jail.
Here's one thing I do know: you cannot reform biology. Men do these things because this is what men do. Period. It's just the way it is. So either we're going to have to start discouraging women from even leaving the house alone, ala Saudi Arabia; or we're going to have to turn the clock back on this 45 year old social experiment in "gender sensitivity" and just teach women to accept that men behave this way; or we're going to have to pretend that this isn't happening; or perhaps organizations will begin to promote ONLY women to supervisory roles, or perhaps hire nothing but women to begin with (not very likely). Because I don't think men are ever going to stop being men.
Heck why do you think so many female teachers are "raping" their male students. It has to have been going on for a long time, just more easy to catch with smart phones and social media.
I can understand some being intimidated but surely at least a couple of them would have made it clear that she wasn't going to put up with it? Hell, one news story I read said Lauer got one woman in his office, came on strong, and she just bent over his desk. He then fucked her so hard and long she passed out and afterward needed to see a nurse. I don't understand how an adult woman in the US would do that and not resist? But then I don't have a locking door and seemingly unlimited power at my office either.
It must be about power and control for these sick fuckers (Lauer, Weinstein, etc) because it sure doesn't sound exciting to me. And they must somehow figure out which women will be more passive and less likely to resist?
I love loose women with low moral character, but have no desire at all to force myself on a woman. It very well may be biological, but a woman fighting back is too.
In my opinion - there’s nothing wrong with being a filthy pervert. How someone else has dirty fun is their business. However, when a superior abuses those below, that’s one spot where I draw the line.
His bosses definitely knew! It’s only when the advertising money is jeopardized that they decided to fire him.
I'll give credit where it's due, most of the liberal harpies who have been screaming for Trump's head are also screaming for Weinstein's head. I'm not sure what this all means. For the record, yes, I know this behavior is wrong no matter who does it. I just don't like this atmosphere of crisis and hysteria. Come on, it's just a bunch of sick fucks who want to get laid. If you're a girl and a guy touches himself in front of you, try to do this radical new thing called LOOKING AWAY or LEAVING THE ROOM. I know it's a crazy idea, but try it. And if he prevents you from leaving, just tell him that you quit. After all, why would you want to work at a company where a creepy guy is always touching himself in front of you anyway? Or maybe just accept it. Is Louis CK touching himself really such a horrific thing? Really? And how about the next time someone gropes you, just firmly say "no." If he persists, knee him in the balls like @Corvus says. And if he rapes you, go to the police immediately. Case closed. Worry about your fucking career later. Go to the police today. This ain't rocket science folks.
I am far from perfect, and I have made a lot of inappropriate comments over the years, especially on TUSCL. But I have never harassed a woman at work or anywhere else. I have never used a position of authority or threats or violence to make a woman do anything she did not want to do. My conscience in clear in that area at least.
If the accused makes any attempt to deflect criticism or defend himself (Cosby, Roy Moore, Wm. Clinton, et al) it NEVER goes away. Forgiveness is NEVER forthcoming even after some public shaming.
Look how long it took for the Duke boys lacrosse team to prove their innocence -- and they were COMPLETELY innocent.
2017 in USA -- guilty upon accusation.
They dump all men in the same bucket! Al Franken, Weinstein, Lauer, Conyers, Cosby and Clintons are tarred with the same brush as anyone who texts a rude message or says something sexual that offends someone. The former actually raped, groped, fondled and physically abused women while the latter never actually touched anyone inappropriately.
Did you hear that the female half of the Killary, Bill Clinton team sent a condolence card to Juanita Broaddrick's family saying she was sorry to hear about Ms. Broadderick's upcoming tragic suicide.
That's a good question. Probably both, I think. Powerful people often specifically set out to acquire power in the first place. And I think you probably have to be a certain kind of asshole to want power over others. Sadly, the majority of people are precisely that kind of asshole. So I would imagine that the kind of asshole who doesn't just fantasize about power but actually goes out and tries to acquire it, wow, that must be quite an asshole.…
There is so much mis-information on the net, one needs to weed through it all to try to find the truth on their own. Many are unwilling to do so, ergo, the mis-information is continually spread instead of the facts. Sad state of affairs in the US.
His interview
Don't know who produced it, but excellent work!