
How to Get the Girl

Avatar for LecherousMonk
LecherousMonkMom's basement

What should one do when the one dancer in the club from whom he wants to procure a dance is monopolized all night: risk the chance of appearing foolish by approaching her, or chalk it up to bad luck and leave?


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Avatar for shadowcat

Do not approach her when she is with another customer. If she goes on stage, go up and tip her and tell her that you would like a dance if she is available. If she doesn't come around soon, leave and try some other time.

Avatar for JohnTitor

Dancers appreciate being approached in a respectful manner as long as they aren't with another dude.

Never avoid approaching a dancer that you want if you have the opportunity.

Avatar for BBBC

Fuck dem in da azz hole

Avatar for shanny72

This is an example of when it is good to be friendly with the other staff, be it bouncer or waitress or bartender. Tell your friend that you would like an introduction to said dancer, and tip your friend accordingly. 5 or 10 is usually plenty

Avatar for joc13

Make up a playlist of romantic songs then do this:


Avatar for flagooner

Sit in perv row when she comes on stage and play with yourself.

Avatar for Bj99

one thing you can do is tip the dj 5-10 and ask him to please call her over. It’s normal for the dj to call girls over for one thing or another. You can wait, or you can tell him to please let her know you’d like a dance from her when she’s free, and won’t take extra time. All of my regulars are okay w me checking in w a customer, and most are okay w me doing a couple dances while sitting w them. I mean.. they don’t want to stop me from making my money (or they’d better hand over more).

I’ve also had guys wait next to the lap dance area and tell me to stay right there, when they see that I’m finishing a dance. It’s a good way to cut in line.

Avatar for JamesSD

If she's being tied up by one whale, move on.

If she's bouncing between customers but doesn't make it to you, approach her. She will appreciate the easy sell.

Avatar for LecherousMonk

What if the other customer is a tablefull of drunk, Persian, programmer bros with bottomless wallets?

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

Look elsewhere. That's why there's more than one stripper.

Avatar for day_trader

Exact same thing happened to me the other night. Fav of mine was with her SD. After her stage set was done, she went back to his table and didn't budge for the rest of the night. I chose not to compete. Even if I could pull her away for a few minutes it would have been straight for dances, her and I usually hang out a bit out front before going for dances and I knew that wasn't going to happen on this visit. Their will be other nights when the girl you want isn't as busy.

Avatar for Bj99

Yeah, if she’s sitting w some whales, and not regulars, she prolly can’t leave her spot or another girl will swoop in, or they aren’t cool w her leaving and they are paying well for her time. If you aren’t going to be able to make it worth it for her to leave their table, you can find out her name and when she will be working again.

Once, a guy handed me twenty and told me he was prepaying for a dance the next time he came in. He did collect the next time. It was an interesting thing to do. Could have been a waste, but it made a good impression.

Avatar for Corvus

In the past I have approached dancers if they are alone or not busy. Some won't do that but if the situation is right I will. I've also tipped a waitress and asked her to let the dancer I'm interested in know I want to meet her.

Of course, tipping at the stage works well too.

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