

Avatar for Digitech

Are PLs just any club customer? Or does the term apply exclusively to us, the hustle-immune veterans who visit clubs dozens of times per year, taking our CFs and DSs on OTC dates and spending way too much money?

If so, who are the other customers? Chumps, stag partiers, drug dealers and pimps (and wannabes),

Do strippers like PLs more than other customer types? StripperWeb strippers probably hate us. But we do spend big when value is actually there.


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Avatar for joc13

I saw two strippers standing and surveying the club. I overheard one say to the other "So, which ATM do you think has the most cash in it tonight?"

You're right. The girls who provide value love us. The hustlers hate us.

Avatar for theDirkDiggler

This again? I think PL is just an easier way to describe someone who goes to strip clubs. I would like to think it aptly stands for pussy lover, but i wouldn't get caught up in the pathetic or pitiful aspect or how susceptible to hustle a customer is. I don't how much of a point it is to value not wasting money on being hustled when you're already spending big bucks on CFs and DSs so it's all really the same in terms of "wasting" money which can be considered pathetic to a non strip club going person.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Was discussed in this recent thread:


Avatar for ppwh

To summarize, a legit dictionary might put it this way:

  1. A strip club aficionado

  2. A strip club customer

  3. A strip club customer who has developed a strong emotional attachment a stripper [ more at RIL ]

Avatar for Bj99

To me, a PL is just you guys here on this discussion board.

Avatar for jackslash

PLs are all the customers in a strip club except me.

Avatar for warhawks

^^^ That’s interesting Jack. I thought it was everyone in the Strip Club except for me?

How can that be? lol.

Avatar for twentyfive

I think a PL is a guy who enjoys the strip club and is able to get some real value from his/ her visits because he understands a lot more about what is really going on in the club and is able to adapt to the circumstances of what is happening in whatever club he happens to be in.

Avatar for Uprightcitizen

When I am in a strip club I am always a PL. When I walk in I feel Passionate & Lusty, when I am generous with my girl I feel like a Philanthropic Lover, and when I walk out with a lighter wallet and the girl I just was with is sitting with someone else I take the title of Pathetic Loser.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

For a bunch of guys who like tits, ass, and pussy, there's an awful lot of navel gazing on this board.

Avatar for Subraman

You have to tell by context. It's like how Mexicans say "orale". It means hello, goodbye, okay that sounds fine, what the fuck, fuck you, damn straight, etc. I don't have to stop and ask what they mean, I can tell a "what the fuck" from a "sounds fine, see you later"

ppwh's definitions are vaguely how it's used. I tend to use it to mean #1 -- a strip club aficionado, whose regular-in-love phase is years behind him, can see hustle for what it is at least half of the time, and who knows how to work the system. I almost never use it to mean "generic strip club customer" or "truly pathetic strip club customer", but it gets used that way, too.

Avatar for shailynn

How about if you’ve ever left the club with blue balls and an empty wallet, OR you just paid $600 to finish off yourself in front of a stripper in VIP because she wouldn’t touch your peepee then you’re a PL.

Avatar for rane1234

^shocking...anyway if youre in the club paying your a pl of course theres levels to it. Some of the stories on here lol

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Buying dances, buying extras, that whole type of script for interacting with the dancers certainly makes one a PL !!!


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