
Hypothetical - You catch your 16 y/o banging his hot 22 y/o teacher?

Hypothetical - You catch your 16 y/o banging his hot 22 y/o teacher. Say he is junior in HS and the hot teacher is his math teacher. Would you report it to either the school or the cops?

I would play it very low key and approach the teacher and tell her to end it immediately. I would not report it to the school or the cops.

I would do this because of the risk involved in this turning into a major issue for my son, not because out of some moral or legal stance.

I think the parents that report shit like this are damaging there sons for the rest of their live's. Imagine the guilt these kids will carry being part of getting their teachers thrown in jail.

And yea, totally different if it was a daughter. Probably.


  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    This is one of those cases where there really isn't equality between the genders. Having been a 16 y/o, the idea of the government punishing an older women I tried my level best to seduce just seems wrong.

    Maybe it be different if it were a soy boy, but I wouldn't have been feeding my 16 y/o soy from birth.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    Agree with @LoneWolf in all aspects. Just make sure it comes to an end without reporting anything to the school authorities or the cops. Then I'd give junior a pat on the back and tell him to stick with girls his own age.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Tell the teacher she has to do you too or you will report it.
  • etsutwigg222
    7 years ago
    Lone Wolf has the same idea as I do about it. I would talk to the teacher and tell her it has to stop. No use in getting LE involved from the start. Congratulations to son for hitting it, but direct him to the seniors if he wants an older gal!!!
    If it was my daughter and a teacher, I would not want LE involved either. The teacher and I would have a very direct conversation leaving no doubt thgat it was stopped. If I needed assistance, then I would bring my two friends.....Smith and Wesson!!! They always have a way of helping persuade people to see the error of their ways!!!
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    For a change Dougster has a good idea.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    I will play devils advocate here and say, i bet it wouldnt be so cute if your 16 yo son got his teacher pregnant or god forbid, he got an std from his teacher. I dont think it is the same as a male teacher molesting underage girls nor should it be punished as harshly but still, its only cute until something bad happens.
  • FTS
    7 years ago
    why would you not treat the teacher as your son's girlfriend? i.e. ask if they are using protection?
  • azdd
    7 years ago
    What about the leverage you would have on the hot math teacher not to turn her in. She could cut your son off, but still suck and fuck you for a while in exchange for your silence. Of course, that strategy could backfire, but it would be fun while it lasted!
  • bang69
    7 years ago
    I agree with Dougster
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    I'd congratulate Junior but tell him it must stop immediately. Tell him of the problems it will cause, and you don't want your son involved in them. Tell the teacher to stop, I'd turn her in. That's child abuse.
  • FTS
    7 years ago
    I agree with myself
  • Dblednmike
    7 years ago
    I'd have a talk with him and tell him it has to stop, keep his mouth shut about it, especially to his mom, and make sure he was geared up since he's now sexually active.

    I'd have a talk with her and tell her it has to stop. I'd tell her that she needs to quit hooking up with students because the downside is way worse for her if anyone finds out. If she still needs to sneak around with someone make it an adult who understands discretion, like me. LOL

    And yes it's different for a son or daughter... If it were my daughter, the fucker would be gone.
  • NaturalSelection
    7 years ago
    It's amazing just how devoid of morals this place is. The teacher commits a felony with the minor son and we're all here telling him to shut up all the while trying to parlay it into some pussy cause you got the goods on her.

    Awesome work fellas.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    Children are procured from having their name outed but most of the kids at school would know who was involved.

    I think lone_wolf makes some great points in talking with the teacher and son. If my son was the initiator it would be different than if the teacher was holding it over his head for a grade.

    But again with a double standard, even if my daughter was the initiator with the teacher, I would say a male teacher has to be smart enough to know it won't end well. I report him.

    I hope I never have to deal with either scenario.

    Now if a hot female teacher wants to sleep with me to help my kids grade, I'm willing to make the sacrifice. :-)
  • FTS
    7 years ago
    @naturalselection what does the law have to do with morality?
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    Protected not procured. Damn auto correct.

    Also - I would not blackmail a teacher for sex to keep quiet. That's not right either. But I think most of the guys here were joking about using the situation to their sexual advantage.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    ^^ :)
  • Lone_Wolf
    7 years ago
    When I was a senior there was a young stud male business teacher that would flirt openly with a very fine young honey during class. Sure as shit looked like they were fucking and he didn't seem to worried about repercussions. Even for today's standards this honey was fine. Looked like a movie star.

    I think it would take the strength of a titan for a young stud HS teacher not to partake in some of that horny, hormonal charged young fineness. Good thing I never got into education.
  • rattdog
    7 years ago

    "It's amazing just how devoid of morals this place is"
    ahh naturalselectiondude-you do know that you just typed that on a tuscl forum, right?
    devoid of morals yeah? what the fuck did you expect us guys to reply with exactly? what are you -some kind of a sanctimonious prick? FUCK YOU!!!

    if you think just how devoid of morals this place is i'll take it as far and beyond as possible.

    if i had a 16 yr old son that tagged a teacher that was an 8+ or higher well hhmmm let me see... how would the conversation go at home after i found out from the school.

    me: "so i heard you just got busted for nailing your teacher."
    son: "yeah i really mesed up. i'm so sorry."
    me: "dude-you're going to 18 soon-a man's age. you already ahead of the curve. she got any pics on twitter or IG?
    son shows them to me.
    me: "holy shit!!! you fucked that? that's some good shit!!!! give me 5!!!!"
    son: "so you're not mad?"
    me: "mad. fuck no. i'm jealous as fuck if anything. you fuck something like that that makes you the man of he house for a week!!!
    listen i'll talk to the teacher and the school and make sure she won't get canned. say ahh you know if that teacher of yours has a twin sister for some nice friends to set me up with?"
    son: "yeah sure."
    me: "if you still want to bang that bitch go ahead-just don't brag to anyone. you can brag about this shit to me ok? this is our secret. if that teacher sets me up then shit this thing will be what we can call as that thing we like to do in code."
    son: "kinda like la cosa nostra."
    me: "yeah some shit like that. but without gotti, vinnie the chin or guys like that involved."

    bonding with the son-nothing like it.:

  • horndog9
    7 years ago
    it's a much different world than what most of us grew up with:
  • jester214
    7 years ago
    Ignoring everything about the right or wrong of it, I'd still turn her in.

    Why? Because it's probably going to come out anyway because 16 year old's can't keep their mouths shut and I don't want the cops (or mom) asking why I turned a blind eye.
  • jester214
    7 years ago
    I'd also turn her in because teachers shouldn't fuck their students. I think the answer would be different for a lot of you if it was your daughter or your gay son.
  • Liwet
    7 years ago
    I'd blackmail the teacher to get me some action but I don't have kids so maybe I'd handle it differently if I did.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    When I was about 16 I caught a case of the crabs from somewhere. I know it wasn't from sleeping with some girl. My father just smiled, winked at me and said "you've got to watch those toilet seats son".
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @mdfmk888 said "Sometimes it's obvious why young women make men pay for attention."

    LOL, that's very funny
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    First I would start screaming to try to wake myself up from what can only be a nightmare. I mean... I have a kid!?! I guess one of these whores poked a hole in the condom. I mean, you know... if I wore condoms. Ok, whatever. Anyway, what would I do?...

    I love how some of you guys are clutching your pearls about the "immoral" responses you're reading LOL. You want immoral? I'll give you immoral: if it were my son, I would congratulate him on a first-class piece of cooze, tell him not to tell anyone else about this, acknowledge that he probably already had, coach him on how to cry in front of the cameras, and prepare to sue the school district. (But only after he gets tired of banging his hot teacher. After all, you're only young once and I wouldn't want grown-up stuff to get in the way of his fun.)

    And I would basically do the same exact thing if it were my daughter, except that I would anticipate a somewhat bigger legal settlement.

    And if a lawyer told me that we don't have a case (for some reason), or if my kid won't cooperate with my lawsuit, then I would simply take matters into my own hands and blackmail the sonofabitch who's banging my daughter. Because no one bangs my little girl for free.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    i'd say "me too!"
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    I'd say that you were quite discerning as i think the vast majority of "trauma" a teenage boy receives from this type of activity is after they get caught. The sexual "assault" is nothing compared to the manufactured outrage from anyone and everyone lurking out of nowhere. The boy's a supposed victim, but even the labeling as a victim is a negative to his psyche even when applied appropriately. Sometimes he's shamed or ridiculed for no good reason. And that's only the tip of the iceberg.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I agree with Papi.
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    Gotta agree with Dirk on this one. Far far worse to make it public. But if this teacher was banging half the class thats another story. This should be dealt with privately without the knuckleheads in admistration meeting out some harsh justice. You know it is possible there can be a real relationship that is not twisted and fked up. But I may be a skewed opinion since I was deflowered around that age by a 22 or 23 year old. I also have no kids but I would say that means I do not have the immediate primal instinct/ reaction keyed up to "protect" my offspring. A parent does not always a rational or reasonable response.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    Turn her in. Teachers should not be fucking students. Period. Also, not all mid teen boys are emotionally equipped to handle that situation.

    Regarding the legality, keep in mind that in many states 16 YO is the legal age of consent.
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