
Hillary Clinton: We made a person who committed sexual assault president

Saturday, October 14, 2017 10:30 PM
Yes his name was Bill Clinton and you shilled for him so you could stay in power! What a hypocrite this cunt is! [view link]


  • Woodwolck67
    7 years ago
    there have been numerous presidents with sexual history Clinton was the first fully exposed trump being the second. you cant hide stuff like that anymore due to social media plus many other outlets that protect you and your rights
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    Bill Clinton had consensual sex with Monica Lewinsky; Trump groped a bunch a women because he feels his status allows him to do whatever he wants. You probably wouldn't understand the difference @ThreeOSU since you're too repulsive to have any type of unpaid relationship with the opposite sex. What a stupid post.
  • Electronman
    7 years ago
    I agree with randommember. There is a difference between consensual sex with an adult (although Clinton's power relationship complicates this one a bit-- but the sitting President might have a power differential with any potential sex partner) and nonconsensual groping. I also agree that Hillary has no credibility on these matters.
  • NaturalSelection
    7 years ago
    Juanita Broaddrick disagrees.
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    @ RandomMember I usually do not respond in political threads, but the hate filled response you gave to this thread gave me pause. Have you forgot Paula Jones, and the other 2 ladies who laid allegations of non-consensual sex against Bill. Oops and there is just as much evidence against him as Trump. Don't get me wrong, I am not a Trump fan either, but people who have swallowed on party or the others rhetoric to the point they are blinded to truth, frost my ass. Also those who cannot have a political discussion without resorting to personal insults and anger need not join them. Now lets get back to strippers.
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    I also agree that I have grabbed more than a few strippers in the clubs VIP by the pussy, by the butt, by the tits, I might have even pulled s few by the hair in certain positions... So I have no credibility on these matters either. ;)
  • TheeOSU
    7 years ago
    Rumdum moron i'm asking myself why i should even respond to a leftist shill that populates a strip club review website for the soul purpose of spreading leftist drivel and uses his position as a mentor educator to stalk impressionable students for his own sexual gratification similar to what his hero slickwilly did with Lewinsky but Lewinsky didn't even enter into the equation of my OP. The slickster has a very long history of molesting and forcing himself on women going back long before he reached the White House but of course you conveniently overlook that because you're basically the same guy but @ peon level compared to your hero. I don't have the time or come here to argue with a rainbow chaser whose MOA is to instantly insult people that say something he disagrees with because that's how it's spelled out in the leftist handbook but i will inform you that the three way i had with your mom and sister last night was unpaid and they both found me very charming. Now FUCK OFF little boy!
  • TheeOSU
    7 years ago
    "RandomMember I usually do not respond in political threads, but the hate filled response you gave to this thread gave me pause." @ Doces, it's par for the course for him, that's all he's capable of so get used to seeing more of it.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    The Paula Jones case was dismissed out of court, with no admission of guilt. There's absolutely no comparison b/w Clinton and Trump admitting to groping women on tape. Not to mention the whole issue of whether Hillary is responsible for her husband's action. As I said, what a stupid post @OSU. Even for you.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I usually don't respond to political posts but couldn't help myself this time. "The Paul a Jones case was dismissed out of court." I can't recall the outcome of that scandal, but there was a person charging that it was non-consensual. "Trump admitting to groping women on tape." We're there any victims complaining? That's not rhetorical, I don't know. I don't consider either as being good role models when it comes to character. As one poster stated earlier, it is ridiculous that ideology causes so much willful blindness.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    I can't recall the outcome ------------ The outcome is that Paula Jones made out with $800K and there was no admission of guilt. Please try to remember that the OP started a thread about Hillary being a "hypocritical cunt." If you'd like to start a thread about Bill v. Trump, I probably wouldn't have the same reaction.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    OJ never admitted to killing Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. I don't get your point.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I guess if someone doesn't admit to doing something it never happened.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    Clinton never went to jail. The Paula Jones case was dismissed by a judge, and settled out of court. Paul Jones made a nice amount of money. Based on all the evidence, I consider Clinton a womanizer and Trump a pervert who gropes women. It's based on what Trump said on tape.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Clinton also never admitted to "having sexual relations with" Monica Lewinsky. I guess that never happened.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    Clinton lied about having a consensual affair with Lewinsky.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    If your whole argument against Trump is based on what he said it must be true. And none of us have ever boasted of anything that wasn't true? Fishsticks makes it rain $30K VM is a Medal of Honor winner I have a big dick
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    "Clinton never went to jail. " Neither did Trump. In fact, he never went to court. Can't you see the hypocrisy in what you are spewing?
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    No, @Flag. Trump admitted on tape to groping women because of his celebrity. For the last time, there's nothing I've read about Bill Clinton that puts him in the same category of perversion as Trump. ..and I have a big dick, too.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    Gotta go now, @Flag and all my other admirers. I have a hotel date at 4.5 star hotel this afternoon with a cute 19-yr-old econ major at the local State U. It's better academically than Ohio State U, though. I used to get girls like this for free back when I was teaching. These days I pay them -- but I'm sure she loves me. I always give them 8 orgasms, like @JohnSmith.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @RandomMember, Groping and rape are not the same thing. And as far as I know, the only person who has accused Trump of actual rape and has even a shred of credibility whatsoever is his ex-wife, Ivana; the accusation is in a book, published years after the fact, and she eventually withdrew the accusation and even endorsed Trump for President. All of the other allegations against him seem to have surfaced during a presidential campaign and then mysteriously disappeared after the election, making them all seem highly suspect. Trump has probably groped hundreds of women in his life, but to my knowledge, none of them ever went to the authorities. And he did it all while being a rich and famous guy, but NOT while he was a government official. There's a difference. To me, this puts him in the Harvey Weinstein category: repulsive, but probably can't ever be convicted. And the accusers should have said something at the time if they want to be taken seriously. And you know what? Groping or kissing someone just isn't a real crime. I'm sorry, but it isn't. Example: Man gropes and forcibly kisses woman; woman says no, stop, pulls away; man says, "sorry, I thought you wanted it, my bad. I must have misread the signals" and then they go on their merry way. No harm no foul. Bill Clinton is a different story. The Lewinsky thing was completely consensual, but many of the others were not. Some of them did try to go to the Arkansas authorities, but then sometimes the police were in on it, too. Do you remember Troopergate? The evidence against Clinton is pretty strong. At a bare minimum, he abused his power. But he's probably a rapist, too. It's a shame that the republicans chose to focus only on the fact that he lied about consensual sex with Lewinsky.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    I'll keep an open mind, Burlington.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    The only thing we really want to know is if Tillerson called Trump a moron or a Fucking moron. This is new the rest of the shit you guys are talking about is old
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    I usually don't respond in political threads, but Hillary Clinton shouldn't throw stones, given the glass house she lives in. She just refuses to accept her own failure and irrelevancy. But all of us TUSCLers, even lopaw, would have to stop and think about all the girls we have groped in clubs. Are any of us clean enough to throw shade on someone just for his boasts? And be nice to randomloser, you're going to make the sensitive little snowflake cry. Lol
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Bill was already president, and Monica was NOT assaulted. According to her, she was very aggressive going after him.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    From what I recal it was Trump who brought all of this up repeatedly, what a fat fucking hypocrite!
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    "And be nice to randomloser, you're going to make the sensitive little snowflake cry. Lol" --------------- Of course I can't respond to @GammaNut because he has me on ignore. As one of our premier internet pussies, @GammaNut likes to hurl insults and racial epithets, while hiding behind the ignore button. If you happen to read this @GammaNut, I have a very thick skin and never feel any need for "ignore." @ThreeOSU may not understand the difference between assault and a consensual affair (after all, he's never had one) but at least he's not a pussy. Weinstein did contribute to Hillary's campaign and Hillary was swift to condemn Weinstein. She did not go as far as to return the money, but there was a statement that the campaign money was already spent and that the Clintons give 10% of their earning to charity. I think I'm satisfied with that answer.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @gammanu95 said "But all of us TUSCLers, even lopaw, would have to stop and think about all the girls we have groped in clubs." This might have more relevance in the Harvey Weinstein thread. After all, I assume none of us here on TUSCL ever groped a woman while we held a high government office with influence over law enforcement. We were just private citizen perverts, much like Harvey (but unlike Bill Clinton). But other than that, I agree with what you said.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @rockstar666 said "Bill was already president, and Monica was NOT assaulted. According to her, she was very aggressive going after him." This has nothing to do with Monica Lewinsky. Educate yourself. Bill Clinton was a sexual predator who his behind his office. Just because he once had a consensual relationship, that doesn't mean all his relationships were consensual.
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    @BHF- you read way too much into a light-hearted remark meant entirely in jest. Also, I was thinking Pres. Trump more than Bubba in that comparison.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @RandomMember I’d bet that gramma fruit cake reads all of the posts he makes repeated comments about everyone on his ignore list mainly because he actually knows he’s a stupid ignorant fool, who sulks in a corner every time someone puts him in his place. He’s the biggest snowflake on TUSCL. What a fucking crybaby !
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    @Burlington: "Just because he once had a consensual relationship, " ----------------- No, he had many, documented, consensual relationships. Paula Jones and Broddrick are the only two alleged cases of assault that I've ever heard of, and both were dismissed. @25: "He’s the biggest snowflake on TUSCL. What a fucking crybaby !" ----------------------- Yep. A forty-yr-old infant.
  • yahtzee74
    7 years ago
    They're all scum.
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