Detroit - How many nights?

avatar for londonguy
How many nights stay in Detroit would be required for a holiday (vacation) to see enough of every club worth going too for long enough to appreciate them? For example could Flight Club and Penthouse Club (I think it's called) be done in one night or should it be one night per club? How about those other clubs that seem to be more down market? I assume any trip should cover a Friday and Saturday night?


last comment
avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
2 nights would be enough and it doesn’t have to be weekend nights.

Read my guide and it should answer most of your questions.…
avatar for Tiredtraveler
7 years ago
I would say 4; you really need to experience all of Detroit not just the higher end clubs. Bogarts and Henry's are a must visit just to say you have been there.
A good helping of Slutty-Pie is a requirement to get the full experience. LOL
Bogart's, Flight Club, Henry's and Cricket are all close together. You can actually walk from Bogarts to Flight Club.
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
I suppose it depends on how far your are traveling to get there. 2-3 would work for me coming from Atlanta. You would be coming from a lot further and may never get back that way again.
avatar for samsung1
7 years ago
I would check out detroit during the day time. The clubs open around noon and much nicer crowd before 8pm. After 8pm the thugs and gangs come in to hang out.
avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
^^^ totally pulling your chain.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Probably 3 days and nights that way you could hit day and night shifts - PH and FC are on opposite sides of the city so you'd be better off breaking the trips into different segments of the city. The clubs also close at 2 am so you don't have all night lkke in Vegas to due a club-crawl.

Just pick out the clubs that interest you and put a travel-plan together off of that.
avatar for DrStab
7 years ago
I'm a Detroiter -- Shailynn's overview is OK, but a little dated. A few years is a big difference in the SC world. I'm assuming that if you are traveling to Detroit for the SC experience, you want to partake in heavy extra activities. Your schedule will be determined by your financial and physical thresholds. Getting around Detroit is a pain in the ass without a car, so you will need to rent one. I don't see a need to specifically come on a Friday and Saturday unless your schedule dictates that. There is a lot of good daytime activity at the Detroit clubs on weekdays, so that could help you break up your days. I would suggest some high-end places (see the reviews) and maybe some mediums like Criket. I wouldn't do Bogie's or Henry's unless you are looking for some grit and have monetary restrictions.
avatar for WillMunny
7 years ago
Agreed that Shailynn's guide is due due for an update. For example, Penthouse has recently had to remove the curtains in their VIP area (private VIP reportedly still available @ Coliseum).

I'd say at least 3 days are needed to get a "representative sample" of the greater metro club experience. As others have noted, day shift/night shift and weekday/weekend vibes differ and you can plan ahead to optimize your experiences.

I'd say you have to do at least one "Hamilton" club (Bogarts, Henry VIII) to earn the Detroit PL merit badge.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
I ought to write an Orlando Strip Club Guide article. It shouldn't take much time.
avatar for maho
7 years ago

When did PHC's curtain comes down? Have read rumors and speculation. Did you witness this first hand?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
"... I ought to write an Orlando Strip Club Guide article. It shouldn't take much time ..."

Her's the article:

Go to

1) Cocoa Beach or

2) Tampa or

3) Daytona Beach

The end
avatar for Uprightcitizen
7 years ago
Yea 3 or 4 nights will get you the full tour. Dont waste your time on anything outside the detroit area. Detroit 8 mile clubs, Dearborn, Inkster and I would maybe hit Legends in Detroit center.

Just about all these clubs have safe parking. Uber is available if you want to drink too. I highly advise dont go walking to the clubs. Detroit is safer than what is portrayed in the media it is still an urban environment and these clubs are in distressed areas.

Have fun, good luck and maybe post when you are coming if you want to get a tour going.

avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
You stole my article Papi
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
^ fuck you jackie
avatar for TFP
7 years ago
Now this sounds like a fun trip. Hearing about curtains coming down is distressing though. In COI I realized those cum stained curtains are the sole things earning you those easy extras.

London guy I hope you have some great reviews for us once you complete this trip.
avatar for TFP
7 years ago
Although I have to say after reading your reviews about FKKs abroad I would have to imagine that any experience her in the US would pale in comparison.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
7 years ago
Wouldn't mind an answer to the same type of question for any of several other cities. Orlando not. But yes for -- North Miami Fort Walton area, South Miami area, New York City, Toronto, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Dallas, Houston.
avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
I think 2 days would be the minimum. One day for the 8 Mile Road clubs including the Penthouse. One day for Michigan Ave clubs including Flight Club.
avatar for JohnSmith69
7 years ago
I don't see how you could get a good fell for all of the Detroit clubs in less than 3-4 days.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
^ the dude does not have to visit *all* the clubs - just the ones worth visiting according to his preferences - 6 to 8 would probably do
avatar for WillMunny
7 years ago
@maho (et al) - consider this a retraction, I was conflating recent reports from Legends (where the curtains are gone) and the speculation - but so far only that - curtains would come down at Penthouse also. Most recent intel indicates the curtains at Penthouse *are* still there.
avatar for maho
7 years ago
I did a 3 night, 4 day trip this summer clubbing in Detroit. It was great. Did Tuesday night through Friday late afternoon - heading home Friday evening.

Actually heading up this Thursday and Friday for a 2 day/night trip. Would like to do another 3 night, 4 day trip in October before the holidays and before I get slammed at work in January.

As someone who visits Detroit 5-6 times a year to club - I'd stick with the sure things: Penthouse Club, Coliseum, and Flight Club. They are all about 25-30 minutes from each other. I'm not big into club hopping. I'm good hanging out at one of the clubs for up to 6-7 hours, or driving from one to the other if the talent is lacking at my first stop, but that's about it.

In my opinion, one of the biggest decisions is when to hit the clubs. As others have mentioned there can be some excellent dayshift talent at Penthouse Club and Coliseum. In my opinion thought the ratio of hotties increases with nightshift. I would never do Flight Club dayshift. That said, my plan this Thursday will probably be to hit the club around 5:00-6:00ish. I'll catch the tail end of dayshift (mainly as a scouting trip for Friday if someone catches my eye) and then stay however late into nightshift. If I were to get a sense the talent is lacking by around 8:00 or so, it's early enough in the evening to hop to one of the other clubs. I'd avoid trying to get to these clubs too much later in the evening than this, otherwise it can be pretty busy Thursday - Saturday. I've never stayed at Coliseum past 10:00 in the evening, as the evening crowd can be a bit younger and potential to be a bit rougher. The late night crowds at Penthouse and Flight Club are fine.

All this said, the interesting dynamic right now is Penthouse and Coliseum being in the City of Detroit and the whole issue with LE and the curtains. Penthouse and Coliseum are my clear cut 1a and 1b. If I were to get an uncomfortable vide, or if something were to happen at some point with these clubs, my primary club would become Flight Club, and would at that point probably give a club like Cricket a shot.

I stay at Hyatt Places in Livonia, Novi, or one time in Utica. Livonia is going to be closest to Penthouse. Utica closest to Coliseum. Novi seems to be the furthest away from them all, and the 4pm to 6pm traffic gridlock is too much for me to bother with Novi anymore. So the majority of the time now I stay in Livonia.
avatar for maho
7 years ago
Thanks WillMunny. Am going to be in town this Thursday and Friday, and plan to get a first hand look at least one of those days. :-)
avatar for Dougster
7 years ago
I agree: 3 nights should be good if you are visiting in both the day and evening. Longer than that and Detroit gets pretty dreary.
avatar for joeblow44
7 years ago
IMO, Detroit clubs are divided into 3 Segments, Downtown Clubs, 8 Mile Clubs and Michigan Ave Clubs. You could lump Downtown with Michigan Ave clubs in a day, and hit the 8 Mile Clubs the next day. It can be done if you go during the day and night shift. Would be better to take 3 days for such a trip.
avatar for wallanon
7 years ago
"For example, Penthouse has recently had to remove the curtains in their VIP area (private VIP reportedly still available @ Coliseum)."

Was at Penthouse and Coliseum recently (this month), and they both had curtains in their VIP areas. Saw them from the inside.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
Am i the only person that doesn't like to go to so many clubs in such a short time? One, you're already going to be a bit tired from your flight/traveling. Your limitations of time and space might put have you ending up in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong people (in more ways than one). At the end of the first night (assuming i clubbed the entire day), i'd probably have my fill of strip clubs regardless of what i did or where i went. I don't know if i would want to repeat that for a second and third day. I guess i'm just getting old.

Even if you do have a good time, especially if you have a good time, it just gets exponentially more expensive the more clubs you visit. Or you might find yourself spending money just for the sake of spending money. Or being less judicious or picky about spending your money, therefore wasting much more than you would normally if you had more control of the situation or at least the variables. Let's say you've already spent too much time and maybe too much money at one club and then you see "HER". Do you spend even more time and money trying to get with her (as you may not and end up wasting precious time anyway) and end up changing or even canceling your plan for visiting another club that evening. How would you feel about that? Someone mentioned the clubs all closing around 2 am, so many of the girls start leaving before that. The selection will be very different during the day and weekdays versus evenings and weekends. Now, if money is no object to you (along with energy, desire and libido), forget this whole paragraph, but if you're like most people, the returns start to diminish. And time will always be a constant.

i like to enjoy my club visits at my leisure and at my convenience. And if there's nothing good to spend money on, i'd just save it for another time. Such a trip/vacation like the one described above would be more stressful than fun to me, kind of like going to a huge but expensive buffet with unknown menu every day instead of one or two very nice restaurants. Maybe if you were part of a traveling group/bachelor party, it might make more sense. On the rare occasions that i do travel, i don't hit the clubs at a harder pace than i normally would and just try to pick the best one or two (with the help of good reviews and intel). But that's just me. Many others might do this every day of their lives if they could.
avatar for PrimetimeSchein
7 years ago
Alot of great information has already been given. So I'll give you some pointers from a local perspective.

1. If you're looking for HM or Extras AVOID the downtown clubs ie Legends and Bouzokis. The mayor is trying to make downtown more family friendly and they have a hard on for these clubs. Bouz is pretty bad anyway and Legends has amazing talent but due to the curtains coming down it's made everything harder to procure.
2. Location location location. Pick a hotel in the suburbs thats closer to the club you want to go to the most. A rental is a must if you're planning on spanning from FC to Coli. Unless you plan to take ubers but those can get pricey. There are really nice hotel in Troy which is right near I-75 that can take you too 8 mile for PH & Coli. Also being near I-75 can allow you to do nothing but driving to FC. I would recommend picking a hotel near there but just my opinion.

3. Nightshift/Dayshift. FC Dayshift is non existent lol. PH is known for their amazing Dayshift modeled as "the businessman's lunch" so talent is ALWAYS relatively good. Shit PH damn near is always on point in regards to talent. Coli (my home club) Dayshift can be hit or miss. I would suggest going more towards the end of the week for Dayshift there. I've gone somedays at the beginning of the week and it's okay. Thursday usually ALWAYS has good talent plus it's old school night so cheap drinks. Be advised on the weekends Coli gets really crowded and has a nightclub ish vibe as well as a younger crowd. PH gets slammed around 6-7 most nights as well but not as much as nightclub vibe. I can't speak for FC because I haven't been back since the management change.

If you have anymore questions or want some recommendations for the metro Detroit area DM and I'll help you out
avatar for hotdog0007
7 years ago
Enjoyed Penthouse VIP. Curtains ARE in place as of Wednesday afternoon
avatar for maho
7 years ago
Was in Detroit Thursday and Friday. Was at Coliseum Thursday from around 5:00 - 8:30, and at Penthouse Friday from around 4:00 - 8:30. Curtains were up and business as usual at both clubs. Notable observations:

-VIP was temporarily closed at Coliseum when I first got there. Have noticed this before on other visits. Thinking this is because something has tipped them off or has them nervous at that moment about LE. In my experience these instances have always been temporary - i.e. 1-3 hours, then the VIP is back open as normal.

-Crowd seems a bit on the light side Thursday at Coliseum; both when I arrived and when I left. There were plenty of girls - they had 6 stages going the whole time I was there. The clubs 13th year anniversary party was Friday so maybe people were waiting for Friday.

-Same observation regarding the crowd at Penthouse on Friday - just a tad on the light side. They had plenty of dancers - pretty much 4 stages going the whole time.

-Dancer quality was not good. There was one popular PHC dancer there who is hot, but not much else. Did run into a newer dancer who has only been there a month or so who I thought was hot and did a couple of VIPs with her. Otherwise, was going to bail for Flight Club.

Just FWIW....
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