Can't seem to get a consistent answer but does anyone have any experience with some of the VIP sessions at HK (cost, length, dos and dont's)?
Not really looking to take anyone upstairs but wanted to have some fun in the club with a little bit of action rather then the whole enchilada upstairs. Is HK even the right place for this since it is more of a brothel then strip club?
last commentYou sound like a homosexual
TUSCL doesn't really specialize in consistent answers...
Your in TJ not looking for sex LMFAO...why not just stay in the States you Queer
If I ever take the risk to enter TJ I'm fucking up Mexican pussy like all the Rambo movies together
Thats a long bus ride.
$60-$80 upstairs plus modest room fee for 20-30 minutes. I think this is covered in reviews. There are also VIP lap dances available, but almost no one does. If you don't want to go upstairs, don't bother going to TJ. It's like traveling cross country to eat at a steak house, then ordering tofu.
Maybe if you lived in Imperial Beach and didn't consider the trip a hassle, visiting HK a couple of times a week like a local club, it'd make some sense to go to HK for basic titty-grabbing LDK finishes. Even so, I bet the any girl you take to VIP will be trying to upsell you on a room.
Just pay the $50-$100 and hulk smash that Mexican Monkey
Cheap mother fucker LMFAO
I bet a dance is $1
And that's a 10 in Mexico
Or go outside and fuck a 6 for $20
Once again you cheap homosexual
Apparently, you're having fun wrong. Or, at least you're planning on having fun wrong.
mark94 is correct.
Why not just treat the trp upstairs like a VIP? It's still cheaper than most 30 minute VIPs in the US and you can get way more comfortable on a bed than having to squirt around in a couch or booth. You don't HAVE to go all the way if it's not your thing. Just do whatever you wanted to do in the VIP up there. Girl probably won't care, as long as she gets her money. She might be surprised, but who cares?