Worried about my wife getting lap dance in Vegas

avatar for Snowfox6
I am taking my wife to spearmint rhino next month for a visit. I want her to get a lap dance In the VIP with a dancer. But all of sudden I am getting very nervous about the dance because I have been reading about what happens in the VIP and I do not want my wife to be fingered by the stripper, what can I expect for a stripper to do in the VIP? Is it innocent fun or is there more things that go on back in the VIP? Please help, even thinking of canceling the entire outing.


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avatar for georgmicrodong
8 years ago
If you don't want your wife to be fingered in the VIP, just ask the stripper beforehand to eat her out instead. I'm sure she'd be willing, for a fee that is.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
8 years ago
Umm...if she is the one who wants to go and you want to deny her the opportunity you are just asking for trouble later on. Its really her choice if she has the desire for more than a lapper. Its not like its forced on her.

Her enjoyment and yours should be a priority.
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
just get a topless lap dance (or two) in the showroom. $20 a song. no need for vip.
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
I think your wife should go without you.
avatar for crazyjoe
8 years ago
I will shit on your head dukey boy
avatar for Corvus
8 years ago
Have you asked your wife if she wants the stripper to finger her? Or if she might want to finger the stripper? Of if maybe your wife would entertain the idea of the stripper coming back to the room to join both of you? Or maybe just the two of them with you either just watching or maybe even locked out of the room while the girls play with each other?

Dude, talk to your wife if you are so worried. Or don't take her to the club if you are that insecure about it.

You could also take some antiseptic hand cleaner and make sure you clean the stripper's fingers before she takes your wife to VIP.

avatar for ppwh
8 years ago
Don't worry about it, man! I'm pretty sure that any sperm left on the stripper's fingers from the last handjob she gave would be non-viable by the time she fingers your wife. If you want to be extra careful, you could ask the stripper to spray her hands down with Listermint.

On the off chance that a baby of an unexpected color does arrive 9 months after the visit, you would have the choice of two cool names for it, though: Listermint or Spearmint.
avatar for Corvus
8 years ago
Thanks @ppwh, that's the funniest thing I've read all day.
avatar for lopaw
8 years ago
You'd better be more worried that she'll dump your ass & run off with that hot stripper, especially if she ever finds out that you tried to fuck with her sexual escapades.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
8 years ago
Hahaha ppwh! That comment wins you my tuscl trust!
avatar for shadowcat
8 years ago
lopaw stole the words right out of my mouth. :)
avatar for lotsoffun201
8 years ago
Have her wear jeans to the club. She won't get fingered. If you're worried about her boobs coming out.... a turtleneck and padded bra will stop that.
avatar for K
8 years ago
Are you really afraid she might get fingered or that she might get fingered and you wont be there to see it happen?
avatar for JAprufrock
8 years ago
I'm sure your wife was fingered many times before you met her. So what's the big deal if she's fingered once while you're married?
avatar for DoctorPhil
8 years ago
here’s a bit of advice free of charge. you’ve been affected by too much of the pussification of the modern male. your wife has absolutely no desire to even go to a strip club. all she really wants is what EVERY woman dreams of, to be barefoot, pregnant and at home in the kitchen. you’re welcome
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