Moving To Anothet Planet

avatar for shailynn
They never tell you what you need to know.
Enough already!!!!!! It seems every week there's another article about some random planet circling some random star that may be inhabitable.

Why are people so into this? I understand - distant galaxies and science fiction books and films are really interesting but why do people waste all their time with scenarios acting like they or their children may travel off somewhere someday.

We can't even figure out how to keep a bumper on a Cadillac from rusting, how the hell are we gonna send a bunch of fuckers trillions of miles away when there isn't even a fucking Starbucks or Chipotle already there when they arrive?

I guess I should put a disclaimer that if there nuclear war in the next few months I may want to rethink my comments.


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avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
Only worth considering if they have Scotch and Strippers.
avatar for JuiceBox69
7 years ago
After a six pack of four locos and two chipotle burrito I find myself on another planet
avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
You may be able to fart to another planet.
avatar for sinclair
7 years ago
These are articles geared towards millenials who are out of touch with reality. Look at how many people show up to ComicCons, dressed up in cosplay. Look at all these people who go apeshit crazy when a new Star Wars or Harry Potter or Marvel Comics movie comes out. These millenials don't want to grow up, work, and take responsibility. They want to live a parallel existence in some sci-fi fantasy.
avatar for grabbingsomepussy
7 years ago
SJG is my choice to send right away !!
avatar for ime
7 years ago
Send SJG to be the first man to walk on the sun. Give him extra fuel he won't need food, water, or air for his trip.
avatar for warhawks
7 years ago
Why so many articles you ask?

One answer: Alien girls. And/or alien strippers.

We're tired of the earth girls and their stripper shit...
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^^^ Sending the sleeptime rapist as a representative of our species might cause the galactic confederation to attack earth.
avatar for gammanu95
7 years ago
In all sincerity, the more planets we find capable of supporting life, the more likely we are to find life on another planet.
Also, our planet has a shelf life. Whether it's an asteroid, a supervolcano, pollution, or our expanding sun, we will, as a species, need to leave our planet and find a new home. None of these things are likely tomorrow, but the drive of exploration and ambition is an important factor in preventing our own extinction.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^^^Another one to shoot into space, maybe he can find a planet without us porch monkeys.
avatar for warhawks
7 years ago
Earth girls are easy.

Alien girls, you have to travel millions of light years to get them into VIP. But I hear they are worth the trip. Just look how many make the trip over the border to Mexico for some alien pussy.
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
I've met some dancers that are out there already. :)
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
"In all sincerity, the more planets we find capable of supporting life, the more likely we are to find life on another planet. "

True. But I still don't care if there is life on other planets or not.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Shailynn, are we to send some fembots with you?

avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
If we sent real women with you, then we would have to send more oxygen, and food too. But fembots don't need that. So we only need to send along enough oxygen and food to sustain you.

avatar for TheeOSU
7 years ago
Man has stared at the stars since the beginning of time, there's a fascination of the unknown.
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