
Rules for your OTC date

Avatar for MrDeuce

Over the course of many wonderful OTC dates with my ATF, mostly overnight, I was not overly demanding in terms of punctuality, wardrobe, or exact sequence of events, but I did develop a set of rules over time:

(1) No fucking White Castle -- ever.

(2) I won't hold your purse.

(3) Mine will be the only dick in the room.

(4) We can discuss anything except what you do with other customers.

The first two rules were more or less facetious: I would never eat at White Castle by myself, let alone take a date there, and i will hold a woman's purse in an emergency. My third rule was precipitated by her expressed wish for a MFM threesome and my fourth by her tendency to say a bit too much about what she had done with other customers.

Do you think it's appropriate to have a few rules for your OTC dates? Do you have any such rules?


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Avatar for s275ironman

#1 - I would not consider to be important, but chances are an OTC date would not want to be taken to a fast food joint for dinner. Hell, some may even balk at the idea of dining at Applebee's.

#2 - I would not consider this to be important, but from a masculinity standpoint, I myself would not feel comfortable holding their purse

#3 - This one is very obvious, unless you are one of those guys that is into having an MFM threesome

#4 - This is the most ovious one. If there is a guy on these boards that would be OK with their OTC date talking about what they do with other customers, please chime in.

Avatar for Dougster

@MisterDouche: You mean your "boy/girl sleepovers". How come your little pea-brain isn't using that term anymore?


Avatar for Mr_Kay

I agree with the no fast food rule but I'm always surprised how many in shape sexy strippers keep asking for it.

I agree with not holding her purse or anything of hers because I'm not a cunt.

I'm into MFM but only with close friends so I still agree with being the only dick in the room unless I invited a friend.

It doesn't bother me if she talks about other clients. I understand she needs to complain to some one and I enjoy listening about the stupid cunts she encounters

Avatar for shailynn

Ah another one: no drugs, ever.

My OTC outings seem to be one of three types.

  1. Where I have (or perceive to have) a deep connection with the stripper. We definitely do things outside of OTC together.

  2. We are buddies, friends with benefits so to speak, we may do things outside of OTC when together.

  3. We do OTC, and that's it. Usually the moment shes done, she gets up and leaves.

  • I don't want to hear about other guys with #1, when it comes to #2 and #3 I could care less what they talk about, and if that includes other guys, it doesn't bother me.
Avatar for RandomMember

"boy/girl sleepovers"

@MyDouche does OTC with those postmenopausal career strippers that nobody in their right might would approach. More like "grandpa/granny" sleepovers. Picture a Viagra-fest, with dentures in cup on the bathroom sink, plastic liner on the mattress just in case of urinary incontinence, and a phone nearby unless someone needs to call 411.

Avatar for twentyfive

What's your problem with White Castle ?

That is the only fast food joint that I miss, living in Florida where we have none, BTW I haven't eaten in any of the others (McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy's KFC, Taco Bell, Et Al;) in over ten years maybe more. I suspect if I actually ate at a White Castle, I'd probably give them up too

Avatar for McNaffles

I guess each OTC relationship plays out differently and I do feel the need to clear-up certain tendencies by the 3rd or 4th date before it settles as the norm. Never had #1, #2 or #3 as an issue.

Flakiness I do look to reign in, late cancels or "I'll be another 30" turning into 2 hours or more, gets called out.

#4 is interesting. I am quite keen usually to gauge how many current 'dates' she has, and as we work through the various services I develop an idea of what she seems more and less practiced at. Certainly once we know each other pretty well it is fun to hear some of their funny war stories of 'dates' which didn't go to the script.

Avatar for rh48hr

I would agree with shailynn -- no drugs. I know there are mongers who are ok with it and I know there are a lot of strippers who do drugs. But if they want my money, they have to follow this rule. What they do on their own time is their business, on my time they have to do it my way.

This rule might cost me otc opportunities ... it's ok, I can live with it.

I would also agree with no other dicks in the room and I would prefer not to discuss other dudes she's fucking or have fucked.

Avatar for doctorevil

Ironman: "Hell, some may even balk at the idea of dining at Applebee's."

I have never had one balk at Applebee's. I don't feed them often, but I have actually had a couple express a preference for Applebees. Of course most of my clubbing is in mid-tier clubs and l'm not pretending the girls I hook up with are med school students making extra $$.

Avatar for jackslash

I mostly agree, but I will hold a purse.

As for drugs, drinking and pot smoking are OK with me. The harder drugs...well, they may have taken anything before meeting up with me. And they can always go to the bathroom and snort some powder or take a pill. It may be what they need before having sex with a PL.

Avatar for HungryGiraffe

Like you and your ATF, my SB and I try to do overnights whenever possible. We consider that a rule. Another rule is no exchange of funds during OTC playtime, except for courtesy gas money or other low dollar need. We handle all funding through the electronically deposited monthly allowance. That's my rule.

Glad this OTC-related post popped up. Dealing with strippers who expect me to be their "regular" ITC if they are doing OTC with me. Rejecting that shit! I want to be able to spend time with whoever I want. I control my wallet dammit. Dropped one OTC chica over the issue. May have to drop another. I'm asserting how I want to operate in a no extras, no lap dance club. Lots of OTC opportunities, but the girls want to be treated "special" ITC. They run in clicks and are open to their friends sitting with them, but not girls outside their little click. They get ticked off if I invite someone outside their click to join my table. May have to work this club one dancer at a time, sitting with whoever I want. Interesting situation that doesn't happen, or happens less, at high mileage clubs. Girls in extras-friendly clubs get it that guys will have multiple high mileage relationships.

Avatar for HungryGiraffe

So not linking OTC to how I operate ITC is a rule.

Avatar for BigPoppa99

My first time ever at an Applebee's , was when she wanted it. Hey they were both cheap. lol

Avatar for JohnSmith69

My rules.

  1. Dont watch the clock. I am not paying by the hour. She can leave when things naturally wind down but not before.

  2. Dinner beforehand unless one of us has a very good reason not to.

  3. I know she's not really my girlfriend but I expect her to do a damn good imitation of my perfect girlfriend while we are together.

  4. She must dress in a very revealing outfit. I want to see tits during dinner.

Avatar for MrDeuce

Excellent rules, JS69! I guess I've also always had an implicit "no clock-watching" rule. If dinner + overnight + brunch runs to 16 hours (as it often does), so be it!

I also insist on feeding my OTC girl before and/or after our fun. On overnight dates, I've always taken her out to really nice restaurants at the beginning of the date and usually to really nice brunch spots afterward, except on a couple of occasions when she fixed breakfast for us and a couple of times that I was kind of, um, slow in the morning and we ran out of time for brunch :)

Come to think of it, I also insist on the complete GFE. If she can't pretend to be my girlfriend during the date, I just won't see her again. Fortunately, two of my three OTC girls, as well as my new CF who is about to spend an OTC afternoon with me, have been totally down with GFE.

Your fourth rule about the revealing outfit isn't necessary for me, because her mere presence is eye candy enough, and I know that outfit is coming off soon after the date anyway. Besides, my ATF usually wore a little black dress and no bra on dates. As an added turn-on, she sometimes removed her thong just before we left her apartment for dinner or brunch.

Conclusion: JS69's first three rules should be added to my list.

Avatar for MrDeuce

Clarification: Of my four rules for OTC dates:

(1) No fucking White Castle -- ever.

(2) I won't hold your purse.

(3) Mine will be the only dick in the room.

(4) We can discuss anything except what you do with other customers.

Rule (1) symbolizes my unwillingness to take her anywhere besides nice restaurants, generally ethnic, steak, or seafood. I really do hate White Castle (sorry, twentyfive!), but it merely represents all fast-food restaurants.

Rule (2) is an assertion of my masculinity but isn't absolute. Under certain rare conditions I'm willing to hold a woman's purse.

Rule (3) is absolute. My CF has proposed a FMF threesome, which I'm open to. My ATF, with whom I'm on a four-month hiatus that may well be permanent, suggested a MFM threesome on our second VIP which I summarily rejected with the "only dick in the room" line.

Rule (4) is also absolute. Hearing what she has done with other customers either ITC or OTC detracts from the girlfriend fantasy that I value so highly.

Avatar for jackslash

MFM threesome is gay.

Rule 4 about what she has done with other customers. I would make an exception for what she had done with female customers--I like hearing about girl-on-girl action.

Avatar for rh48hr

I want to clarify if you consider alcohol a drug, this does not fall under my no drugs policy.

I think I will add JS69's first three rules to my list as well.

Avatar for RandomMember

@Smith wrote: "I know she's not really my girlfriend..."

@Smith is so rational and unemotional these days. What's up with that? There was a period of six months where he would write feature-length erotic literature about his dream stripper almost every day! And despite paying truly exorbitant amounts of money for sex, he declared he was in love with his teenage prostitute -- not once, but over and over again. He was so despondent they parted ways.

What's up with that John and what's with the new logical attitude? Do you have a new therapist or something?

Avatar for Subraman

While I don't want to hear sex stories about her and her other OTC customers, I DO absolutely love to hear stories about guys who do stupid things, insult the girls accidently, forget their money, or anything else the girls want to vent about. Totally get a kick out of it.

Agree with JS's first two rules: no clock watching, and most of the time we'll be doing lunch/dinner & drinks at minimum. She doesn't have to act like my girlfriend, I'm often fine if they just act like crazy fun party girls, but she does need to keep a good amount of her attention on me (hopefully Ikeep up my half of the conversation so it's easier)...

Avatar for MrDeuce

Yes, Subraman: no sex stories about other customers. That's absolute -- the fantasy that my OTC girl is my girlfriend is crucial to me. But she can make fun of other customers as much as she wants.

Avatar for RandomMember

I might add:

(1) For paid OTC, she should be very attractive and 18->24

(2) She should not give me an STD

(3) No concealed weapons or surprise meetings with pimps or drug dealers

(4) She should not tell my wife or attempt any form of extortion.

Avatar for ButterMan

Look cute and smell good are usually what I tell them!

Avatar for doug1

Enlightening discussion.

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