That's kind of a dumb thing to be posting especially here, there are lots of diverse opinions on this board but no one is able to do any more, than put you on ignore, so for the most part even with posters saying stupid shit, there is no oppression here. Maybe some bigotry but that seems to go both ways, on this board.
Easy to explain. We didn't create the racist and oppressive society. The world was racist and oppressive when the United States of America was born. The USA and it's Constitution were the best thing in the world to facilitate the change of oppression and give equality. So far it's done great compared to world history but it is still a work in progress. Things are still improving.
I will assume your premise is valid for the sake of discussion.
Just because we value something doesn't mean we have it. We strive for it but may never achieve it. We each have a different definition of what freedom and fairness mean. Even if we did have a common definition, no one knows how to achieve the goal.
Fagooner, shut up unless you are gay or disabled. Straight, able-bodied white men face the least amount of oppresion of any demographic group. Unless you are old as fuck, which could be the case. Then you can cry Ageism.
There is no way 25% of people on this board are blatantly racist. I can think of a few, however. The most notorious was BonedBrother. But then there is also gaymanu, MisterDouche, anonlvone (who is gone now). What does that get us to? <5%? No way it's 25%.
I guess of counting the number of racist on this board is another consequence of Nina apparently being off her psychiatric meds. "Oh my god! Everyone is obsessed with me! OMG! 25% of the board are racists!" Next she'll be seeing snakes coming out of her walls.
Meat72 doesn't know me and hasn't met me but since I'm mixed he (unprovoked) told me my hair was nappy, skin was ashy, falsely accused me of thinking OJ is innocent, said my household was probably very noisy during the trial, and falsely accused my mom of having at least 3 baby daddies by the 90s, all in the same thread. Idk how one can say those remarks weren't racially driven. I personally would love to go all Inglourious Basterds on him and carve a swastika on his forehead. Gammanut, too.
'I thought you learned not to come at me Nina.' You have yet to put me in my place. Keep trying.
'I'll be easy on you, since your customers (johns) say you like it rough.' Don't make up lies little boy - that's what losers here do who have no actual insults against me, which makes me VERY happy. You're basically stroking my ego. Johns get sex. I don't provide that to anyone but my boyfriend and I don't work at an extras club.
"And the young black guys get the babes for free." 'I think you meant babies instead of babe.' No that would be JS69 and you know it.
Nina: "You have yet to put me in my place. Keep trying
Think he slam dunked you with the babies thing above. Your attempted comeback might have scored a too weak defense at best, if it wasn't for the "for free" part. As it is it just makes no sense at all and you just bombed it.
OMG, you thought I meant have sex with babies? That is just a sick thought. That someone's mind would even go there, wow. You are one sick puppy. If that's how you think maybe you should get some counseling.
I apologize for attempting to have a little fun. When you wrote on your profile that you can take it and dish it right back I thought it would be fun to debate you, but I prefer not to engage with pedophiles.
My back and forth with you before was always meant in fun with no hard feelings or animosity intended. I took your profile statement as a challenge and tried to have fun with it. But I am no match for that kind of thinking, and quite honestly I'm happy for it.
So if I am understanding correctly, the general consensus here is that black men get babies for free and other races pay to have babies? Are we relating this to non-black Johns knocking women up? After all, they paid for the baby by paying for sex. My dad is white, perhaps I'm confused by the logic of you guys here who apparently have PhD's on black men. You've studied them longer and harder than I have! Lol.
Nina proves to us again ignorance knows no color. Her statements in regards to me have nothing to do with racism. I think she's playing the bait and switch game like so many in the Black Lives movement did. There is only racism when it applies to oppression, yet comments on a strip club website hardly fall in the category of racism. She's the one who's admitted to having her hair dresser straighten her hair, being part black, and involving herself in the sex industry (hence the term nappy headed hoe). All facts she freely gave out on tuscl and then turns around and claims racism when those terms are used by someone other than herself. She epitomizes the victim of those who cry "racist" in a drop of a hat. It's why most of America is fatigued of the uneducated poor who use this card as an excuse for their situation or lack of being able to rise above it. She's shown her ass through and through. I feel sorry for the people she claims to represent.
Lol Meathead, DO NOT even try to say your comments toward me weren't racially motivated. It is clear and it is obvious and any objective person reading what you said would be able to see the racial overtones - although I barely can call it an overtone because it was pretty blatant. And I KNEW that although *you* brought your little racial remarka into the conversation that when confronted you would spin it around like I did something wrong and deny it in the same exact manner that you did. You attacked me using typical stereotypes of blacks because you know I am part black. You said what you said. Own your shit you damn coward.
"Own your shit", Nina! Remember you start all the shit you get. Ignorant people like you don't know you're ignorant. It's why the confirmation bias exists. Also, you claim that you are this all knowing and knowledgeable person, but you don't ha e the experience or the education to back it up. Dougster is right when a liberal arts education is no replacement for intellect.
You just keep getting put in your place as a loser and won't even see your faulty comments. A stripper is the only thing you'll be good at, because that is a profession where lying is an asset. You lie so much you even start to believe your lies are the truth. You're a sad state of someone who thinks of themselves as successful. You're a successful con artist and you e even conned yourself. Still no evidence of racism on my part yet you keep trying to look for it.
The United States was built on racism. And it still continues to this day. But racism itself is not the real issue, rather, that is used to pit working people off against each other. The underlying idea is that there are worthy people and unworthy people, and that we need to have lots of cops and prisons, as well as guns, to keep the unworthy people inline. And as long as people believe this, we will continue to have extreme economic stratification.
The good side is that once in a while there are popular movements which come along which oppose this.
Up through the mid-60's this country was generally on track with Western Europe. Canada's universal healthcare systems was modeled after our Medicare.
But then, as there were civil rights gains, particularly in the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act, this allowed people like Richard Nixon, Paul Weyrich, and Lee Atwater to play upon this country's history with racism and religion, and so we have had these wedge issues and Nixon's Southern Strategy.
Religion and the 2016 Election: Historical Context and Unusual Alliances - Prof. Randall Balmer…
This country was dicey to start with. The Declaration of Independence was high minded, and it was necessary in order to unify the colonies and bring and end to British rule. But whereas the Declaration championed constituted popular sovereignty, the Constitution was drafted in order to protect property from such constituted popular sovereignty.
And so the problems started coming to the surface right away, as Southerners used the 3/5's clause to dominate the House of Representatives, the Electoral College, the White House, and the Federal Judiciary.
So on July 4th 1854, at Framingham Massachusetts, William Lloyd Garrison proclaimed the Constitution as a "Covenant With Death", and burned it.
And what we have as the legacy of 3/5's today is the Electoral College.
In 1977 Senator Birch Bayh from Indiana attempted to amend said Constitution and replace the Electoral College with the popular vote.
And today there are increasing calls for Single Payer Universal Health Care and Citizenship Pay, as well as for Criminal Justice Reforms.
And now I am reading about calls for protecting the welfare of children, rather than trying to punish the mothers by starving said children:…
So this country has always been an experiment, and there remain sever problems. But these problems can be corrected.
Meathead, I start all the shit? LMAO. Should I bring up the thread where you STARTED with me with your racially driven, unprovoked comments? You're delusional. How old are you? Do you suffer from memory loss, delusions, and hallucinations? You're an old fart and I can't wait till you croak. Dumb fuck. You tried to bait ME by bringing race into your old perv driven rants so I could call you the racist you are and you could say "Nina is crying racism!" You were saying racist shit and you know it little boy. You are pathetic. Go do something that makes you happy you old racist grump.
I can't wait til Nina realizes her dream of being a JD fails. She will then rationalize it somehow, probably due to some racist who got in her way. This much I can tell you, the majority of those positions are filled in the government sector, either by being elected or appointed. Hence, Nina'a chances of being elected or appointed are zero, due to her background of whoring herself out in the Detroit strip clubs. Nina, you know so little and not one of my posts had a shred of racism. Calling someone nappy headed is not racist by any means. The same as you calling me bald. Lol!
Why the fuck would I get a law degree and go into the government sector? I want money. I will be a business lawyer in the private sector and you will probably be dead by then anyway. Get my name tatted on your forehead since you crave me every day.
Lol! Looks like I have more fans who like me than Nina. She's a waste of bandwidth.
I win again! It's hard to beat down a clueless girl time and time again. I need to move on and find a challenge with someone who can match my intellect. Nina is simply a nappy headed hoe.
It's funny that Nina is calling Meat "old". AFAIK, Meat has never commented on his age. Or the whether or not he is bald for that matter. Nina completely flips out when people make comments about without having met her, but then it's okay for her to call people "bald" and "old" without meeting them? Don't think she'll get anywhere close to being a lawyers of she can't even argue here w/o a million contradictions blatantly obvious for all to see.
I think it's funny that Nubster and Meathead exist.
I've obliterated you both, countless times. A bitch gets tired of beating the same person's ass again and again and again. Same issue here. I get under your skin, you guys act like children. Pathetic. Enough said.
Nina has a psychological condition called depressive/high anxiety. It causes her to become obsessive over things she can't control and hence lose perspective on the topics at hand. In other words, she goes overboard and tries compensating for her lack of understanding, hence her constant lying. She lies to get money, she lies to get attention, and she lies to herself about how great she is. Majority of tuscl members agree with me.
She has become another one of tuscl's punching bags, second behind SJG. If Nina met me she would definitely fall for my good looks, charm, and endless financial success. She has no idea how close in age we are, yet her bigotry keeps her from acknowledging it here.
Estafador, it's good you have humor to go along with your clubbing experience. You'll do alright in life with that attitude. Keep away from the victim culture that Nina subscribes to and success will always find you. Amen!
@Meat: You've got to admit that has to be one of the funnier episodes on TUSCL. Nina shows up with attitude all like:
I have a fuckin' 3.6 GPA. I fuckin' have 120 credit in political science. I fuckin' attend an obscure community college You fuckin' loser probably only graduated high school!
And then all that backfires on her, and people just make of her for it. Yeah, I don't know. In my circles, and I imagine any normal person's nobody gives a fuck about your GPA or the school you went to or even your degree. You get an interview and prove your intelligence/social skills or lack there of and you're hired or your not. One thing I'm sure of is if a candidate ever brought up their GPA or bragged about the school they went too (and especially if it was just an obscure community college) that would mark such little social sense it would be very unlikely they would get hired. But I guess Nina is so socially unaware due to her anxiety disorder she has no idea what people value in others and what they could care less about.
The topic did say it all. It was stated as a fallacy and the op never corrected it. This was at least an appeal to ignorance and possibly a pretty sad example of begging the question. I don't think he's capable of stating a solid debatable question, which can easily be disproved if he wants reword and clarify himself.
"I fuckin' have 120 credit in political science. I fuckin' attend an obscure community college"
I'm pretttty sure the community colleges around me don't offer bachelor's degrees... 120 credits are what a bachelor's degree consists of.
You're literally putting words in my mouth that I did not say. Very unsanitary, not to mention pathetic as fuck. Your only attempt to insult me is to lie? Try harder, little one.
And YOU are the one who constantly talks about my gpa. Not me. I have no idea why that makes you so bitter you creepo.
I don't think Americans cherish freedom at all. We say we do, but we sure don't act like it. We have the largest prison population in the world by far (both as a % and raw numbers) and even today the vast majority is for non violent drug crime.
Now our president is proposing laws that will severely constrain our freedom of the press, which is the most precious of all our freedoms.
Black people get pulled over at substantially larger rate than white people for no reason other than driving while black. That's freedom?
I can't smoke pot in the safety of my home without risking arrest if a cop should come to my door. But since I'm white he'll likely ignore it. If I were black I'd be arrested.
We all talk the talk of freedom...I wish we'd walk the walk.
The United States of America is not a racially oppressive society. Any statement to the contrary is inherently false. Citizens of all ethnicities, religions, and cultures still enjoy more freedoms and a better quality of life than anywhere else in the world. Our standards for fairness and equality falter when courts, politicians, the press, and other authority figures use their authority as outlets for their own activism. That is also what enrages counter-activism in the affected population.
A lot of people will see racism everywhere they look. If they would stop looking through a prism of falsely perceived racial injustice, they would realize how little there is. It's the same principle as "if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail."
Dougster I agree with your thoughts about Nina, yet she will never be aware of her ignorance. Much like how a ritard can be so happy with their life. With Nina, ignorance is bliss. Wait til her first defeat in court as a lawyer, she will claim the judge is racist against her and the law.
Who am I kidding, she can't pass the bar exam. Even if she did, she has no court side manner to convince anyone her lies are believable.
Her feign attempts at pointing out racism is childish. Racism keeps people from attaining a job, a home, and other inalienable rights. She expands that definition to include trivial comments. Next thing you know she'll be calling you racist for calling her out on her basket weaving class! In her case it's her nappy headed weaving class.
Gamm95: I agree with you; we all have freedom compared to lots of other countries. It's just that black people don't have quite as much freedom as white people in America. If you have no problem with that, than my point stands. If you DO have a problem with that, than my point stands.
rockstar666 --> "It's just that black people don't have quite as much freedom as white people in America."
I think a lot of the problem is (multi-)generation poverty as well as the concentration of it in their (predominantly) black communities.
We've tried LBJ's War on Poverty. The welfare state probably made it worse. We tried busing (to address the schooling) in Cleveland. That didn't work for a few reasons least of which is the home-life (lack of parental guidance, lack of n home reading of books, etc.) was still the same.
I don't know what the "fix" is. I think people have to WANT to succeed against all odds. It's a work ethic and persistence problem. Anger management classes might help some. Delayed gratification and christian values for others might also help. It's a big problem. It's really a class problem.
I disagree. Blacks have MORE freedom than whites. Black only colleges. Blacks only housing. Blacks only spaces. Blacks only networks and professional associations. Blacks only scholarships. Quotas and affirmative action. If anyone tries to start a whites only anything it is inherently racist. I don't have a problem with anything except the hypocrisy. Everyone gets all of the same, or no one gets any. Others may argue about the differences in black and white incarceration rates, etc. Bullshit. The people who do the crimes get the punishment. White trash are just as likely to get railroaded as black thugs. Black businessmen are just as likely to receive leniency as professional whites. I'm white as can be, but I've lost count of how many times I've been pulled over on a BS claim of speeding or failing to signal just because I was leaving a dive bar, cutting through a black neighborhood, and once in my first F100 because it was so out of place in the million dollar homes (I was seeing a friend at his folks' house). No racism is far less prevalent than those who profit and benefit from it would have you believe. The mainstream media are one of the worst purveyors of this myth.
Welfare exists to regulate poor people, to make them submit. If it were to care for the poor, well for one thing, it would give more money and other benefits.
LBJ's War on Poverty was ambitious. But has been under attack every year since.
Probably about 1969 was the high point for basic wage earners. Since, the situation has been in continual decline.
I agree with @GammaNut. Those fucking porch monkeys get all the breaks with affirmative action and government preferences. Not like we have slavery now or anything. And that leader of the porch monkeys we used to have in office, who had the gall to redistribute income in such a way that keep people alive. Fuck that!!
... good thing we have a decrepit, senile old white fuck in office now.
^^^^^^ You know that most blacks are poor, and work marginal jobs. Not all, but most. Would you want to live like that, or do you just blame the victims of an unjust society, because that makes you feel you you're something.?
Here's a terrific youTube video for @Che, @MrDeuche, and @GammaNut. It's our very own Randoid, Rand Paul, telling the world that he has read every single Ayn Rand novel in high school. Turns out his legal name is Randall, kids called him Randy growing up, and his wife shortened his name to Rand. Get this -- his name has absolutely nothing to do with Ayn Rand!!!
Now my handle "Random" is actually a tribute to Rand and Ayn Rand. Those minorities are just parasites feeding off my taxes. TYRANNY!!!
@Nina: Let's not forget your bad judgement. When you thought you were serious going to get away with arguing that lawyers are smarter than engineers because for engineers they just apply memorized formulas to everything. You got smacked down on that one as bad as you did on your cries about racism in America here and number of racists on this board. But I guess a person like you is pretty used to losing by now. Because of all the practice you get.
There's a bunch of bait click here and as a black man it's very tempting to jump in. But I'm here for ass and titties...and laughter. This hits none of those subjects. So I'll just exit stage left.
"Blacks have MORE freedom than whites." Is that why blacks are sent to prison at a disproportionate rate and given harsher sentences than whites for the exact same crime? Which is slavery by the way. Yes, slavery still exists --- one who is incarcerated is technically a slave. Unless you want to remain willfully ignorant, do some research.
"Black only colleges." They are not "black only," they are historically black colleges that were created back when blacks were not allowed to attend regular universities. They are very open to letting white students attend. So open, in fact, that until the 90s, many of them had significantly lower admissions standards for whites to encourage them to attend. Again, do some research.
"Blacks only spaces." Um... no... the back of the bus is now for anyone.
"Blacks only networks and professional associations." Black only networks like BET, which was created because other music networks, like MTV, wouldn't air black artists? How dare they create a network where they can see their race and culture represented!
"Blacks only scholarships." And there are and have been "whites only scholarships" as well. One was founded in 2004 by a man named Jason Mattera. There was also the Caucasian Achievement and Recognition scholarship. And KOPSES, another scholarship for whites. Not to mention the plethora of scholarships for whites; there are scholarships for Irish-Americans, Polish-Americans, Italian-Americans, German-Americans, and just about every person of European descent. Please learn.
I remember when Nina was calling out everybody on here who stated Trumobwas going to win the election and Hilary has it easily in the bag. I think she said she would move or do something drastic if Trump won, but of course it was more lies fabricated by her usual standard of business.
If anything we've learned, if fascism ever comes to the USA, it will be because of liberalism.
Above was supposed to read "calling out everybody who said Trump was going to win" because Nina thought Hilary was going to win handily. She guaranteed it.
I'm only obsessed with refuting stupid people on tuscl. SJG, Nina, SuckingCockstar666, HughGRectum, etc.
Rockster, nowhere did I write that I wanted "white only" anything. I wrote that I wanted to eliminate those things which exclude people based on demographics that are not equally available to every demographic. That's not Trumpism, it is, however, separate but equal- which is inherently unequal. That is why I want to see it ALL eliminated, and replaced with something equally available to all American citizens, and only American citizens. It's incredibly ironic that 50 years ago, SJWs sacrificed to enact full racial integration and equality for all Americans; but today their grandchildren are protesting to restore segregated spaces and implement special treatment and exclusive privileges for specific demographics. Snowflakes and idiots.
^^^You know I really don't agree with Rocks politics, but I don't find him hateful or repulsively bigoted like that other moron, so wow I find it very strange indeed.
Ever since I put the snowflakes, pinheads, and racebaiters on ignore, I've actually begun to enjoy these threads a bit. Someone responded but I cannot see the post, so I can safely assume it came from one of the fools, tools, and losers. Lmao
possible Trump campaign slogans through the years:
2016: Make America Great Again. Bring back manufacturing, steel, and coal. 1900: Make America Great Again. Bring back family agriculture. 10,500 BCE: Make Mesolithic Great Again. Bring back Hunting/Gathering
I mean an entire pen of female goats will not produce ONE baby goat. Not one! Clearly animal husbandry is a progressive hoax. Don't get me started about parthenocarpic crops. Fake news.
Lolololol I totally forgot that thread when gammanut STARTED A FIGHT WITH ME, got obliterated as usual, then proclaimed that he was blocking me. Like an angry frat boy who got rejected. I made him my bitch. It's so satisfying to know I mean a racist trollie nutcase put ME on ignore because the motherfucker couldn't beat me.
@Nina bragging about beating an inbred sheet wearing member of the KKK is unseemly, he gets his ass whipped every time he engaged with any normal halfwit.
There Nina goes again, arguing with someone else and throwing out the red herring in making claims of victory.
Fact is f2f she would get routed on a debate with such little life experience. Online she can be an internet fantasy of her own liking, but we all know she is a ghost of such presence. More fake news on her part.
last commentJust because we value something doesn't mean we have it. We strive for it but may never achieve it. We each have a different definition of what freedom and fairness mean. Even if we did have a common definition, no one knows how to achieve the goal.
I'll be easy on you, since your customers (johns) say you like it rough.
"And the young black guys get the babes for free. "
I think you meant babies instead of babes.
# Country
% Who don’t want neighbours of another race
% of people who witnessed racist behaviour
1 India 43.6 64.3
2 Lebanon 36.3 64.4
3 Bahrain 31.1 85.7
4 Libya 54.0 33.5
5 Egypt N/A 39.7
6 Philippines 30.6 49.1
7 Kuwait 28.1 37.9
8 Palestine 44.0 32.0
9 South Africa 19.6 61.8
10 South Korea 29.6 36.5
11 Malaysia 31.3 34.4
12 Nigeria 21.0 42.5
13 Iraq 27.7 37.8
14 Kyrgyzstan28.1 35.9
15 Ecuador 34.5 32.0
16 Algeria 19.8 41.0
17 Pakistan 14.5 48.8
18 Yemen 34.0 31.2
19 Hong Kong 18.8 40.4
20 Russia 17.0 38.5
21 Thailand 39.8 19.0
22 Cyprus 26.7 26.1
23 Turkey 33.8 19.1
24 Morocco 13.8 35.6
25 Japan 22.3
Inglourious Basterds on him and carve a swastika on his forehead. Gammanut, too.
You have yet to put me in my place. Keep trying.
'I'll be easy on you, since your customers (johns) say you like it rough.'
Don't make up lies little boy - that's what losers here do who have no actual insults against me, which makes me VERY happy. You're basically stroking my ego. Johns get sex. I don't provide that to anyone but my boyfriend and I don't work at an extras club.
"And the young black guys get the babes for free."
'I think you meant babies instead of babe.'
No that would be JS69 and you know it.
(Sorry John, couldn't resist lol)
Think he slam dunked you with the babies thing above. Your attempted comeback might have scored a too weak defense at best, if it wasn't for the "for free" part. As it is it just makes no sense at all and you just bombed it.
I wasn't aware he was a deadbeat dad.
OMG, you thought I meant have sex with babies? That is just a sick thought. That someone's mind would even go there, wow. You are one sick puppy. If that's how you think maybe you should get some counseling.
I apologize for attempting to have a little fun. When you wrote on your profile that you can take it and dish it right back I thought it would be fun to debate you, but I prefer not to engage with pedophiles.
I'm glad talking about racial issues can be fun for you!
Would you prefer they don't be discussed and just ignored. Nothing improves that way.
LOL. Haven't traveled much have ya Nina?
Remember you start all the shit you get. Ignorant people like you don't know you're ignorant. It's why the confirmation bias exists. Also, you claim that you are this all knowing and knowledgeable person, but you don't ha e the experience or the education to back it up. Dougster is right when a liberal arts education is no replacement for intellect.
You just keep getting put in your place as a loser and won't even see your faulty comments. A stripper is the only thing you'll be good at, because that is a profession where lying is an asset. You lie so much you even start to believe your lies are the truth. You're a sad state of someone who thinks of themselves as successful. You're a successful con artist and you e even conned yourself. Still no evidence of racism on my part yet you keep trying to look for it.
The USA could be the least racist country in the world and the OP could still be true.
I question the premise. Do we value fairness? Many do not. Many value power and money and prefer things to be in their favor.
The good side is that once in a while there are popular movements which come along which oppose this.
Frances Fox-Piven…
Up through the mid-60's this country was generally on track with Western Europe. Canada's universal healthcare systems was modeled after our Medicare.
But then, as there were civil rights gains, particularly in the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act, this allowed people like Richard Nixon, Paul Weyrich, and Lee Atwater to play upon this country's history with racism and religion, and so we have had these wedge issues and Nixon's Southern Strategy.
And its not even close to over yet:
True Origins of the Religious Right…
Religion and the 2016 Election: Historical Context and Unusual Alliances - Prof. Randall Balmer…
This country was dicey to start with. The Declaration of Independence was high minded, and it was necessary in order to unify the colonies and bring and end to British rule. But whereas the Declaration championed constituted popular sovereignty, the Constitution was drafted in order to protect property from such constituted popular sovereignty.
And so the problems started coming to the surface right away, as Southerners used the 3/5's clause to dominate the House of Representatives, the Electoral College, the White House, and the Federal Judiciary.
So on July 4th 1854, at Framingham Massachusetts, William Lloyd Garrison proclaimed the Constitution as a "Covenant With Death", and burned it.
And what we have as the legacy of 3/5's today is the Electoral College.
In 1977 Senator Birch Bayh from Indiana attempted to amend said Constitution and replace the Electoral College with the popular vote.…
And today there are increasing calls for Single Payer Universal Health Care and Citizenship Pay, as well as for Criminal Justice Reforms.
And now I am reading about calls for protecting the welfare of children, rather than trying to punish the mothers by starving said children:…
So this country has always been an experiment, and there remain sever problems. But these problems can be corrected.
I believe that there is a beautiful world which is within our reach.…
Neil Young - Heart of Gold (Live at Farm Aid 1985)…
I can't wait til Nina realizes her dream of being a JD fails. She will then rationalize it somehow, probably due to some racist who got in her way. This much I can tell you, the majority of those positions are filled in the government sector, either by being elected or appointed. Hence, Nina'a chances of being elected or appointed are zero, due to her background of whoring herself out in the Detroit strip clubs. Nina, you know so little and not one of my posts had a shred of racism. Calling someone nappy headed is not racist by any means. The same as you calling me bald. Lol!
Because it will take her 40 years to get her degree from the local community college.
I win again! It's hard to beat down a clueless girl time and time again. I need to move on and find a challenge with someone who can match my intellect. Nina is simply a nappy headed hoe.
I've obliterated you both, countless times. A bitch gets tired of beating the same person's ass again and again and again. Same issue here. I get under your skin, you guys act like children. Pathetic. Enough said.
She has become another one of tuscl's punching bags, second behind SJG. If Nina met me she would definitely fall for my good looks, charm, and endless financial success. She has no idea how close in age we are, yet her bigotry keeps her from acknowledging it here.
Estafador, it's good you have humor to go along with your clubbing experience. You'll do alright in life with that attitude. Keep away from the victim culture that Nina subscribes to and success will always find you. Amen!
Because without oppression, strife, and class warfare, the democrat party would have no platform to run on.
I have a fuckin' 3.6 GPA.
I fuckin' have 120 credit in political science.
I fuckin' attend an obscure community college
You fuckin' loser probably only graduated high school!
And then all that backfires on her, and people just make of her for it. Yeah, I don't know. In my circles, and I imagine any normal person's nobody gives a fuck about your GPA or the school you went to or even your degree. You get an interview and prove your intelligence/social skills or lack there of and you're hired or your not. One thing I'm sure of is if a candidate ever brought up their GPA or bragged about the school they went too (and especially if it was just an obscure community college) that would mark such little social sense it would be very unlikely they would get hired. But I guess Nina is so socially unaware due to her anxiety disorder she has no idea what people value in others and what they could care less about.
I fuckin' attend an obscure community college"
I'm pretttty sure the community colleges around me don't offer bachelor's degrees... 120 credits are what a bachelor's degree consists of.
You're literally putting words in my mouth that I did not say. Very unsanitary, not to mention pathetic as fuck. Your only attempt to insult me is to lie? Try harder, little one.
And YOU are the one who constantly talks about my gpa. Not me. I have no idea why that makes you so bitter you creepo.
Now our president is proposing laws that will severely constrain our freedom of the press, which is the most precious of all our freedoms.
Black people get pulled over at substantially larger rate than white people for no reason other than driving while black. That's freedom?
I can't smoke pot in the safety of my home without risking arrest if a cop should come to my door. But since I'm white he'll likely ignore it. If I were black I'd be arrested.
We all talk the talk of freedom...I wish we'd walk the walk.
Why on earth would you assume I haven't been to other countries? I've been to six (as well as Puerto Rico, which is a territory, I understand).
A lot of people will see racism everywhere they look. If they would stop looking through a prism of falsely perceived racial injustice, they would realize how little there is. It's the same principle as "if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail."
@NinaBambina “I've been to six”
Michigan, Ohio, California, Chicago, Miami, Canada
Who am I kidding, she can't pass the bar exam. Even if she did, she has no court side manner to convince anyone her lies are believable.
Her feign attempts at pointing out racism is childish. Racism keeps people from attaining a job, a home, and other inalienable rights. She expands that definition to include trivial comments. Next thing you know she'll be calling you racist for calling her out on her basket weaving class! In her case it's her nappy headed weaving class.
I think a lot of the problem is (multi-)generation poverty as well as the concentration of it in their (predominantly) black communities.
We've tried LBJ's War on Poverty. The welfare state probably made it worse. We tried busing (to address the schooling) in Cleveland. That didn't work for a few reasons least of which is the home-life (lack of parental guidance, lack of n home reading of books, etc.) was still the same.
I don't know what the "fix" is. I think people have to WANT to succeed against all odds. It's a work ethic and persistence problem. Anger management classes might help some. Delayed gratification and christian values for others might also help. It's a big problem. It's really a class problem.
Others may argue about the differences in black and white incarceration rates, etc. Bullshit. The people who do the crimes get the punishment. White trash are just as likely to get railroaded as black thugs. Black businessmen are just as likely to receive leniency as professional whites.
I'm white as can be, but I've lost count of how many times I've been pulled over on a BS claim of speeding or failing to signal just because I was leaving a dive bar, cutting through a black neighborhood, and once in my first F100 because it was so out of place in the million dollar homes (I was seeing a friend at his folks' house). No racism is far less prevalent than those who profit and benefit from it would have you believe. The mainstream media are one of the worst purveyors of this myth.
LBJ's War on Poverty was ambitious. But has been under attack every year since.
Probably about 1969 was the high point for basic wage earners. Since, the situation has been in continual decline.…
Always, the right makes up ways to blame the poor for being poor. Most all welfare programs are designed to contribute to this.
... good thing we have a decrepit, senile old white fuck in office now.
Paul Tillich…
Now my handle "Random" is actually a tribute to Rand and Ayn Rand. Those minorities are just parasites feeding off my taxes. TYRANNY!!!…
Aw wittle flaggie could only name one country... along with three states and two cities. Geography is easy, get a map.
"Blacks have MORE freedom than whites."
Is that why blacks are sent to prison at a disproportionate rate and given harsher sentences than whites for the exact same crime? Which is slavery by the way. Yes, slavery still exists --- one who is incarcerated is technically a slave. Unless you want to remain willfully ignorant, do some research.
"Black only colleges."
They are not "black only," they are historically black colleges that were created back when blacks were not allowed to attend regular universities. They are very open to letting white students attend. So open, in fact, that until the 90s, many of them had significantly lower admissions standards for whites to encourage them to attend. Again, do some research.
"Blacks only spaces."
Um... no... the back of the bus is now for anyone.
"Blacks only networks and professional associations."
Black only networks like BET, which was created because other music networks, like MTV, wouldn't air black artists? How dare they create a network where they can see their race and culture represented!
"Blacks only scholarships."
And there are and have been "whites only scholarships" as well. One was founded in 2004 by a man named Jason Mattera. There was also the Caucasian Achievement and Recognition scholarship. And KOPSES, another scholarship for whites. Not to mention the plethora of scholarships for whites; there are scholarships for Irish-Americans, Polish-Americans, Italian-Americans, German-Americans, and just about every person of European descent. Please learn.
If anything we've learned, if fascism ever comes to the USA, it will be because of liberalism.
I'm only obsessed with refuting stupid people on tuscl. SJG, Nina, SuckingCockstar666, HughGRectum, etc.
I've also wondered about this. Why @Rockstar gives this repulsive bigot and idiot any credibility on this board ?
George Carlin
2016: Make America Great Again. Bring back manufacturing, steel, and coal.
1900: Make America Great Again. Bring back family agriculture.
10,500 BCE: Make Mesolithic Great Again. Bring back Hunting/Gathering
I mean an entire pen of female goats will not produce ONE baby goat. Not one! Clearly animal husbandry is a progressive hoax. Don't get me started about parthenocarpic crops. Fake news.
Robert Heinlein
Yogi Berra
News Flash: Steve Bannon was influenced by the notorious fascist occultists Julius Evola and Rene Guenon, and related groups of reactionary Catholics.…
he gets his ass whipped every time he engaged with any normal halfwit.
Fact is f2f she would get routed on a debate with such little life experience. Online she can be an internet fantasy of her own liking, but we all know she is a ghost of such presence. More fake news on her part.