When you've said no to requests for help....
did it impact the level of service the honey provided?
Often dancers will eventually hit their regular PL's up for help with car repairs, rent, (insert drama here). Often the drama is pure SS. Most vanilla PL's will provide some assistance as, after all, the honey is smoking hot and providing intimacy for our PL asses.
So here's the question:
For the PL's that did provide assistance (and I'm talking just handing the cash with out sex at that time) did it increase the level of service respectively? Was she more GFE? Did she fuck for free? That kind of shit.
For the PL's that sad no to these SS help request's, did it impact the level of service in any way if you continued to spend the same for OTC and ITC?
My experience has been that the benefits of providing such assistance was minimum compared to the associated costs. The price of OTC/ITC almost always remained the same and the level of service stayed pretty consistent regardless if I helped or not.
That's not to say there aren't benefits because there are. It does help to build a connection and I was given priority time wise and responsiveness when I did help. But, overall, I don't think the benefits of sending help$ out weighs the cost. Of course there are exceptions to everything.
Often dancers will eventually hit their regular PL's up for help with car repairs, rent, (insert drama here). Often the drama is pure SS. Most vanilla PL's will provide some assistance as, after all, the honey is smoking hot and providing intimacy for our PL asses.
So here's the question:
For the PL's that did provide assistance (and I'm talking just handing the cash with out sex at that time) did it increase the level of service respectively? Was she more GFE? Did she fuck for free? That kind of shit.
For the PL's that sad no to these SS help request's, did it impact the level of service in any way if you continued to spend the same for OTC and ITC?
My experience has been that the benefits of providing such assistance was minimum compared to the associated costs. The price of OTC/ITC almost always remained the same and the level of service stayed pretty consistent regardless if I helped or not.
That's not to say there aren't benefits because there are. It does help to build a connection and I was given priority time wise and responsiveness when I did help. But, overall, I don't think the benefits of sending help$ out weighs the cost. Of course there are exceptions to everything.
So if anyone asks you for such help, it may or may not be practical for you to provide it. Professional shops are usually faster for getting cars repaired.
Depends on your own life too.
Some guys keep their women out of town too.
So you just have to decide what is right for you and your situation. She will have to understand. No other choice.
Now if she stops being what you want, then you can try and talk to her, but mostly you've just got to cut back on seeing her and wait until such time that there might be something positive coming from her. That's just how it is.
But compared to a real GF, and the legal shackling to a wife, what you are describing is nothing.
But this does not say that you need to be mean or indifferent.
There is a difference between giving a little extra because you want to out of appreciation and giving because she asks for it.
Turns out she was too controlling, greedy and a cock-blocker in the club. Just learned about the downside becoming a dancer's regular. This chick flipped out seeing me chat up another dancer. A number of people have commented recently in another thread about not becoming any dancer's regular if OTC is your game. I agree!
This is not about extras, or any of that other bullshit this is about you being in control of your own life, instead of depending on some other person to take pity on you.
BTW there are more than a few girls that I hang out with regularly that don't do extras and that in not a naive PL making that statement, but experienced monger who knows what he is talking about.
52 weeks X 4 days a week X 600 a day = $124,800 (tax free!!)
What a great country we live in.
I am not looking to pile on here, but that type of behavior is why the guys here get bent out of shape when you girls are so greedy it's just obscene. You mean to say you earn approx. 125k a year, and this guy who probably works at some job, making way less than that kind of scratch, is giving you money to cover your expenses that you incurred because he helps you to bank, wow he is a real sucker I guess.
Like I said earlier on this thread baby doll, I am not even a little bit naive, you are chatting with an experienced monger, I was playing this game before you were born.
Neither instance lead to any extra benefit to me, although they did treat me very well.
I have turned down a few requests to pay for phone bills or help with rent, with no negative impact from the dancer.(not favorites though)
Just a game to some of them to see if they can get something for nothing.
We are friends anyway, shit like that brought us closer together. Certainly built a lot of trust.....and the dog wont leave my alone when I hangout at her place
In my little British town my girl gets like £120 on a peak Friday night recently and thats without the fee to even work there.
Obviously there are good nights but the night life here that exists has certainly died since Christmas, the club is often dead or filled with idiots who literally drink all night with zero interest of buying a dance...and we dont do tips to the pole girl here
Most have no problem making more than enough money, but put it up their nose, in their arm, drink it, spend well beyond their means on stupid shit, or their dead beat boyfriend/husband need a new drum set for their band.
I have given money and other help to some strippers I know well--especially my ATF. Have I received anything in return? Not much. These girls quickly forget how you bailed them out (literally or figuratively), and they never pay back loans.
However, I'm not really unhappy that I've helped strippers in various ways. I enjoy hanging out with hot young women even though they take advantage of me. I can afford the money I've spent on them.
Please tell me you getting something out of the deal and not just hoping you do.
Its like what Chris Rock said, anytime a man is nice to a woman, he's offering her some dick! Lol... These strippers definetly know that shit.
I have a feeling I might rival SJG or Book Guy on this one, but at least I will break it up into paragraphs.
When I wrote my comment about it giving unsolicited money (tips) to a dancer being different than giving it to her after explicitly asking for money I had misread bj99’s previous comment. I read it as though the customer volunteered to give her the tip out money so she could leave early, I didn’t know that she asked him for the money so she could leave early.
In my opinion that is predatory. I don’t take offense though because it’s what strippers do. Strippers will be strippers. It’s kinda like the scorpion and the frog fable.
This is a classic “Don’t hate the playa, hate the game” scenario.
We all know it’s all about the money. It’s rule number 1, so I expect it and try not to take it personally. We all know that dancers wouldn’t be dancing if it wasn’t for the money. When I get that treatment I just laugh and let her know that she could have at least been a little less lazy and come up with some creative SS. I may give her a chance to earn it with a few dances, but I’m not about to just give money to a dancer that asks for it (unless I have hit RIL status that night, but then I’d regret it the next day). The same as I don’t tip during tip walks. I could forgive a favorite asking for a freebie the first time but if she tried again, she probably wouldn’t last on my favorites list very long. To me, this type of behavior is risking a long term income stream for immediate return. Also not uncommon for a stripper.
I would be good with a dancer saying something like, “I would love to be able to get out of here early because of the weather, but I need another $50 for the payout before I go (whether that’s true or not). How about we do a couple of dances that I am sure you will enjoy?” If he says yes, it’s a win-win. If he just wants to give her the money without the dances that is his prerogative and another win-win because she gets her money and he gets a bit of an ego boost or a good “Captain Save A Ho” feeling. If he says no, you could excuse yourself saying that you have to earn, but that you will come by to say goodnight before leaving. This at least shows respect for the customer instead of just exploiting his RIL nature.
A few questions for bj99 to think about. They are rhetorical questions.
You wrote that you really do think of them more and like them better.
Do you really like the guy more or do you just like that he gave you a lot of money?
Do you give him better service because you like him more, or is it because he pays you better and you want that steady income stream?
When you ask for a freebie, do you feel at all like you are taking advantage of the customer?
You also asked, “Don’t you ever give a gift to someone that they can afford themselves?”
Sure I do, quite often. But I don’t buy gifts for someone who asks me to buy them one, especially if they can afford it themselves. I try not to be a chump, sometimes more effectively than others.
I respect the honesty in your posts, and you provide a perspective that is very valuable to all of us PLs. We learn a lot from you, and hopefully our posts allow you to get insights into how we customers think. I think you already realize that we don’t all think the same way just as not all dancers do. I just hope you use your learnings for good and not evil.
IMO, it's rare dancers and custies will see most things the same way particularly w.r.t. $$$ (hell that applies to all men and women in general not just dancers/custies)
Stripper's don't do shit for free - thus the the reverse should also apply - i.e. dancers should not ask for $$$ for not doing nothing - that's kinda being a ROB IMO - it'd be like a custy asking a dancer for free dances.
I assume some of our more "enlightened" PLs on here will come out with, "hey nothing wrong with a dancer asking for $$$ for nothing, it's up to the PL ..."
I'm not against helping out. It would have to be with someone I've already seen on the outside. If it's a small amount like a cell phone bill I would probably do that. I wouldn't expect to see it back. For higher amounts I might say yeah hun drop by in a bit, have a bite to eat, hang out, watch a movie or whatever. So indirectly saying she can earn it but I'm going to get something out of it.
This reminds me of my CF who dumped my ass this week, last night as a matter of fact. Things were going great with the CF until she suggested that I should start tipping her more, I didn't and service went downhill after that. Earlier in the week she tried to do a quick sell on dances which I didn't go for. I got accused of seeing another dancer, there was no other dancer, lol. She yells over from another table and says oh I'm better then her. I didn't stay too long after that, outside I saw her smoking up with some old dude, wished each other a good night and carried on. Early a.m. she sends me a text pic of her in her panties and asks is everything alright babe? lol. I didn't respond back till the next day, she wasn't very chatty. Last night she didn't even acknowledge me at all, I was there most of the night so she knows I was there. I'm starting to think this chick is kinda crazy.
Now is when you realize this about many a stripper
Also, your example is a bit different. In your case it was just paying up front as she said she would give you dances for it. That's a bit different than if she asked for money out of the blue without giving any indication that it would be compensated.
Of course my example was different!
Today got a text from a former favorite who has since moved away. Asking to send her $150 for stage fee and a room to stay at tonite. I said sorry Hun. Look me up when you get back in town... well have some fun . Second time in two weeks she has asked for $150. ... I think she is on drugs... Who knows - something is going on. She used to a top earner when she was local to me.