Who started extras at Follies?

avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb

Last week I ran into a dancer at Follies that I had not seen in quite awhile. She came right up to me and said that she hadn't seen me in 3 years. She told me that she had been going to school during that time but came back to dancing because she needed a little extra money. She is not really my type but I did do my only Follies VIP 3 some with her on my 70th birthday, 5 years ago. Her best friend at the time was one of my favorites and she told me that her friend had contacted Chlamydia from a customer but was now clean.

So last Saturday I was talking with another favorite dancer and she told me that the other was not in school during those 3 years but rather was telling the girls in the dressing room that she was in and out of drug rehab. She went on to tell me that the drug addict was also the first dancer at Follies to do an extra in their VIP. That would have been 6 or 7 years ago. So the story is believable.


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avatar for JuiceBox69
7 yrs ago

this is a really cool thread shadow. Ive recently have been curiose of little things like this. I have even thought of making a thread of what does it take to run a club like follies

hell its a extras club solo in a see of air dances lol

what is the formula ? managements im sure and I wont doubt gang relation or mob but it makes one wonder some times how things like this eve get started in a location especially if the location isn't known for it

avatar for shadowcat
7 yrs ago

One of Follies 2 owners is a retired attorney that specialized in representing strip clubs.


avatar for JuiceBox69
7 yrs ago

LMFAO ...well that might be just be better than gang or mob related...a damn Attorney with an Investment .....Bingo lol Jackpot

funny to thank if one wanted to run the best damn club in town the key formula is a law degree or a good connection to a great attorney

avatar for joc13
7 yrs ago

Timeline sounds plausible cause I know Follies was not an extras club when I went to it 10-15 years ago.

@juice what would be even more interesting would be a historical timeline of VIP rooms and their styles (private vs nonprivate, door, solid curtain, beaded curtain). I remember a time when Oasis, Tattletales, Mardi Gras, and Taj Mahal did not have VIP rooms at all. Pre-mob owned Gold Club had VIP rooms, but they were not private and mainly used as a way to get off the overcrowded floor and get dancers to hang with you.

The first VIP room I can remember using was at Flashers somewhere around 2005. Got a BJ, titfuck, and cum on tits for like $150. The room actually had a door that closed. Oasis did not have VIP rooms at the time.

avatar for JuiceBox69
7 yrs ago

joc13 that is really cool

yeah I got a big intreast in learing the history of American strip clubs

avatar for Jdavid9806
7 yrs ago

Tattletales still has rooms with doors that close. Not sure if there are others.

avatar for san_jose_guy
7 yrs ago

Presumably there were just some girls who did it, maybe one, maybe a group.

At our most infamous of underground places it was a group of related Latina's who started Front Room FS.

At another club it was one girl who was inclined to do stage side DFKing.

Now of course both of these places are gone now.

People have posted about 'chair forts' in Dallas and Houston, the early days of Texas high mileage. Likely just one very friendly girl who started it.


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avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 yrs ago

As extras-heavy as Follies is I would've thought extras went way back longer than 2010

avatar for JimGassagain
7 yrs ago

SJG quit lying. You have nothing to back up your statements. Your credibility is so low that nobody on tuscl agrees with your postings.

avatar for JuiceBox69
7 yrs ago

I agree papi it's amazing it's been such a short time

avatar for rane1234
7 yrs ago

All this follies banter...man, you guys really hype it up. im in no mood for a long road trip or flight. Lucky atliens

avatar for bubba267
7 yrs ago

It's not that great lately rane1234.....it just beats the hell out of most of what is out there.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 yrs ago

I think rane is into chocolate so I think he'll like Follies and ATL (but I could be mistaken)

avatar for JuiceBox69
7 yrs ago

Rane if you like chocolate or Hispanics then dude the hype will not disappoint

avatar for JuiceBox69
7 yrs ago

As Bubba is correct follies is the best US south east gentleman got

avatar for TFP
7 yrs ago

This Follies place sounds amazing! Plus didn't Papi say they do stand up dances there? Plus extras? What's beating that besides Detroit and Tijuana?

avatar for rane1234
7 yrs ago

Yeah guys i already know from the types of dancers described it's right up my alley lol...probably good for my bank account i dont live closer. I'm making the trip soon though eff it.

avatar for joc13
7 yrs ago

@TFP yes, the stand up dances are amazing. My next VIP session is going.to be with a girl that does good stand up dances. Then I'm just gonna stand against the wall in VIP, let her pull down my shorts, and get creative.

avatar for gawker
7 yrs ago

Juice - here's a quick history story in the year 2000, my boss & I went to the Gold Club in Atlanta. We both had been drinking and he was buzzed and started tipping $10 bills. By 10:00 pm we left in a cab with a dancer. In the backseat of the cab he started fucking her and she was blowing me. The driver went apeshit till we tipped him $30. She came to my room as did my boss and we kept drinking and I passed out. I was back in Atlanta a month later and called her number and she gave me a night I'll never forget for $300 ( which was a bargain by New England standards)

avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 yrs ago

Stand-up dances aka wall-dances are often up to the custy to know what he's doing and be proactive about getting/doing them - most dancers don't do them out of the blue - I take it upon my PL-self to get up from the hightop chair; pull the chair-forward so she can use it to balance herself; and then you stand against the wall and tell her to dance for you - she'll usually figure out how to do it from then point on (at least most ebony dancers do) and if not I'll just tell her "grind on me".

I really should teach a TUSCL course on the art of wall-dances ;)

avatar for bishopt1234
7 yrs ago

Extras have been going on a lot long than 6 years. I got my first one there over 10 or 12 years ago. I would actually do it on high tops along the wall with a girl that still works there now (left and came back) Back then if you were there before 1 pm, you might be the only customer there.

avatar for EastCoaster
7 yrs ago

I've been going to Follies since about 1999, and as far as I can remember, they have always had VIP rooms -- the two up front and the one in the back that used to have three couches and now has five crammed into it. I can't put a year to it, but though I agree extras have been going on at Follies longer than 6 years, they were not (in my experience, anyway) common 10 or 15 years ago and perhaps exceedingly rare before that. I can remember doing a VIP in about 2000 or 2001 when it was usually just high-contact nude dances behind the beaded curtain, but nothing else. Near the end of our half hour, the tip of my dick popped up above the waistband of my pants. The girl felt it, saw it, threw a fit, and left the room. I totally thought she was going to find the bouncer and have me thrown out of the club. Rather than wait to find out, I left the club in a hurry. Hard to imagine that now! LOL

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