WHO: Oral sex spreading unstoppable bacteria
Rhode Island
With reference to the "Is bareback coming back?" thread:
You can argue statistics and play vagina roulette all you want, but stuff like this is why I always wear a condom.
You can argue statistics and play vagina roulette all you want, but stuff like this is why I always wear a condom.
Damn - I would not call this an epidemic just yet
I can def see anyone under 40 being more concerned and more careful; but once one reaches middle-age the risk-reward equation tends to often change
(1) You can stop having sex altogether, and you'll never get an STD
(2) You can wear a condom and fuck around with high-risk sex workers (escorts and strippers). Don't fool yourself into thinking that's risk free.
(3) You can concentrate on finding low-risk partners that are not part of the sex industry and have both parties tested.
There can be a lot of overlap in the risk level B/W (2) and (3).
Lots of other home remedies to bacterial problems.
Go live like Howard Hughes, top floor of a Vegas hotel, everything covered in plastic, all food and drink sterilized, and no one can touch him, and all because he was losing his mind.
No thank you!
Dystopian Nightmare: Eyewitness Decries Police Repression at G20 Summit as 100,000 Take to Streets
I feel sorry for people who live in places without Viet Coffee
This place is a joke, I'll never spend a penny in one.
Sex/fucking is a natural thing and *need* - and fucking w/ a piece of rubber is not - but we are where we are
The safe thing to do is only visit strip clubs in South Carolina. You know you won't catch anything here.
I'm sure it does. Listermint = wonder drug!
And it leaves your taint minty fresh if you rig a Listermint bidet! ;)
"22 major studies of more than 40,000 condoms used during heterosexual intercourse in five different countries have found that 4.6% of all the condoms broke and 2.5% of them partially or completely slipped off, for a total failure rate of 7.1%. That means that about 1 in 14 condom uses results in failure. Failure results in exposure to all the sexually-transmitted diseases that a partner has and may result in pregnancy. Even the highest-quality condoms used in the most effective manner possible by educated, monogamous, adult couples fail at a high rate under real-world conditions."
Here's the thing, ladies: fucking 6 strippers and escorts per month with a condom may well be more dangerous than having one or two sane partners per year, where both partners are tested.
And always, contraception is far more reliable than what goes on between a girl's ears.
I read that people of Northern European descent are growers instead of showers because we developed a gene or trait for our members to shrink to conserve heat. I suspect during the last ice age, our ancestors who stayed large all froze to death losing too much heat. Only the growers from up north survived the last ice age. Just my theory and I'm not investigating. If we don't feel as much because the cop from removes most of the sensation, it can come off. Lol, we might have an advantage over some other guys in that respect if you want the condom off.
But under what if any conditions would you let the girl have full responsibility for contraception, and how reliable do you feel that this is?
Sources I trust are places like Mayo, CDC, WHO.