
OT: Dating sites

Friday, July 7, 2017 8:58 AM
Online dating seems to be in right now. I'm thinking of trying it out. What are some of the best dating sites out there right now?


  • rane1234
    7 years ago
    Pof, tinder, okc tons of horny wildebeast and certified crazies
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    I had good success using Match. It costs a little a little bit of money which discourages the freaks, weirdos, and criminals. I researched the options in detail beforehand and Match seemed like clearly the better choice.
  • FTS
    7 years ago
    Dating sites attract the lowest dregs of single women. Also, the "best" depends on what you're looking for. I personally recommend Tinder or TER.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Is Tinder still popping like that? I remember it being very popular last year, but there doesn't seem to be a craze for Tinder anymore. I tried Tinder for a brief minute awhile back, didn't like it.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    I only date strippers.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    "Online dating seems to be in right now." When were they out? Also, you do realize that this is, statistically speaking, probably the worst possible forum to ask about dating civilians... right?
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    "seems to be in"? lol Larry! I suppose it depends what you're looking for from these sites. Like JS, I prefer Match. The fact that it costs money is a HUGE plus: it means there's fewer fake profiles (although there are still plenty) and relatively more of the women seem to be interested in dating and a relationship rather than a hookup, which is why I'm there. PoF, Tinder, and OKC seem to be far better options for finding a slutty civilian for a hookup, at least for younger people
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Try NAMBLA
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^ROFLMAO Perfect for Larry boy
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I feel that f2f first meetings are always best. That way the girl always know that you like her, because you extended yourself to approach her and bed her the first time. She will always remember that. Where as if there is some other form of introduction, she will always be wondering. SJG Dystopian Nightmare: Eyewitness Decries Police Repression at G20 Summit as 100,000 Take to Streets [view link] I feel sorry for people who live in places without Viet Coffee [view link] This place is a joke, I'll never spend a penny in one. [view link] [view link]
  • GACA
    7 years ago
    "Online dating seems to be in right now" That was the most retarded statement ever... Online dating is not only in it's almost practically the only way females like to date nowadays. So nowday with the dating app saturated market things are becoming "age appropriate" Tinder = teen and early 20's OKC = mid 20 early 30's Match = mid 20s and up but with emphasis on serious dating Bumble = mid 20s and up (best one I've used) girl choose to initiate upon matched likes so way higher chance of NOT having your time wasted
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    I don't know anything about online dating. This article says it has led to many more choices and better marriages: [view link]
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    From my vantage point, women use it for two reasons: 1. They don't have the looks to attract guys f2f, they don't have the persona for sexy dressing and flirty behavior either. Really, they are opposed to sex appeal. Hard to believe it, but they exist. I know an online woman, and she is very much that way. Of course she finds a home for herself in religion, adult convert to Orthodox Judaism. I guess also, I have become spoiled by strip clubs. 2. They are more interested in screening guys out, than they are in getting laid. Agreed? Why would any guy want to go along with this? In my view it is guys who don't have the experience and confidence to pick a girl ( in strip club or anywhere else ) and move on her and make it happen. I remember eating in a restaurant, two on their lunch safe date, matched by computer, were eating right on the other side of a partition. I listened to them and I felt sorry for them. Computer program matching them up, and with other people. But since it was done this way, all the sexual attraction was neutralized, replaced with neuroticism. They were both very ordinary, ordinary and nice looking, and well employed, but it was all neutralized from the start. SJG Papa Roach - Forever [view link] Great Books of the Western World, first edition and now up to 60 volumes with second edition: [view link] This was originally a move away from the older view which said that you had to read such things in their original languages, instead of in translation. Can you imagine, one kind of Greek for Plato and Aristotle, and another kind for the New Testament, and then Hebrew and Latin and French and German, and then Kierkegaard in Danish. Will Durant and the Ferrer Modern Schools [view link] [view link] [view link]
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Go on the TV show Love Connection and make sure to throw us a shoutout
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    People go on shows like that because they get paid. SJG
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    Obviously there were plenty of fat, ugly women on Match. However, there were plenty of women who were reasonably attractive and very duckable. I had over a dozen dates on Match, and while there were some of the usual issues with pictures being a few years old, for the most part the women I dated were attractive MILFs.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    [view link] The article is good. The reason it ushers people towards marriage is that it is more for people interested in screening than in fucking. One company had its own matching making cell phone system. They found that it was not popular until they rebranded it as Jewish Dating. SJG
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    "I tried Tinder for a brief minute awhile back, didn't like it." Even Fishsticks can't get laid on an app which is designed for people to meet and have sex.
  • BrotherFogHorn
    7 years ago
    You need to cum by for a confession session larry. I miss your head bob while we pray
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    The quickest way to tell if it's likely a scam dating site is you set up a free profile with no pic, almost no info and suddenly lots of hot girls want to contact you but it costs money to reply to messages. Another tip, these sites make it impossible to delete your account. I explored two such sites without thinking what I was doing. Although I forgot the name of one site and the messages were unique. I had to wonder about one message from one hot girl that said she wanted to fuck every guy in the state on the site. What a weird goal. I thought it was all fake and then I read Tiger woods may have used the site. Can't remember the name of it though.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    A good scam site is a site called Russian brides or something. Wouldn't let me delete the account. Changed my location to Antarctica but the hot Russian girls sending me tons of messages. Didn't cost me anything though because I never paid anything. Supposedly several girls even added me to their favorite list. Yeah right. I hate to think about the 1 to 2% of the population that actually falls for these scams and spends money actually thinking they may eventually meet these girls. Real sites have a bunch of ugly girls at least in the mix and you aren't flooded with messages from hot girls with your profile set with no pic and almost no profile.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I sometimes just do things without thinking much about it in case no one noticed. Of course that's also how I ended up hooking up with some dancers when I first started visiting strip clubs. I believe many dancers don't think much before doing stuff either.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    Lol, some of the reviews for this ins scam site called victoriabrides are kind of funny. One guy wrote he changed his profile to 86 years old, heVy smoker, etc etc, and hot a reply from a hot 26 year old who added him to a favorites list. [view link]
  • ThereAndBackAgain
    7 years ago
    Many sites cater to younger women who are looking for a rich croaker. Most of these are Eastern European, and want to you to sponsor their visa and make them your arm candy.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    ^Do they target JS69
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    In the case of Victoriabrides and possibly many similar sites, it's set up as a scam designed to dupe lonely guys out of their money with no chance of ever meeting the girls from what I read. Many or ,aye as much as 95% of the profiles are computer generated and or they pay girls to send messages since guys are charged by the minute to chat. They make money from chat. They make money if you watch a video. One guy said if you put in your credit card, they immediately hit it with a $400 charge. Numerous complaints. Sounds like possible employees occasionally putting in good reviews like club owners sometimes do on this site either themselves or via someone they paid. Could be one or two guys that got lucky out of hundreds that lost money. Apparently the girls doing the chat if they aren't computer programs chatting, get paid to keep guys chatting. The girls who actually send out valid contact info get fined if they reveal real contact information. Just what I skimmed from the reviews about this site mentioned and similar. I never chatted with a single girl on the site but logged in and got hit with several likes just a few minutes ago. If some guy spent over a hundred dollars or more, I can imagine it might be painful to think he's been scammed and the "girl" on the other end of the chats cares nothing about him, only his money. Oh I heard when asked to describe in detail the local towns, silence. Computer scam AI may need improvement in that area. If I were running the scam, I could see how this is a pretty good money maker especially considering they can pull in a lot more money pulling this scam from overseas guys than they can make working in the local area. I doubt this scam is going away anytime soon.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Is match the only one that costs money?
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    What I really wonder about is who and how are the messages with pictures of hot girls getting into my regular email account? It doesn't happen often but every few months, I get a message with a picture of a good looking girl and a message in English but not written well. I assume it's another scam. I liked it a little bit better a few years ago, when I got very nice pics with a topless girl than the more recent ones with clothes all on. Someone probably hacked my email address. Don't know if Russian girls hacked it or if scammers hacked it or both. Actually if anyone on here is still usin the same email from several years ago, a hacker posted user names, passwords, and email addresses online. Allowed anyone to sign in via multiple accounts, etc. I assume Founder has several thousand inactive accounts from what I saw. Don't use the password, password. It was the most common password.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    Many dating sites are free to join. Many cost money to reply to messages. I hate that about most of the sites. You can search google for best dating sites etc.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    Juice may have tried this but I have wondered if females can send and receive messages for free but males get charged money to reply to messages or to send any message on some sites. It's annoying to think the site is free and then you can't reply to messages without money. I explored some sites wondering if any good looking girls were online in my area. I was usually disappointed and then just hit the strip clubs. I meant to imply Juice could create a female profile to hit on other females but use his actual picture. Then not get charged as a male to send messages. I haven't tried that. I know some guys put in the wrong sex on their profile. Of course all this deception probably aggravates females on the sites since they see profiles for guys who never respond to messages and may not know why.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I remember several years ago I chatted with someone Who said he was using hookup sites. He said several profile pics were fake. He met some girls and said goodbye rather fast. Some girls used out of date pics and they were fatter or older than the pics they showed online. Without a full body shot, the girl may be fatter than what you think. If her age says 40 ish but she looks, 21, she may not look at all like her pic anymore. People are deceptive. Sounds safer to hook up with strippers.
  • jaredlucas
    7 years ago
    Strippers are more of a sure thing. Ive tried a few POF, Match, etc but had my best success with girls on Seeking Arrangement. Its a sugar daddy site... Pricey, and plenty of deluded girls thinking they are all that , but there is no pretense once you decide to connect to discuss an arrangement. Girls there will boink you in exchange for 'assistance" - just like your average stripper
  • Clackport
    7 years ago
    POF is definitely where it's at if you want girls DTF.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    So I started trying out plenty of fish a little bit today. I saw a stripper on there that I know LMAO. So far she's one of the hottest ones on there. You think I should message her on there lol?
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