
Soft Core Stripper Shit

At my favorite no extras club I was drowning my sorrows one afternoon (sports injury) this week and wondering why a club with 10 dancers above 7 on a weekday afternoon would have 3 customers when a dancer who was not my type asked if she could sit and what the hell I said yes. She looked young and inexperienced (second week as a stripper ..ever) and we chatted. She was pretty cool and took no offense when she asked for a critique of her stage dances. I told her. Too dance like; too fast; not sexy enough; and explained how to "interact" with customers. She took it all in stride, asked follow up questions and so I decided she was 25 - 26 and looked a few years younger. It turns out she had only been dancing for 2 weeks, because before that she couldn't dance because you have to be 18. Blonde; blue eyes; slavic features with a combined slavic/redneck florida accent, natural DDD's and a nice ass. We go downstairs and she provides an amazing 2 lap dances, but gets called to the stage. I say lets continue when you get off, go out to the car, smoke a bowl, come back and tip her and then god bless strippers, some guy asks her to do dances and off she goes. Now this is one of my "lines" that no one is allowed to cross. My pet peeve. Had she asked if I minded if she went downstairs for a few, I'd have said fine, but she assumed I would wait. Two songs later she is back and amazed I no longer want dances. She asked a lot of questions about what she should have done, which imo is not my place to say so I told her she had A) lost a 15 min private for 2 dances; B) Could have told the other guy to wait; C) Asked me if I minded waiting; or D) Done what she had done which would have been fine to about 90% of PL's because she was hot. It was her position that he was there, I could have waited and that the other dancers did the same thing all the time. I said you'd be right most of the time, but not all of the time. Would you have done dances with her? Ask her schedule and come see her again? Do what I did and explain things to her and then get dances from another, or something else?


  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Well done.

    I would have lost all respect for you if you didn't voluntarily deprive yourself of getting amazing dances from a beautiful girl that you are obviously attracted to.

    I also must commend you for your refusal to succumb to the urge to use multiple paragraphs. Not many would have the self discipline that you exhibit.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    I think you overreacted. You said yourself she had only been stripping for two weeks. Just like you advised her on her dances, you could have advised her on her mistake here.

    If she did it to you again the next time you came to the club, a stronger reaction would be warranted. But in this case you treated a known rookie like a hardened veteran and maybe jaded her against other PL's.

    Everyone has a learning curve. Just my two cents.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    I agree RH - well stated.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I don't think you overreacted, I too get pissed if I'm hanging with a girl, and she goes off with someone else, the only thing I would do different is show her my bankroll, usually several hundred dollars in it, and say I hope he can afford to make up for what you missed out on with me, then I either leave or take up with someone else.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @rh48hr it really doesn't matter that she is stripping for 2 weeks or 2 years rude is rude if I left to go to the John and expected her to wait till I came back it still wouldn't be ok sorry she knew she was being a rude GPS bitch and shouldn't have just left him waiting like that.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^or he left to go take a call outside then came in and went off with another girl instead of coming back to her she would have been pissed sorry that there what Skidum is describing is typical SS.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^ i apologize i meant to type skibum it was really an error this time.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    twentyfive, Do you get into lots of arguments with people f2f? And also with dancers in strip clubs?

    Just curious.


    Debussy adapted to organ
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Only if they are like you, and I never see your kind out in public anyway, around here we keep them confined in the psycho ward.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I think many of us PLs too often get too PL-myopic (myself included) and get a bit of a Napoleon complex where we expect absolute individual attention in a public club with other customers.

    My 2 cents:

    1) you're not her regular - she does not know you from a PL-hole in the wall - no way she could know how much or how little you will spend on her (she's not a fucking mind-reader especially as a newb)

    2) you are there for pleasure and to be catered to like the King of France - but she's there to make $$$ to support herself (if not multiple people) - getting pissed at her for taking sure-$$$ w/ another PL is kinda like a kid throwing a tantrum - the SC-world does not revolve around us single/particular PL

    In essence - IMO you were being selfish and just thinking about what's best for you w/ no regard to seeing it from her perspective.

    Just my 2-cents - not saying my POV is the correct one.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    "Napoleon complex"

    :) :) :)

    That's the way it goes, getting accustomed to strip clubs makes a guy spoiled, and it turns him into an egomaniac.

    And then, well 25 and a few others were all ready that way to start with.

    I go along with Papi, +10.


    Debussy - Clair de lune for organ
  • Dolfan
    7 years ago
    I go back and forth on this one. I'm generally a patient dude, and often I'm sitting around watching the stage having a few drinks. If I girl I'm interested in has an opportunity to do a few quick dances before she comes back to me, I'm usually cool with it. There's limits to that though. If I'm planning to go back to a room, and she goes and does that with someone else, I'm out. I'm not so naive as to think I'm her one and only, or even her first that day, but I sure as shit ain't gonna wait in line for sloppy seconds.

    Even if its just dances, if I see her with another customer and she didn't ask me or give me a heads up, I assume she's moved on and I'll likely do the same. Meaning, if she asks if I mind waiting a few before going off, unless something better comes along I'll wait. I'll usually answer the question that way too, "Sure sweetie, I'll wait, unless I find something better to do." If a materially better option comes along while shes gone, I'm upgrading. If something equal or even marginally better comes along, I'll usually wait. If she didn't ask, and something else comes along that's good enough, I'll take it.

    If she had left to do a few dances and returned before I found something better to do (like 2 songs later?), I wouldn't have said no just because I was butthurt about it. Like I said, I'd have ditched her for a perceived upgrade, I can't expect loyalty from her. If she had returned, and I had done dances/rooms with someone else already and was no longer interested I'd have passed. If asked why, I'd have told her the truth. Most likely something like "I saw you go off with another customer and since you didn't say anything to me I assumed you moved on, so I did the same" and offered some advice, "Next time ask me if I mind waiting or at the very least give me a heads up, I'll at least consider waiting instead of finding someone else." In this case, since she was young and you had discussed her being new, I'd probably warn her about customers like you. That some dudes will get their feelings hurt over something like this, and that you could lose out on a lot more trying to make that little extra. If I did do a room with someone else instead, I would tell her that, but I'd cite is as an example, not some hypothetical passive-aggressive move. As in, "like today, I came in planning on doing a 15/30 minute room, after our dances I was hoping to do it with you. But, when you left I found someone else."

    But, that's me. If you don't want to put up with that sort of behavior, don't. Don't let us tell you what makes you happy any more than you let some stripper decide what you want.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I just don't understand getting all bent out of shape over something so trivial. I can understand not adding her to your regular rotation of dancers, but to deprive yourself in an effort to teach her a lesson seems counterproductive.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I learned long ago that you can't go into strip clubs expecting for dancers to make you feel good. For one thing the women are too young, they just don't understand the affairs of men and they don't have the right sorts of life experience. And for another, they are being put into situations where it just can't work like that. Their feelings and sensitivities are too exposed.

    You have to remind yourself that you are there to make them feel good, with your attention and with your money. You have to be there to give of yourself.

  • HungryGiraffe
    7 years ago
    ^^^ Agree with flagooner. Besides, doesn't she deserve a pass given those natural DDDs? LOL!
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Communication should go both ways - if one expects a dancer to communicate w/ us her intentions (e.g. "let me give this guy a couple of dances and I'll come back to you") then IMO we also owe her the same level of communication (e.g. "hey I wanna do 'X' (dances, room) with you
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    that other guy was me. fuck you skibum.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    jk. :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    i.e. many dudes milk a dancer for her time and subsequently not spend anything on her (or very little compared to her time investment) - they cannot read minds and tell who will spend/spend-well on her and who won't and thus can't afford to pass up sure $$$ when a custy says he wants dances now vs someone who has not committed.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    in all seriousness,

    how in the fuck would she know whether you were going the 15 min private? maybe the other guy was going to get a 30 min private??? how would she know if neither one said anything?
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    papi +1
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    "many dudes milk a dancer for her time and subsequently not spend anything on her"

    Very true, and especially when its like 10 dancers and 3 custies. Dancer's do have to be careful. But custies should not go their looking for emotional consolation. Custies should know that they want, and then make it happen.

    If they just want to drown their sorrows, there are other lower cost and less emotionally provocative venues.



    W. A. Mozart - Requiem (fantastic performance)
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    skibum if there was 10 dancers above 7 why would you want/expect elcusivity from one?
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Let's restate this here's another scenario you are in a restaurant getting ready to order dinner the waitress is in the middle of taking your order someone calls her to the kitchen. She says just a sec goes to the kitchen to find out what they need and instead of coming right back to finish with you, she goes to another table that came in after you and proceeds to take their order and put it in before coming back to you. I don't feel it's about being butt hurt, it's all about customer service, either it's good or it isn't. I personally refuse to put up with poor customer service I'll walk before I'll accept second class treatment, especially since my money is just as green as anyone else's.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    ^ what about if you are taking for ever to order and the other table is ready to order - makes sense she would get that out of the way and come back to you to see if your mind is made up already
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Skibum, sorry to say this, but you can expect strippers to be your emotional support. For one thing they are just too young. For another, they make money with their sex appeal.

    Even if you sometimes have to fake it, in a strip club you have to act like a man.

  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    25- I understand your perspective, I just think to expect an 18 year old two weeks on the job to understand all of these nuances is probably a bit much. Not saying I'm right, maybe she's running a game. I'm just saying I'll give her the benefit of the doubt once ... but only once.

    If everyone stuck it to me the first time I made a mistake on the job, it would be pretty difficult. I think sometimes we are very jaded (and rightly so) towards SS.

    I think if this was me and I had an attraction towards her and the previous dances were good, I'd let it slide once. I'd tell her what my expectations were and continue with her. If it happened again, I would move on. But that's me. If I kicked a dancer to the curb every time they flaked for the first time, I'd never have had some of the good experiences I've had.

    It's just my perspective. It works for me. I'm sure your way works for you and others. I respect your perspective. I think it depends on the person.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    More than anything else, in strip clubs I have learned that their is a great deal that guys are just expected to take.

    In places of symmetric identity, the women are not sexual.

    If you want them to be sexual, we have to set up places of complementary identities. So we have strip clubs. But guys are the ones who pay and who take a great deal on the chin.

  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Ah Papi you are sounding like SJG, trying to play both sides against the middle, be honest you know if a stripper left to to go on stage then went off with some other guy, you'd drop her like a hot potato. I know you would and so do you.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @rh48hr that's just rude that' isn't about sticking it to a newbie any normal person knows that kind of behavior is rude. It doesn't take any training to figure that out it just takes some common sense which is in short supply lately.

  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    "Let's restate this here's another scenario you are in a restaurant..."

    Not even the same thing.
  • K
    7 years ago
    We have a duty to educate the newbies. Not just the new PL's and mongers but the new dancers.

    I probably would have told her why I was turning her down but if I was in the right mood, I'd have told her what she did wrong and she had one chance to win me over for future dances on future visits.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Yeah - I think comparing a restaurant (or any other business) to a tittty-bar is not an accurate comparison.

    But it's ok to have a different-opinion/POV on the matter; different strokes for different folks in a "fuck you Jackie" kinda way

  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    A strip-club is like a swap-meet except T&A is the product - if a customer is ready to buy then he's gonna get tended to vs the one that is still browsing/deciding/non-committing
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    "that's just rude that' isn't about sticking it to a newbie any normal person knows that kind of behavior is rude."

    How??? If you left the restaurant to go outside and get high, you really expect the waitress to wait for you?
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    "if a stripper left to to go on stage then went off with some other guy, you'd drop her like a hot potato."

    yes but by then our business is concluded already...

    On to the next one!!!
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    As long as she delivers when she's w/ me then I really don't have any other expectations nor do I think her ability to make $$$ should be dictated by my singular peeves.

    I guess it comes down ot the old disagreement we often have on TUSCL of those that want to lock down a stripper for hours (duration of a visit) and want exclusive attention in a public club vs those that are normal :)
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^%Fuck you jackie; )
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Geezaloo chessmaster you can make up a million scenarios I'm talking about normal you are just throwing out hypotheticals you too are sounding like SJG.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I'm going to kick your ass old man (assuming I can kick that high w/ my gout these days)

  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    Elephant in the room though,

    "10 dancers above 7 on a weekday afternoon would have 3 customers "
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    "you too are sounding like SJG."

    I hope not!!!
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @Papi I may be old but I can be tricky )
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Believe me - I would never underestimate a New Yorker
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Random Thoughts: 25 - No worries typos happen. K - I did exactly that. SJG - None of this was "ugly" at all. We chatted for another 20 minutes before shift change and she left. She was appreciative of stage advice as well. Chess - We had been downstairs doing dances when she was called to stage. I also tipped her, which is unusual in this club for reasons I never understood. We agreed to continue afterwards, so at a minimum she knew she was getting more dances and a tip. Flag - Not bent out of shape at all. This was all pleasant. It's a pet peeve of mine so my rule is that when it happens I am done doing dances with that dancer for anywhere from that day to forever. Same with extras dancers. I am always pleasant, polite and honest about it and I make no exceptions. Papi - See above.

    I need to be emphatic about the following: I have a thirty year history at this club; I drink there a lot; its a locals bar with a lot of people who don't tip; I spend every time I am there and as a result I am treated very well, have a good reputation and am always unfailingly polite and respectful of everyone there 100% of the time. This was a one day learning experience for the young lady. We parted on good I'll get dances from her. This club right now, because there are no extras, has an incredibly diverse collection of hot young dancers. Out of 10 dancers, 6 were under 23.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    "... Blonde; blue eyes; slavic features with a combined slavic/redneck florida accent, natural DDD's and a nice ass ..."

    How could you not forgive her transgressions based on her overwhelming attributes - maybe you should stop hitting that pot; it may be clouding your judgement along w/ the interior of your car

  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I read the restaurant analogy. Let me rebut that.

    Let's look at it from the stripper's perspective and implement the Gilligan's Island Parallel:

    Let's assume you have two options:

    1. Get paid $200 to eat Mrs. Howell's snatch for 15 minutes. She's an older rich lady, but let's face it, this would be an unenviable chore.

    2. Get paid $40 to give Mary Ann a tits and ass massage for the duration of two songs. The compensation isn't nearly as good, but the act isn't exactly unpleasant.

    Maybe she saw a bit of Lovey Howell in you and Mary Ann in the other customer.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Since you told her let's continue after she got off stage, I might have done something similar. When she got back to me after doing dances with the other guy, I would have told her I'm not interested in getting anymore dances from her for the rest of the night (not forever). I wouldn't tell her why, she should know.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @flagooner Or maybe Cinderella left the ball because her slippers were to tight.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Papi - Very pretty, but not close to #1 on the shift who if someone claimed she was a 10 I would not argue.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Oh shit lil Larry fish sticks agrees with me should I rethink my whole position?
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    A big difference between SCs and the restaurants is that a waitress can't decide to wait on some customers and not others. A stripper can pick and choose.

    It seems like so many PLs get annoyed when a stripper cops an attitude after she gets turned down for a dance. But then it's fine for the PL to cop an attitude when the dancer doesn't actually exactly as he wants. To me that's a bit hypocritical and narcissistic.

    It is often said on here that it's all about the $$$. In a lot of cases it's true. Other times we just tell ourselves that because we want to feel in control. We have the $$$. But in reality, sometimes it's all about the pussy because the owner of that has a lot of power too. It's the successful dancers that are able to manipulate the situation into scenario 2 the most often.

    Damn, I'm getting philosophical today.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    @skibum aka Lovey Howell
    Thank you for starting this thread, it has been a fun one.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    @twenryfive you have 25 brain cells, you're not thinking about anything LMAO.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    flag i noticed that too. is everyone that gets butt hurt when a stripper blows them off, ok if another one gets an attitude or keeps pestering them for tips or dances?
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @ fishsticks-As I told you before, I may only have 25 brain cells, that's still 24 more brain cells than you were born with.
    Geez, all I know about you is that as stupid as I may be, even on the stupidest day of my life, the dumbest thing I might have ever done, or will ever do, will be smarter than anything you that you have ever thought of.
    Go now, back to bed or the counselor at your sleep-a-way camp will catch you, and take away your smart phone.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    -->"I guess it comes down ot the old disagreement we often have on TUSCL of those that want to lock down a stripper for hours (duration of a visit) and want exclusive attention in a public club vs those that are normal :)"

    Papi with the zinger! Bastard!

    Yeah, once I'm a regular of a stripper, most of the time they won't even do dances while they're with me during those multiple hours, even if they see chess in the corner popping his blood pressure meds. If they DO want to dance with a guy, they always ask me if it's ok ("he just wants a couple of dances, I won't be gone long"), I always say yes; maybe I'm weak-minded, but that little courtesy and feigned respect for my value as a customer does a lot. No-harm no-foul if a girl wants to leave her regular often to get other dances, I understand the monetary motivation, it's just not the experience I'm looking for, so I just move on to another stripper who delivers the experience I'm looking for.

    In skibum's situation, the fact that she was so new, and that I'm not her regular yet, might net her a pass, in the sense that I"m not going to get all butthurt and swear never to do a dance with her again; but with 10 dancers above 7 on that afternoon, I would likely not wait for her.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    25 -"isn't about sticking it to a newbie any normal person knows that kind of behavior is rude"

    We do realize we are taking about strippers right? When are most of them normal? :-)

    Just busting your balls 25.

    I just noticed, I missed the part where skibum said that they would continue afterwards. I would change my answer to not getting dances with her the rest of the night, but would consider dances in the future. I would let her know why.

    Common sense would say come talk to you before heading off with they other guy. But 18 year olds aren't always known for common sense. Eighteen year old strippers even less.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    "see chess in the corner popping his blood pressure meds."

    Too young for blood pressure meds. Likely popping something else.
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    It seems to me that everyone except HungryGiraffe is missing the crucial point: She has natural DDDs! I would swallow a lot of pride and butthurtedness to get a crack at them :)

    Flagooner's first response cracked me up, complete with the sarcasm about refusing to succumb to the urge to use paragraphs.

    In all seriousness, if it was truly clear to her that I wanted to continue when she got off stage and she went and did dances for the other dude anyway, I would have found another entertainer for the duration of my vist and let the newbie know why.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    -->"It seems to me that everyone except HungryGiraffe is missing the crucial point: She has natural DDDs! I would swallow a lot of pride and butthurtedness to get a crack at them :)"

    I forgot how you guys whose mothers didn't breast feed you long enough, are helpless before the all-mighty mammory :)

    And Flag's first response cracked me up, too
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    "... Too young for blood pressure meds. Likely popping something else ..."

    Yeah - like popping a cap on you crackers' ass
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Yeah - the bigger the natural tits are the more forgiving and accommodating I tend to be
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I try not to teach strippers a lesson in strip clubs. They will learn. I have better things to do. Of course I don't want to be treated like a second class customer so if a stripper wanders off, I am free to wander off as well. If she cones back and I'm free and still interested, I might go for it. I've had strippers sneak me away to get dances when another stripper left me alone. They learn. Some even get pissed about it thinking a dancer is stealing her customer when she's gone for just a little while.

    Then there are times when I'm sitting and drinking for hours with the hottest dancer in a club and I only buy her a beer and maybe one ten dollar table dance an hour on average. She was a strange one. She sometimes acted a little upset if I acted like I wanted her to leave before 2 or 3 hours. One time I had 3 hot Danvers at my table in a crowded club with less than 12 or so dancers. I only bought the one girl drinks. She called me her drinking buddy. Go figure. She was friends with the hottest dancers in the club so they joined her at my table a lot. Good times. I didn't try to figure it out. I just thought she must actually enjoy my company. She got upset one time because I didn't get rid of one guy who wanted dances after sitting with me for 2 or 3 hours. I was ok with her circulating around at the time. The main objective of some girls in a strip club I stopped trying to figure out years ago. They are not all out to maximize their income. That throws a lot of curve balls at you.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    I've been following this discussion, but I didn't know what to say bc I think skibum did the right thing, but I would have done what the stripper did.

    I think you two are just a bad fit. You have to treat dancers according to your own rules, and what you want to pay for.. But, she has to have her own rules too. You didn't communicate that you wanted more dances, and she might not have been as excited ab going to your car as she let on. Also, she was asked to do dances, which in money in hand. She will win some, and lose some, but stripping is fast paced, and we can't obsess over every little mistake. I know girls who specialize in the senstive types. So, to each their own.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Experienced strippers usually learn to read and adjust their hustle according to the custy they are dealing with - newbie strippers often have no idea what they are doing and the young ones may often be uncomfortable or intimidated sitting and talking to someone their grandad's age (many of us on here )
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    Yes, I was inadequately breastfed as an infant and have been trying to catch up ever since :) Cheeky monkey!
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Some guys just aren't worth it, too. Experienced strippers know, like experienced customers, that it's not worth dealing w someone who makes you feel bad, for whatever reason. I'm not saying skibum did that, but it can just be a bad vibe sometimes. The best way to make money is to stay positive, and to keep showing up for work.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    The first mistake was paying for dances in the first place. That's just a chump's game. You need to treat her like a civilian to get GFE in the front room. Then take her home.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    bj99 - You missed the part where we chatted after I did dances with her and agreed to do more when she got off the stage. She walked away from a customer looking for multiple dances who had already tipped after doing two with her. Further, since she stayed and chatted for 20 mins until shift change after i told her I was not getting more dances, so this was not an angry experience for anyone. Next time I see her and assuming we're both free I will for back for another round. Its not a question of hurt feelings, its business. I have a case on in one Court on July 20 and had to turn down a 5k retainer for a court appearance on the same day in another court. I could have moved one commitment, tried to do them both, but as a business person I honored my original commitment, which she should have done. Papi - we discussed the weirdness of it all, once I found out I was 23 years older than her mom lol.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @skibum & @Bj99 that was my original point, as a business person your commitments are your responsibility, any business person that fails to honor enough commitments, stripper the same as any other businessperson, will find themselves broke in short order.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    1. I agree. That's a pet peeve with me, as well. It's easily and quickly avoided via common courtesy (meaning customer service) from the dancer.

    2. Given that she's a new-out-of-the-packaging stripper, I would have explained my objection along the lines of "I know the other dancers do it, but here's a way to keep more regulars and make more money." And then I would have gotten the private dance. I rarely give dancers three strikes, but I'm okay with giving them one strike. Especially in a case like this.

    3. I'm sorry, what did you say her name was again?
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Is it that hard for some people to consider another's (the dancer's) point of view.

    What 25 just wrote is true in a vaccuum, but sometimes customers can be a pain in the ass and not worth the trouble. In those cases it is better to let them go and be someone else's headache.

    Even though he was funny as hell, what businessman would want to put up with Eddie Haskell from Leave it to Beaver?
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    Based upon your physical description of her, I could never have passed her up no matter what she did. Otherwise, I agree with Papi's first post.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    JS makes a great point. We can talk all we want about what we may or may not do. But if the girl is hot enough and we are enough in lust, the little head might out vote the big head. Lol
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    My preference is spinners so she was a rarity for me as far as large breasts. Never my preference.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Did she go sit w the guy, or just give him his dances?

    I'd have given him the dances. Customers who just want their dances are my favorites, so I give them some priority, even if they spend less overall. I'd have asked you first, or asked if you minded me getting my dances from the stage, but that's where some experience helps. I thought maybe she had just decided you weren't her type of costumer, but if she came back over for 20 mins for nothing, she must like you enough.

    I disagree w being overly principled in any business dealing, especially in the business of having fun. The saying, "do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy?" Comes to mind. That said, I have a few of my own rules, so I get it. When something makes me question one of my rules, I pick apart and update. Values and resources change, so there's nothing wrong w staying current.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I think fishsticks is the only one on this board that still has principals. After I graduated from High School I they were called Deans.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    One has to be in the mood to chase girls, and they need to have some money on them too.

    But strip clubs are not a good place to go to drown your sorrows, or to seek emotional support and affirmation. Doesn't work that way.


    I feel sorry for people who live in places without Viet Coffee

    This place is a joke, I'll never spend a penny in one.

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