
Could Detroit strip club days be numbered? Sort of political. Ignore this if yo

Monday, July 3, 2017 7:09 PM
I just read an article about how the Muslim brotherhood is planning on taking over Michigan and impose Sharia law in eventually most of the US. That would suck. Apparently the plan is working with just one minor recent set back with the most recent election. The Muslim brotherhood is considered a terrorist organization in Egypt but Obama supported them.


If our economy goes downhill and democrats take control, I imagine they will want open borders, more immigrants, more people to be able to implement sharia law and take over this country from the inside.
Republicans need to get their act together and get some tax cuts passed and boost this economy and keep it going good through the elections or strip clubs could be a thing if the past. Women's rights to do things like wearing shorts in public might disappear. If you think Trump is bad, this could be far worse. On the other hand if we become a Muslim brotherhood nation because the democrats take over, maybe we can have 4 wives. I think many here don't even want one though.


  • FTS
    7 years ago
    Muslims are the ones who keep their women covered in public, and consider all extramarital sex to be morally wrong. I think OP is just a little off, but mostly right.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    Michigan is in no danger of a Muslim Brotherhood takeover or of Sharia law. Conspiracy websites should not be taken seriously.
  • a21985
    7 years ago
    Oh for fucks sake. Sort of political? This is 100% political, not to mention xenophobic, discriminatory, alarmist, unsubstantiated, ant-muslim quasi-propaganda far-right bullshit. Pretending that any potential impact of SCs due to this nonsens is a reason for bringing this up here is a cheap cop out.

    Anyways, even if this guy somehow makes it out of the primary and then wins the election, JFK didn't make the US all start answering to the pope, Mitt Romney didn't make all of Massachusetts starting praying to the planet Kolob, so while the holy fuck should we expect any different from a muslim governor?

    It's the the growing numbers of people who think this lunacy is rational on the right that confirms my decision a year ago to finally cut up my GOP card.

    Fuckity fuck with dumb brain cell killing moronic bullshit.
  • TheeOSU
    7 years ago

    Cut up your GOP card did you? Sure thing sport if it was your Government of Pakistan card. Go Blow! LOL
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    Hmmm...as I read this I am laying in bed post coitus with a beautiful girl in Dearborn MI, the highest concentration of muslims in the US. As much as you would like to imply there is some kind of insurrection of muslims happening it just is not happening. Not even close. If it was going to happen it would be here and its just not...

    Most muslims here are just doing their own thing and frankly if they were causing a rukus it would be big news here in MI.

    Also the clubs here in Dearborn are solid clubs with great vibe and not with the bs they get on 8 mile so no effort by the moral minority to close up shop.

    So...yea I see your post as idle political banter with no substance in reality. Oh, how is South Carolina these days? Love the countryside!

  • a21985
    7 years ago
    @fuckeyes - JT Barrett didn't get that first down and you know it.
  • whodey
    7 years ago
    As a life long Buckeye I hate that state up north as much as anyone. However, even a state full of wolverine fans wouldn't be dumb enough to try to impose Sharia law in the US.

    While Detroit mey have a larger than average Muslim population I'm sure the bulk of them are normal law abiding folks that probably enjoy Detroit's strip clubs as much as the next PL.

    Can't we just get back to proper arguments like whether ITC vs OTC, blonde vs brunette, spinners vs curvy and teen vs milf. You know, the important philosophical debates we all come to TUSCL for.
  • TheeOSU
    7 years ago
    I agree with whodey about getting on topic but before i go back to strippers i'll leave this here for the Go Blow guy.

  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I thought if this post had no merit, no one would post on it and it would die. To think that groups with different viewpoints from yours have no chance of ever succeeding is like denying Trump is president. No one worried about the nazis taking over Germany. Hardly anyone thought Pearl Harbor would happen. No one thought 911 would happen. Nothing to worry about.

    However as far as the Muslim brotherhood. This is a quote from http://www.reuters.com/article/us-egypt-…

    The Brotherhood, the world's oldest Islamist movement, was branded a terrorist organisation and banned. Most of its senior members have been arrested and driven into exile or underground. Obama supported the Muslim brotherhood.

    Don't worry. I won't bring it up again unless this guy appears close in a primary. I wouldn't have brought it up at all except the democrats started spending millions across the country trying to elect people they know very little about.

    You can continue enjoying BJ"s in Detroit strip clubs. Forget About the post.
    I'm surprised if someone thought it was a total bs post you wasted your time responding. obviuosly one poster wants to deny any possibility anything could change and this struck a nerve.

    I won't bother posting anymore on this thread if no one else does. Let it die if it's a waste of time.

  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Idk if you've ever been to the Pathenon club in Dearborn it's full of Muslim guys chasing black strippers.
  • TheeOSU
    7 years ago
    You have some valid points shark, i'll leave it at that for now.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I don't always recognize when I'm reading a highly political post. Sorry I posted about something where I know nothing about local politics. If this guy has no chance of becoming governor and making changes that restrict our freedoms, than I was bad in posting this. I just know I once lived in a good strip club area 10 years ago and now it sucks. Things are restricted. Politics affect us all. I'm glad you guys are still unrestricted. I've pretty much quit going to strip clubs for the most part because others restricted the hell out of local strip clubs and shut them down as well. I just keep hoping it doesn't get worse but so far, it has in my local area. I hope other areas of the country don't become a strip club wasteland. I think things go in cycles. Democrats get elected. Then republicans. Then we switch again. I just wish politicians would leave us alone and stop restricting us so much. Ok I'm dropping this.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    "Could Detroit strip club days be numbered?"


    But not for the lunatic, partisan paranoid reasons stated in this post.
  • 4got2wipe
    7 years ago
    sharkhunter, you seem like an ace guy but I'd seriously relax about Sharia in the US. Zero chance.

    <1% of the US population is Muslim. And many of those are Nation of Islam, which is a weird group pretty unrelated to worldwide Islam (though my impression is that their practices have become more like standard Islam more recently).

    Big point, there are way fewer Muslims in the US than there are atheists/agnostics. Somehow, I don't think they're going to convince the Christians, Jews, and misc folks to vote Sharia law in.

    Now, there are a few areas with a lot of Muslims, like Dearborn. Minneapolis/St. Paul has a lot of Somalis (which is great if you like Somali food!). So there probably won't be strip clubs in Muslim majority places. That's fine. Communities set their own standards. Businesses only go where they can get customers. I bet the Catholic community that the Dominos pizza guy started doesn't have strip clubs either (although I don't know how successful the Dominos pizza guy was).

    The Muslims and Catholics probably drive to the strip clubs that are outside their community anyway! ;)

    Big picture: relax. Enjoy a beer and looking at sexy women. You can do that here. You can't in Saudi Arabia. And that's going to be true for a long time! ;)
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    I'm loading my trusty musket as we speak LMFAO
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I'm surprised so many people actually commented on this thread if it was so silly. Some even got angry resorting to name calling or harassing me online. I obviously do not support terrorism or th Muslim brotherhood but if that's your cause, you have likely already been added to a watch list. I know we all die in less than 40 years anyway so none of this will matter. I saw th end of the world. Might have driven me a little bit crazy watching so many die. It was like a vision. Oh well. I think it is still several years away I hope. I wasn't looking at a clock. Better hit the clubs while we still can.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Shark was you illuside dreaming again LMFAO
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    What really scares me are all these supernatural entities following me around and or interacting with me. I'm worried they could attack someone. Actually when a dancer told me she had a poltergeist and I sent something over to kick it out without even knowing where she lived and she said all activity suddenly stopped. She got concerned what entity was living with me or protecting me. I got concerned as well. I was brought up and told you shouldn't interact with invisible entities especially ones that can kick poltergeist butt and visit people that I never visited. I might be related to pirates, murderers and maybe even Attila the Hun but I bet we're all related if you go back thousands of years. I read the human race got wiped out to less than 10,000 people at one point in the last 100,000 years.
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    I read there is a run on aluminum tin foil for hats at all the local grocery stores.

    Better hit the corner grocery store while we still can!
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    LMFAO brilliant points

    I recently got one of those spirit boxes to talk with the dead
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