
Interesting observation

Was at the club for lunch. A hot stripper I haven't seen much of lately comes in wearing street clothes. She hangs out with the door man and waitress about 15 minutes.

60 something dude comes in, she's all over him. He brought flowers. They hang out for less than 10 minutes and go to the Champagne room (she's still in a sundress).

30 minutes later they come out, he leaves, she leaves right after.

What's most interesting to me about the arrangement is they kept it ITC. I'm guessing she prefers it that way, otherwise why let the club get their cut? But clearly he was paying for more than just a CR if she made a special trip just for him.


  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    Yeah, we 60-something dudes are pretty irresistible to hot young strippers -- if we have enough money :)

    One time last summer, right after a *very* hot VIP with my ATF featuring BBBJCIM, she suggested that we blow off the rest of her afternoon shift and go to a hotel. (This was before I started seeing her OTC in August.) Her timing was a little off in two respects: (1) she hadn't yet kicked her live-in loser boyfriend to the curb (that happened a couple of weeks later) and (2) to a seasoned older gentleman such as myself, some more recovery time was required in order to take advantage of the hotel room opportunity. So I politely declined.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Flowers in a strip club? That's pretty pathetic and probably why he doesn't see her OTC (she has his old pathetic ass wrapped around her stripper-finger) - he may not even be getting anything more than dances and convo in the CR.
  • goldmongerATL
    7 years ago
    There was a guy years ago who made the rounds of many Atlanta strip clubs selling roses to PL's to give to their dancers. He sold a lot of roses.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    ^^^^ Juice does the same thing in Asheville, but he sells chackin fangers to hungry PLs and dancers.... makes a killing, that's how he's affording all these Follies trips of late.

    Let's do some math...

    PL meets girl in hotel for afternoon OTC:
    $120 for room / $200 to stripper = $320

    PL meets girl in club for afternoon ITC:
    $7 for flowers / $240 to stripper (which she kicks back $40 to club) = $247

    He may not be so dumb after all.

  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    A mixed dive I go to I used to see a guy selling flowers at times, I asked a dancer if he ever sold any and she said he usually sold out by the end of the night and then all the flowers would be discarded in the dressing room's trashcan
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    A strip club champagne room can often be more expensive than a hotel room (and may not include the dancer fee) - most clubs are not like Detroit clubs which have fully private individual dance-booths which do not require a fee beyond a bouncer tip
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I've seen a couple of dancers,not at Follies, that had such good regulars that they would just come to the club to meet the regular and then leave.

    I've been told that these guys do this rather than OTC so that they don't leave any paper trail.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    ^^^^ Exactly. I knew a PL that would meet a stripper every single Thursday at this dive club a few hours in the afternoon before they officially opened. The dancer had a key to the door and they had the place to themselves, I hope he got a monthly discount.

  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    Being the old fart who brings flowers to the strippers should be one of every tusclers worst nightmares.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Agree with JS69!

    Shai, at least for this area, your numbers are really really far off. I realize this is definitely a matter of those numbers swinging wildly depending on area. But, to start, IMO the club isn't going to just let her kick back $40 -- she's going to charged for a full shift, plus whatever the normal kickback for the room, plus it is almost inconceivable that he isn't kicking back a substantial amount to either the club or the manager on duty (I would bet anything this is a side deal the manager is making) for her to be able to have this privilege of using the room without being on shift. So, at minimum, he's paying: 1. Her shift fee, 2. the full room fee, 3. some substantial tip-out to the manager to make it worth his job, 4. her "tip" on top of all that. Even in a low-$ area -- $500 minimum, probably more? Am I way off somewhere?

    And agree with James, most likely she isn't interested in OTC with him (and he isn't pressing), so this makes him feel special
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    There's a local girl who has one of these types. As far as I know, she doesn't fuck. She won't fuck me, which isn't very indicative, but I've heard from others that she doesn't as well.

    She's a day shift girl, but for this one guy, she's stays late on Fridays. Won't sit with anyone else, won't dance for anyone else, will barely even *talk* to anyone else, and isn't required to do the hourly stage turn, dollar dance or two-for-one specials that all the other night shift girls must do. She'll do two or three of the one hour $160 VIPs and a half dozen or so $32 drinks with him, though.

    Then her husband comes to pick her up. I can only imagine what that dude is paying over and above the bar costs.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    ^ I can only imagine the convos her and her husband have about this RIL and how they're milking him - but if the RIL is happy with what he gets then win-win I guess
  • ime
    7 years ago
    Doesn't sanjoselloyd buy AMP whores cheap figurines as gifts. Roses might be an improvement for him.
  • JamesSD
    7 years ago
    JS69, I think it's worse to be the young guy bringing flowers and gifts to a stripper at the club.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I've seen situations where for known giant spenders, the normal rules don't applly. In the common VIP Room at T's San Jose, 13th street, now gone, such big spender comes in. Place is required to stay no touching. But a girl sitting on each side of him, taking turns getting right in front of him and DFKing him. He eventually left with one or both of the girls.

  • gawker
    7 years ago
    My ATF once told me that there were several dancers who came in as walk-ins once a week just to do one or two hours with one guy in CR. Not unusual
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^^ Interesting. Maybe that guy needs a motorhome in the parking lot.


  • joc13
    7 years ago
    SJG just added to my dream retirement.

    Sell the house, buy a dead rapper's tour bus, follow the Raiders around during NFL season (10 homes games in Vegas!!!) and tour NBA and MLB locations the rest of the year.

    Now I can add touring strip clubs with the tour bus in the parking lot for convenient OTC.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    That's what I want, with a small motorhome. But not sure how many strip clubs would really let one get away with that.

  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    @Papi: Yep, if he's getting what he calls value from it, I don't have a huge problem. And if he's actually getting what *I* call value, then more power to him. :)
  • goldmongerATL
    7 years ago
    Talking about girls who just are there for regular whales, Tattletale's in ATL has a lot of girls that just sit and wait for regulars that have "appointments" arranged by texting. The guy will walk in, go right to his girl, take her to VIP, close the door, come out 30 minutes later and leave. The girl goes back to the bar waiting for her next trick to arrive.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    "... if he's getting what he calls value from it, I don't have a huge problem ..."

    All things being equal; yes - but in SCs often times all things are not equal - i.e. many PLs wish they could get more but they either think the dancer has *all* the power or they give the dancer all the power - i.e. a good # of PLs get what they get not necessarily b/c they are happy w/ it but b/c they think that is the way it is and they are often easily misled and easily manipulated by the dancers - as long as the PL is making an *informed* decision then more power to him but often times they are gettng milked and they don't know it.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    @gold explains why the VIP room cost is so high. Club isn't making any other revenue off that type of custies so have to make the revenue off the rooms.

    The other amazing thing - strippers that can make and keep appointments. Almost worth the extra drive further in to town just to experience it one time.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    "... @gold explains why the VIP room cost is so high. Club isn't making any other revenue off that type of custies so have to make the revenue off the rooms ..."

    I don't think that is the reason - there are guys that go to a SC and just get dances (of which the club often does not get a cut; e.g. Follies, etc) and these custies may just nurse a water-bottle all visit long.

    Clubs charge high VIP room fees b/c they know PLs are thinking w/ their dicks and gotta have that pussy.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I hate to bust your bubble @gold but the clubs are making lots of money from liquor sales, dancers house fees, some from food service and room fees are just gravy on top of all of that. Clubs not making money tend to shut down or get taken over by a more experienced operator, but believe me if they weren't making money the hassles of operating such a business wouldn't make any sense.
  • goldmongerATL
    7 years ago
    @25, where did I say anything about the club not making money?
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