
Requirements for a CF and ATF

What are the requirements for a dancer to be a CF of yours? ATF?

For CF for me:
1. She's got to be 8 or above in looks
2. She has to let me take pics of her on my phone or send me pics herself
3. She has to be fine with me sucking her tits ITC
4. She has to be fine with fingers in vagina (FIV)

For ATF everything is the same as CF but there are a couple of things added:
1. Must be willing to do OTC with me
2. She has to be fine with DFK

What about you?


  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    CF - has to be better than any other dancer that I know.
    ATF - Has to be better than any other dancer that I have ever known.
  • houjack
    7 years ago
    What shadowcat said.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    She has to be one of the following:

    - Puerto Rican
    - Brazilian

  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Captain obvious Shadow :)

    Seriously though for example some of you might not give a girl fav status if she doesn't kiss etc.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    Larry -

    What if there are no 8's, girls that kiss or (GV) Cubans? Still no CF?
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago

    Then she can be a fav of mine, but not THE fav of mine.
  • a21985
    7 years ago
    Yep, what shadow said.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Clackport/P-Nemisis/Fishsticks has been on here for 2+ years and still hasn't figured out how to handle strippers.

    There's dudes in their 70s on here getting laid everyday for $100 and Fishsticks can't even get a stripper to kiss him after he's dropped $1,000 on her in 3 visits. Pathetic.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    For me, a DS must not be

    - Puerto Rican, or
    - Brazilian
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    She sucks my dick without complaining.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    JohnSmith69 hahaha
  • AnonymousJim
    7 years ago
    I filter out dancers who aren't at least a 7, so less than that doesn't even qualify.

    That said, this may sound odd, but all my favorites have had a good personality. They all can form complete sentences and have thoughtful conversation. They also give at least a good, hard grind.

    An ATF would have to surpass my current one, which means she'd have to be busty, flexible and turned on when I see her. It's going to be difficult to surpass my ATF, sadly.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Thank you AnonymousJim for answering the question.
  • mjx01
    7 years ago
    DS - one that might be a unicorn, very pretty (8+), intelligent, friendly, good personality, good and reliable service, potential to be a functioning member of society. Inherently more than an CF but (in my view of things) not to a level of ATF.

    ATF - similar to a DS, but supersedes all others and IMO requires a higher degree of chemistry, history, frequency, and compatibility. Often not 'current.'

    CF - very pretty (8+), good and reliable service, but lacking one or more of the other things needed for DS. IMO, can have multiple CFs, whereas DS/ATF are inherently singular.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I wanna meet an ADS
  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    I don't have a checklist. My ATF is untouchable in the rankings so a list would be meaningless. Even I could recreate the situation I had with her, I wouldn't have the time to enjoy it. My CF's don't last long. It's really just the girl who has my attention until I get bored with whatever's appealing about her. A lot of my top SC experiences with dancers were one and dones.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    I don't have a checklist either; it's some esoteric combination of her looks, how she treats me ITC and between visits, and our OTC chemistry

    CF: I coordinate with her to meet her at the club, and we hang out together the whole time we're there

    ATF: Same as CF, but when I have an ATF, she's the only one I'm interested in spending my money on; if she can't make it in, I might not go in either, because I'd rather spend my money and reschedule with her ASAP. That's how I know she's an ATF!
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    This is a stupid fucking question.
  • HungryGiraffe
    7 years ago
    CF: must deliver PSE OTC.

    ATF: must make me fall in love with her, and be stunningly gorgeous.
  • ATACdawg
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^^^...and be able to effortlessly make you believe that she has fallen in love with you.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    Most of the criteria listed here would for me just decide whether or not to repeat.

    For a CF, I would add a time factor. It has to be sustained for at least 3-4 weeks, or she was just a dancer I had some interest in at one point.

    Occasionally I will meet a dancer who seems awesome, but for one reason or another it doesn't last. If it has been less than 3-4 weeks, I would call them regulars or maybe potential CFs.

    Other than time, I don't have much of a list. What I might be looking for on any given month can vary quite a bit, and is often whatever I have found lacking in other recent interactions.
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    I think for me, I think the first step is to become a regular at a particular club so she can remember who I am and not ask if I'm new here lol
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    @larryfisherman kissing is a requirement for you? As far as I've personally experienced, I don't even need to have previously met the girl before she tries to kiss me. Not exactly a deal breaker for me.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Larry's mom is my CF
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    @Estafador- kissing not required for CF, but it's required for the ATF. Kissing is probably my favorite thing to do.

    Also as stated above personality definitely is important.
  • NinaBambina
    7 years ago
    "Clackport/P-Nemisis/Fishsticks has been on here for 2+ years and still hasn't figured out how to handle strippers.

    There's dudes in their 70s on here getting laid everyday for $100 and Fishsticks can't even get a stripper to kiss him after he's dropped $1,000 on her in 3 visits. Pathetic."

    Well he probably fucks girls just as hot as these clear prostitute "strippers" for free whereas these awesome 70 year olds are p4p.

    Just saying. Don't try pointing at shit if you're already standing in some.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Thanks Nina, I'm working on my civilian game lol, I'm not where I want to be, but I'm progressing. I've always been kind of awkward and nervous around women, but I'm starting to get out of my shell. BTW the all NBA teams came out today and Kawhi is 1st team and Durant is second team :) No Warriors on the 1st team.

    I'd actually hadn't seen anything that shit for brains had posted for a long time, but thanks for alerting me to those quotes Nina, I guess I can respond this time.

    Hey Shailynn you shithead faggot I've had you on ignore for six months and you still try to converse with me LMAO. It you're gonna accuse me of being an alias at least do it with someone who lives in the same city as me lol. You pathetic fool, get a life. I'll pray for you.
  • ButterMan
    7 years ago
    Just my 2 cents but I don't think larry is clackport/p-nemesis/ranukam...I think were talking two different people here.
  • LecherousMonk
    7 years ago
    D+ cup
    36+ in. hips
    35 years old or younger
    150 lbs. or lighter
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