
CF wants me to be her boyfriend

Avatar for Digitech

Oh, geez. It's happening to me. I want to hear experiences and advice from the PL gallery on how to proceed.

Since our first OTC (/postread.php) I've taken this stripper out a bunch more times and each was at least as good as the first excursion. I switched to the 'subscription' pay model, where I don't pay her for the dates and just give her a damn good tip when I happen visit the club. Since each date went well, I've gradually made them longer/more involved. I hereby elevate her from CF to ATF.

On the last outing, I took her for a little trip to Las Vegas. It was an awesome time and we had so much fun. The days were filled with good food, dancing, low-rolling gambling, and of course tons of fucking. She was totally into the sex and I'd love to write some JS style reports of how it all went down, but that's a different post.

She told me she has special feelings for me on the second day and she brought it up several more times during the trip. Of course, you have to take everything a stripper says with a bowl of salt. But I believe she's honest about her feelings and not leading me on. One reason is, they always forget to fake the insecurity. Now she is asking me things like 'Would you leave me for a younger girl'? 'When was the last time you talked to [Old Favorite]?' 'Are you texting her?' 'Did you ever get a dance from [So and So]?', blah, blah. She also blurted out 'I love you' during sex, but of course Latinas are always calling you 'my love' or 'mi amor' and so maybe it doesn't have the same weight as if English was her first language.

She asks me if I feel special about her, etc. I have pretty much dodged the question so far. I dislike being elusive and would rather give a straight answer or have a clear discussion with her. But I have to sort myself out first. What do I really want with her? How could I have a girlfriend that works as a stripper in a full-service club?

I guess it's PL101 not to develop feelings for a stripper. But I do like her. Damn it! What the fuck do I do now?


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Avatar for ppwh

Start picking out Xbox games, quit your job and get ready to smoke a lot of weed, brother. You've got it made!

Avatar for jaredlucas

Run Forest run.

Remember that she will grinding on dicks and either tempted with OTC or ITC fun or delivering it with other PLs.

Not the best of situations for a GF. Better to keep her as your ATF. My two cents. - I've been there.

Avatar for GoVikings

lucky guy you are

wish my CF, who is also Latina, would say this to me

Avatar for JamesSD

Can you afford to "buy her out" and have her stop stripping/whoring?

Are you ok with your woman fucking other men for money?

I'm guessing the answer to both of those questions is No. So you have two potential plays. One is to keep things pay to play. When she brings up that stuff just say you think she's sexy and enjoy being with her but don't want a girlfriend. The other is to try to find that sweet spot where you have intimacy and fuck but aren't really exclusive. It's basically impossible to sustain long term.

Good luck.

Avatar for anonlvone

what happens in vegas should stay in vegas. real life and real relationships aren't like a weekend las vegas getaway. the real test is how she feels about you after a month or two, when the las vegas trip is just a memory and reality is hitting you in the face again. and correspondingly, how you feel about her under the same conditions.

Avatar for Daddillac

This sounds very familiar to me....

My advice is run

Avatar for gammanu95

Just like sex can ruin a good friendship, a relationship will ruin good sex. I'd advise not to do it. She's a full service sex worker, so obviously she's made a lifestyle of bad decisions.

Avatar for grand1511

Dude, you've led her along with increasingly girlfriend-type experiences....that's how you end up getting a girlfriend. If you just want wham-bam thank you ma'am, keep it at that.

Avatar for Digitech

Yeah, "buying her out" seems to be the best option, but I doubt I could afford, and probably wouldn't want to at this stage even if I could.

She pays living expenses for herself, her mom, her adult son, one of her brothers, and her sister and her sister's children. This includes rent, food, school sypploes, laptops, phone bills, etc.

She mentioned on an earlier date how her last boyfriend wanted her to quit. She stopped for 6 months, then went back because her son was having money problems and this caused the breakup.

Avatar for ATACdawg

The heart wants what the heart wants, man.

You're doomed. ;-)

Avatar for gammanu95

If she's got that much baggage (supporting an extended family), and has already sacrificed relationships for that baggage, then you need to dial it back immediately. Also, an adult son? How old is she?!

Avatar for ATACdawg

OK. Enough of the smart ass replies.

Given the amount of family baggage this woman brings along, I'd say there is no way it could ever work out. She is obviously seeing you as husband material, and you are just as obviously considering it or you wouldn't have posted!

When my ATF was dancing, she had a very similar situation. Divorced, supporting a her in-service daughter and her grandson, and with another son who was actually very responsible.

I used to idly wonder if we could make a go of it if my wife were to somehow disappear from my life. The feelings were certainly there on both sides. The conclusion that I came to was that the drama in her life would inevitably poison the relationship.

Avatar for wallanon

"I guess it's PL101 not to develop feelings for a stripper. But I do like her. Damn it! What the fuck do I do now?"

Get tested. For everything. Pay to get her tested. For everything. Enjoy it while it lasts. Don't offer to buy her out and support her, especially if she's got a whole army of people she's whoring for. If they rely on her income they're going to want a say in things. That's a problem. It's okay to have feelings. Just don't let them wreck your judgment.

Avatar for DrStab

Even in a "regular" relationship, if you have to support your girl's whole family, it is bad news. There are millions of dudes, not even PL's, who would advise to avoid. Good luck and enjoy it while you can.

Avatar for larryfisherman

I was gonna say if you're in your 50's and she's in her 20's, then she most likely is looking for a sugar daddy situation. But looking back at the previous thread it looks like you're in your early 30's and she's in her 40's? In that case go for it, don't look back. You only live once. But remember it ain't serious, just have fun, and remember she will be fucking other guys ITC.

Avatar for ppwh

Plan B if you want to keep your job would be to buy her club once things go south and turn it into a gas station. Style points if you resist visiting her at her new club when she texts you a few months later.

Avatar for HungryGiraffe

Enjoy the relationship while you can. Just be honest, and true to yourself. Women love monogamy, locking down a guy. If that's not what you're looking for be firm and let her know.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

My 2 PL-cents.

First of all do you really want to be in a relationship with her beyond her just being hot (since you can still be w/ her w/o being in a relationship) - do you really want to be in a relationship and everything that comes w/ it besides the fucking.

When you're with someone you are also with their baggage and strippers often have a good amount of it, not to mention she may want to dance less or even stop and look at you to pick up the slack - many of these girls' lives revolve around $$$ and they either get it thru dancing or probably expect to be taken care of.

No one can say that it will or will-not work out, but dating a stripper is usually not the hgme as dating a chick that works in corporate-America - as long as you go in w/ eyes wide open and know what it may entail, then go for it if you feel you are up to it.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

Agree with daddillac. Get out while the getting is good.

You're either going to fall in love with her (because that's what sex does to normal people; it's a hormone thing, the way our bodies are wired up; nothing you can do about it), or she's going to fall in love with you. Maybe both.

Good luck.

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