I fucked up

avatar for jaredlucas
Went the club with my typical $300-400 and spent it having a great time. No issues. Pretty typical outing.

As I was leaving ran into an old fave and decided to go to my car and get some more cash to go visit with my old friend. We had lost contact some months back. Instead of just grabbing a few hundred I snatched my cash envelope out of my brief case and headed in.

Bought one round of drinks and we decided to Go OTC for fun. Get to my place and my cash envelope is missing. I must have dropped it in the club. Long story short my OTC fun was less than hoped for and I was out $1500.

I'll have to skip the next two - three weeks as my fun cash is in somebody else's pocket now. Of course I called the manager but nobody turned it in. Lesson learned. Only go in with what you plan to spend and Leave the extra cash in the car Damn.


last comment
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Live and learn. It's a pretty small mistake in the grand scheme of things. Don't beat yourself over it too much.
avatar for GoVikings
8 years ago
Losing $1500 is a "pretty small" mistake?

LOL alrighty then
I don't like to have too much cash on me in part b/c I may overspend but also b/c it can be lost or stolen - I rather use the club ATM and take the fee hit if I need more $$$ than be walking around w/ that much cash - of course if one is married then there's the issue of fhe paper trail I guess - if one is concerned about a ATM paper-trail then perhaps a prepaid card which does not show up in a credit report is an option.
avatar for Bavarian
8 years ago
It stings but yeah, take a break from the club to "make up for it"
Always listen to your elders so your not the dumbass losing $1500.
It sucks to lose that much $$$ but if one can afford to spend it in strip clubs then it's not really a life-changing issue (it's not as if one is gonna become homeless b/c of it, so yeah not the worst thing that can happen in the big-scheme of things) .
It's not hard to lose stuff in strip clubs ($$$, keys, ph, etc) - not hard for stuff to fall out of one's pocket when getting dances or just sitting down - one is often distracted in the clubs so one should take precautions to make sure their valuables are safe.
avatar for GoVikings
8 years ago
^ i agree

one time after getting dances with my CF....i realized my phone was missing. so obviously i panicked and the first thing i did was walk back to the VIP room that i was just in.....but it wasn't there. so then i got really started to sweat.

then something told me to check by the table i was sitting at. turns out my phone was underneath this looooong table-cloth that they have covering each table.

i've also had my vikings lanyard that has my keys on it somehow fall out of my pocket, but luckily the waitress found it and returned it to me :-)
Fortunately losing that money won't change my life and all is well.

On the downside I had earmarked that extra cash for an OTC threesome this coming week which I now will postpone. Bummer. Won't happen again.

I once lost a cell phone in a club but fortunately it was turned into the manager.
avatar for DrStab
Motor City
8 years ago
Went to the SC during my lunch break and lost my work security badge at the club. Didn't realize I had lost it until I got back to the office. Fortunately, the seedy bouncer found it and gave it back to me. Lucky for me.
you fucked up.
Who carries money in an envelope? I always keep it in my wallet and I always kept track of that wallet. Lesson learned.
We've all broken the rule. Though most of us just spent way more than we meant too, not just lost it. An expensive lesson/reminder.
Sorry dude, that does suck. I've left my wallet in clubs twice by not securing it into my back pocket after LDs, and walking out with it left in the chair. First time was a loss of a couple hundred $$, but also a company credit card, DL, personal cards, etc. Second time a bouncer had it when I went back, and got a nice tip. Felt really stupid both times. Those lessons taught me to be very careful to get it tucked back in, and check twice before leaving.
I take as little as possible into a SC and avoid taking my wallet, either leave it at home or well-hidden in the car
avatar for Corvus
8 years ago
That sucks.

I only take what I need into a SC. Nearly loosing my cell phone one night cured me of that. I use a burner phone for fun times and no longer take my primary phone inside.

I only take my burner phone, ID, cash I will spend, my car key (not keys, just the key necessary), sunglasses, and if I'm staying at a local hotel I take a business card from their front desk in case I need to let a dancer know which hotel to come to for OTC fun.

I never take my wallet or credit cards into a club either. If I need to I can go out to the car and grab something. And pray the car is not broken into or stolen while I'm inside having fun.

It wasn't $1500 but the other day I found $200 folded up in my wallet I forgot I had. I used it wisely on some OTC fun that same weekend. That was a nice discovery.
Desert scrub. Yup will need to learn the rubber band trick. Sounds painful. Ha ha.

Ever since I learned about tuscl I have been amazingly lucky pulling girls out of the clubs. I owe it all the the other "PL" contributors. I think I'm addicted. Yikes.
avatar for maho
8 years ago
I'm all for taking precautions, but have no trouble walking into a club with a wallet, phone, and keys (unless valet then no key to worry about) and not have issues losing stuff.

When clubbing know how much cash going in will lead to a good time so only take that, with maybe a little extra cushion in case things get extra fun. :-) Since I drink little / not at all when clubbing maybe that helps me stay in control of funds and no lose things - not sure.
This is just another humble brag as far as I can see, a pretty stupid one actually, like a lil' fishsticks post !
You're no doubt correct twentyfive. A non-brilliant humblebrag at that! :(

I always use the patented desertscrub "attach $3K to your scrotum with a rubber band" method. I've never lost any of that money.

Got some weird looks when I stopped at the convenience store after clubbing though. You'd think they never saw a guy reach into his pants, play around for a while, and pull out money. ;)
It must be nice to only have to lay off SCing for a couple weeks to save $1,500 in fun money.
If I had extra cash in my car I'd spend it every time! I bring my cash in with me, and if I run out I go home.
I actually do the extra cash in the car thing for if I'm having a REALLY good time. No more than $100 though. I only bring a max of $200 in with me.
It happens all the time. Just keep extra $$$$ with you in a safe place
Damn bruh
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