"The report found the most dangerous part of an entertainer’s job is working in VIP spaces where customers pay to spend time alone with an entertainer. The secluded areas are big moneymakers — prices range from $75 for 30 minutes to $400 for an hour — and customers often expect sexual contact"
What kind of lowlife would expect sexual contact for $400?
last commentThat definition is so loose, it could include any adult who ever got a minimum wage job in order to pay bills.
It could also include anyone who was forced to sell an item that they wanted to keep.
Not everyone is a victim! Quit pretending these girls don't have a choice!
"Health department officials earlier this month released the results of inspections at all 17 adult establishments, which confirmed bodily fluids..."
You have to wonder how people can write this crap.
Looks like Minneapolis isn't somewhere we'd ever want to plan a TUSCL meet up...