Adult entertainers detail workplace safety hazards in Minneapolis clubs

avatar for jackslash
"The report found the most dangerous part of an entertainer’s job is working in VIP spaces where customers pay to spend time alone with an entertainer. The secluded areas are big moneymakers — prices range from $75 for 30 minutes to $400 for an hour — and customers often expect sexual contact"

What kind of lowlife would expect sexual contact for $400?…


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avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Does anyone pay $400 and NOT have sexual contact??
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
Yes, people in Minneapolis pay $400 and get no sexually contact. Fishsticks and Bavarian get the same treatment as well when they go to VIPs.
avatar for gammanu95
8 years ago
What kind of lowlife overpays like that and drives up prices for the rest?
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
Gam - some people just don't know any better. They haven't discovered TUSCL.
avatar for STL2
8 years ago
"Financial Exploitation,". What a laugh!

That definition is so loose, it could include any adult who ever got a minimum wage job in order to pay bills.

It could also include anyone who was forced to sell an item that they wanted to keep.

Not everyone is a victim! Quit pretending these girls don't have a choice!
avatar for anthonyu
8 years ago
"An entertainer can earn $1,000 in a night but pays house fees, fines and tips to club employees and managers — a financial obligation that can consume their earnings."

"Health department officials earlier this month released the results of inspections at all 17 adult establishments, which confirmed bodily fluids..."

You have to wonder how people can write this crap.
avatar for warhawks
8 years ago
Minneapolis sounds like they have a real stick up their ass for the adult entertainment venues in that area.

Looks like Minneapolis isn't somewhere we'd ever want to plan a TUSCL meet up...
avatar for bvino
8 years ago
Study methodology based on 22 online interviews. pretty weak data structure. $400.00 and expecting sex? Surprising that none of the self reporting online answers included sex for that kind of money.
avatar for mal_hodgson
8 years ago
$400 an hour? Senator Franken must have been in town...
avatar for silkypants
8 years ago
Actually those prices seem quite reasonable to me. At $25 a song, $400 is about an hour and you probably had more fun.
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