
Who do you like?

You ever talk with a stripper and she asks you which girls you like or which other girls do you like?

I figure she wants to see her competition for my wallet.

Do you tell her which other girls you like, or do you say "my eyes are only on you"? Lol.


  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Instead of just asking everyone else what they say, how about offering how you would typically respond as well. Do you admit to them that you have crushes on your algebra teacher and the head cheerleader?
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Right now my CF is my only "regular" so "I only have eyes for you" is an easy answer. Besides, we're doing OTC tomorrow so I wouldn't mess that up by telling her I like a competitor!
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    I tell her if she kisses me after school I'll share my Strawberry Yogurt with her at lunch.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    Yeah, I've been asked this from time to time

    I simply answer honestly. In my opinion they do this because they're trying to help out their co workers. In other words, if you aren't attracted to the stripper who asks this question, she wants to find out who you are attracted to, so that dancer can make money.

    I've had strippers send over Latinas after I told them those are my favorite dancers
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    I get asked that a lot, and it's usually by strippers who aren't my type. Once they get a sense that I don't want them, they ask me what kind of girls I do like. I do my best not to answer because it seems mean to tell an nearly naked older black woman that I'm turned on my pale white young redheads. But if they keep asking, and if they insist that they won't be offended or they just want to send the girls I want my way, I will politely answer the question.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    I usually reply with my favorite is the first one that sucks my dick
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    You know, this is one of those things that makes me realize, there's a whole bunch of experiences that used to happen to me more often, but rarely happen anymore. Something in the way I interact with the girls, or the clubs I choose, or the particular girls I choose, or a combination, just has led to this not really coming up very often (if at all) in the past few years. And there's a number of other situations that often come up on the forum, that used to happen often but don't anymore.

    The way I interact with the girls, I try to make it always self-serving, always in control of the conversation, at least until I know this is a girl I want to talk to. If it's my ATF asking, I'm happy to answer, since it invariably just reinforces that I like her ("I love you, and girls who look like you, like Mercedes and Cinnamon"). If it's a random stripper who has walked up, I turned her down, and now is asking questions -- my general rule is, I don't answer questions, particularly if I sense at all that she's going to turn this into snark. Sometimes, I'm feeling playful and don't mind engaging a girl I just turned down, and then and only then, I might answer her. The main point is, I answer if I feel like it, but do not get led along by the nose because I"m too intimidated to not answer a question that the stripper has no business asking.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    If I like the dancer, I say women who look like you. If I don't I tell her I like women who look different. Simple fact is that while spinners with brown hair and eyes are my focus, my CF and CF2 are both large breasted blue eyed blondes. No idea why, but then again I truly don't care why.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    @govikings- dancers don't give a fuck about the other dancers unless they're really good friends. They only give a fuck about the money.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    Larry.....not true.

    They help each other out all the time

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Best to evade those kinds of questions. A gentleman does not talk about such things. Deal with one girl at a time, the one you are talking with.

  • rl27
    7 years ago
    At my regular stomping grounds, most dancers know who I go for, and I am rarely asked that question at those clubs. Still a few have asked me that, often in a club I have never been to before. Each time I tell them which dancers in the club I like. About half the time if it's a new girl, she'll say, "oh, I am much more fun than her," or something similar.
  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    When I used to get that question, I would answer it since the real answer isn't anything in particular. The closest question I get to that anymore is a dancer commenting on another dancer to see what I'll say. The other week one dancer (who was stupidly hot and we had a great time together) summed it up pretty quickly after we'd been chatting for a minute. Game recognizes game, she said. One thing that is nice about experienced strippers who are any good at their craft is their economy of language. Many people would benefit from learning that skill.
  • lopaw
    7 years ago
    I get asked that alot and I avoid answering by changing the subject. I can never tell if they are sizing up the competition or fishing for compliments.
  • WetWilly
    7 years ago
    I rarely answer that question anything more concrete than " it varies ", but when I do actually answer it I'm talking to a hottie so I tell them " like you"!
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    I mentally add "...so I know who to try to undermine things with" to this kind of question. After years of answering something like "you'll see" when they ask who I am waiting for when turning down a dance, I tried answering a couple of times when I was waiting for a CF.

    The first time, the dancer asking said "can't you tell that she doesn't want to dance for you?" and went into a hard sell routine. Finally, she offered to ask the CF so they could do a dance together.

    Second time at a different club, the asker said: Oh, it looks like she's busy over on the other side of the room! How about getting a dance with me instead?

    In the more general sense, I tell them that I don't really have a type and that I know if I like someone when I meet her. That seems to set a good tone that I'm not just looking for an exact physical type and that effort/rapport can tilt the scale.
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    "What do you like?"

    Depends. If I like *her*, I tell her. If I don't, I'll usually just say be non-committal and shrug. If she looks like the type, I might use the old "girls who swallow" trope.
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