
OT: Customer service is so shiity most of the time

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

I hang out at Starbucks a lot - often times what I want to eat is not out in the display - at least half the time when I ask do you have 'X' they tell me "if it's not there in the display we don't have it"; they don't bother to check in the back.

I am at Starbucks right now - was in the mood for a turkey presto - did not see one in the display - ask a young-dude and he said he had just come-in but he would check for me as soon as he logged-in for his shift - while logging-in he asks 2 different girls "hey do we have any turkey presto left?" - the 2 answer w/ the typical "if we don't have any upfront we don't have any" - he still goes ahead and checks in the back once he's done logging-in and sure enough he comes out w/ one.

I've been to Starbucks in several areas in the country but consistently run into shitty service in the Miami ones to go along w/ shitty service everywhere in Miami - damn I'm tired of dealing w/ banana-republic Miami.


  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    You mean customer service is no good even in places that aren't strip clubs, DAYYUM !

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Friends don't let friends patronize Starbucks. I was able to keep them out of Safeway for a while too, because Safeway is unionized and of course Starbucks is not.


    But, the girls at these places are moody. As these places are not Starbucks, if you and they have a problem, they will get shitty with you.

  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    it took the dude all of 10 seconds to walk 5 steps from the register to the back; grab-it, and come back with it- SMH
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I happened to observe a training session when they were first trying to install Starbucks into Safeway. They treat their 'associates' like monkey's on a string. This is how I got involved in opposing them. The presenter spoke to me, and really gave her a dressing down. No one should have to work in such an environment.

  • crazyjoe
    7 years ago
    I am sorry Papi chulo... Howard Schultz would be dissapointed
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I wonder if Howard reads TUSCL
  • Dolfan
    7 years ago
    It's not just poor service/laziness, people in/from Miami are generally fucking assholes. It's obviously not all of them, but the percentage is much, much higher than everywhere else I go.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Yeah - Miami is often at the bottom of the list of surveys dealing with customer service, how friendly/rude people are; and often at the bottom of the list of worst and rudest drivers.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Hmm, sounds like you got great customer service from one guy who ignored his coworkers to make sure he could delight his customer, and by-rote service from the rest. Shoulda gotten the kid's name and written a letter to corporate, also suggesting the phrase "if it's not in the display we don't have in" should be band.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Fucking Millenials
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Fishsticks is a millennial.

    I think every generation thinks the next are a bunch of lazy assholes, then eventually that generation grows up only to chastise the next, upcoming group just like the previous generation did them.

    Smartphones have really thrown a monkey wrench in everything. They've made some people more productive (business oriented people - now accessible 24 hours 7 days a week) but have hurt productivity to lower level jobs. Like the fucking idiot at Starbucks or the kid checking me out at the grocery store line who won't get off their phone long enough to do their job.
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    I thought Chicago was bad, with all the liberal service union bullshit. Then I moved to New Orleans. The city that care forgot. The big easy. The chocolate city. The dumbest, laziest, most inbred, insular batch of assholes I ever imagined. Florida was out of the frying pan and into the fire. The complete lack of work ethic and follow-through is mind-numbing. The bar is set lower than the Challenger Deep. The whole state is on island time. Want to hire one entry-level employee? Make 50 phone calls and you may get 20 applicants. Set 20 interviews, and ten may show up. Hire five, and if your lucky, you might keep one for a year. Color, gender, and creed don't seem to matter. On one hand, it's easy for guys like me to stay ahead; on the other hand, it's a full-time job just to find one satisfactory landscaper, or housekeeper. Maybe that's the cost of living in a tropical paradise.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    Also, they serve crap coffee.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Get off my lawn!!!
  • minnow
    7 years ago
    I've noticed shitty customer service in another venue. Namely, a certain Subway on Dale Mabry in Tampa has a nasty habit of closing 15-20 minutes prior to posted closing time. YMMV, as there are different folks working on any given night.. The young dudes seem to be the worst, 2 in particular. Women workers seem to be best. In most places, if you wander in 5 or more minutes before closing, you'll get in and get what you came for. In my cases (dancers at nearby clubs have experienced the same thing) I've driven up 15-20 minutes prior to closing (11p), and seen the lights dimmed, entry door locked, and some dude cleaning things up behind the counter.
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    Corporate American with HQ that is non-regional is a cancer on these United States. This is one example why.

    Shop local. Havanna House in Warren, Ohio (a local coffee shop) would NEVER treat a customer this way.
  • Corvus
    7 years ago
    In my frequent travels I encounter good service seldom, adequate service a little more often, and​ less than stellar service most of the time and in most locations.

    Seldom frequent Starbucks and avoid Florida at all costs, but it's not limited to your part of the world Papi, or Starbucks either. I've had great service in the most unlikely places and terrible service in places one would expect top service. At a high end restaurant in Nashville a few months back the waiter could have earned himself a tip in the range of $50. Instead he was inattentive at best and literally got a single digit tip. I bet that got his attention! Dumb ass.
  • Harderlap
    7 years ago
    At least here in the southwest and in the midwest where I have traveled, the customer service I have encountered at Starbuck's has been very good. They have never failed to make good on any problems I have had and never questioned me when I said I had a problem. I know others who have had similar experiences.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Starbucks or Viet Coffee -> diabetes -> ED -> death

    Its not just the sugar, as even caffeine is part of the problem.

    But with Viet Coffee the route is more fun.


    But better still to skip the coffee and just get some Viet hottie pussy.



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