Yesterday afternoon on the way back to Detwaa, I stopped at a Micky D's to get on the Net. While I was there, I went to the men's room to take a dump. Some guy in the shitter hadn't locked the door properly and I almost walked in. I apologized to the guy who was flustered and he blabbed," I thought I locked it." LOL So I go back out and hang out on the Net, 15 minutes later, the dude still hadn't got off the shitter. said to myself, screw it and left. Later as I continued up North, it hit me, it must have been crazyjoe. :)
In drive from Orlando to Cape Coral needing to take a shit, badly, yesterday. I couldn't find a decent bathroom. I couldn't stop by any clubs I had to shit so bad. I should have PMed crazyjoe.
Good thing you left. I'm certain that crazyjoe clogged that shitter but good! No way you would have wanted to use that shitter after him! ;)