Sat at the rack last night, tipped a very hot dancer and she jumped in my lap. This is the desired response but I was overwhelmed by her perfume/body spray whatever. Just way too much, I had to ask her to get away. I don't like it, my wife (who knows I stop at clubs sometimes) is very sensitive to smells and definitely doesn't like it. I would have got a PD fom this girl but instead I got a bit nauseous. I can even pick up that scent in my car still. Why girls???
I would have enjoyed the girl fully. And all that perfume would have made her intoxicating, from initial nuzzling to a full blown makeout session, to DATYing here. And remember, the perfume, made well adds to her tastes and smells, but does not cover them up. And then continuing to round after round with her in my own bed, knowing that I'd be washing the bedding the next day.
In your case, I would say that your wife needs a divorce lawyer. Just PM me her contact info and I'll find her a good one, not matter where you live.
That's nothing. I got some skunk weed that's so pungent, after only being in my car a few hours I could still smell it the next day. I couldn't keep it in the house even. I finally put it in a glass jar, and put that jar in a glass jar, and that held it. Dynamite weed, but I wish it were a bit drier!
As for perfume, my wife and I don't sleep together and she's never home anyway, so I don't mind taking scents home. In fact my last CF would spray down for me upon my request! But I agree it's really bad for business since most customers are married.
This made me realize that, at least in the past few years, it's been super rare I've run into strippers who have way overdone their perfume. Some years back I ran into it more often. I remember a particular girl, super popular and crazy hot, who used to wear what I considered to be a defensive layer of perfume. I couldn't get near her because of it. Once, she touched my forearm when she asked me to dance, I quickly sent her away, and then my forearm stunk like her perfume. WTF? how did her perfume get all over her palms??
Ok so the point was the perfume was only intoxicating in the same way you would classify industrial solvent and neither me or my wife want to smell it. I wish she smelled like weed!!!
My wife is chemically sensitive to perfume so I avoid any dancer I can smell coming as there is nothing worse than getting home after midnight, ready for bed and then having to shower. Way to go ROCK - we're keeping our current bag in the garage because it made the whole house smell, but Ghost Train is one amazing weed.
I don't have a S.O. to worry about but yeah stripper or not some people put on too-much and some of it has a stronger scent than others or just a scent one does not like and at times it does bother me but not to the point that I absolutely have to get away from the person - but yeah; dancers should have better sense since so many PLs have S.O.s that they gotta hide their hobby from.
BTW - why do Portland PLs often refer to the tip-rail as the rack?
Heavy perfume can be neat because the girl can get it in her hair and then brush by you from the stage and just inundate you, even when touching is not allowed. And then, it should decorate her smells and tastes, not cover them up.
But guys got to live up to their obligations and take responsibilities for their choices.
But even with unlimited contact, the perfume can still be a trip.
Is their actually anyone here who really believes that they are fooling their wife? Is there anyone who really believes that cheating on their wife by using strip clubs is a constructive way to live?
I guess some like the perfume some don't. Papi_Chulo: I am not from Portland originally so I'm not sure how/when it started but I've always liked how they call it "the rack". Kinda fitting really
Sometimes, I don't mind it. If I have had a particularly good night and I still smell a fave on me when I'm in the car, I smile all the way home. Before doing laundry, if the faintest whiff remains, the same smile returns.
It depends on the type and quality of scent/perfume.Some are cheap and strong.Some are mild and intoxicating. The second type with a hot bodied girl makes me bust the nut in two songs. Usually Asians and Latinas at high end clubs wear the second type. Some dancers don't put perfume at all. They want to be natural or they don't want to spread the scent to customers. I always wash my face and neck before I leave the club.
For the life of me I can't rember what it's's big in's an oil they can rub on their skin and most people usually asocatioed it with being a hippy or dirty but I freaking love that fragrance
Hate that "hippy" smell. If she had a natural body scent from her pussy getting wet and body excreting pheromones that agree with me, that's the sexiest scent.
I like the smell and would prefer she wear *something*, even if cheap, than nothing at all. I don't mind the transfer myself and actually like the lingering scent on the ride home.
The wife, however, is really sensitive to smells doesn't like Eau d' skank. So my return home ritual is to crack the car windows, head down to the basement, soak the clothes in a small tub of Woolite, hit the shower (again), then crawl into bed with the wife, or if it's still early, read until bed time.
-->"Some strippers will lather on perfume to cover the fact that they haven't showered."
That is absolutely true. The girls are not beyond taking a wet-wipe "shower" in the dressing room, and then spritzing some cheap floozy spray. I've recalled before about a pretty funny conversation I had with a stripper, where she made some arguably-racist observations about which ethnic group of strippers is particularly known for this.
I find a judicious amount of perfume -- just enough so that I don't smell it until we're cuddling -- downright intoxicating.
Unless of course you are referring to a stripper at a particular one of our local clubs, where it is no touching, but most all of the girls leave when ever they want to do OTC. The perfume makes a difference when she gets close to you and brushes you with her hair, from the stage. That is the most she can do ITC. But her meaning comes across clearly.
last commentIn your case, I would say that your wife needs a divorce lawyer. Just PM me her contact info and I'll find her a good one, not matter where you live.
As for perfume, my wife and I don't sleep together and she's never home anyway, so I don't mind taking scents home. In fact my last CF would spray down for me upon my request! But I agree it's really bad for business since most customers are married.
Really? How about meeting up with a Process Server?
Really? How about going home and being met by a Process Server?
BTW - why do Portland PLs often refer to the tip-rail as the rack?
But guys got to live up to their obligations and take responsibilities for their choices.
Is their actually anyone here who really believes that they are fooling their wife? Is there anyone who really believes that cheating on their wife by using strip clubs is a constructive way to live?
Papi_Chulo: I am not from Portland originally so I'm not sure how/when it started but I've always liked how they call it "the rack". Kinda fitting really
I always wash my face and neck before I leave the club.
Some strippers will lather on perfume to cover the fact that they haven't showered. Or, that they smell like an ashtray (also a turn off).
It's not often that I've turned a dancer away due to excessive perfume, but it has happened.
The wife, however, is really sensitive to smells doesn't like Eau d' skank. So my return home ritual is to crack the car windows, head down to the basement, soak the clothes in a small tub of Woolite, hit the shower (again), then crawl into bed with the wife, or if it's still early, read until bed time.
That is absolutely true. The girls are not beyond taking a wet-wipe "shower" in the dressing room, and then spritzing some cheap floozy spray. I've recalled before about a pretty funny conversation I had with a stripper, where she made some arguably-racist observations about which ethnic group of strippers is particularly known for this.
I find a judicious amount of perfume -- just enough so that I don't smell it until we're cuddling -- downright intoxicating.
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