Is it even fair to call strip clubs titty bars anymore?

As most know I was not blessed with giant tits. B cup for me and I love them but I have noticed that big breasted girls just don't seem to be around like they once were. I remember having a friend at a different club that I used to work at having a set of D's that were huge. When I think about yesteryears dancers most of them were big chested full figured girls but now it seems that smaller framed and smaller chested girls are the norm. I wonder if this is some kinda or thing related to evolution or something. I get a lot of compliments on my tits and even though I have considered getting bigger ones I probably wont. It even seems as if customers don't care about tit size anymore either. I guess clubs back in the day were mostly topless as compared to today also so maybe that's why its not such a big deal? any thoughs?
I see tittles each time I visit.
When did we stop loving large tittles? Focus? What does that mean? I've been going to clubs for 25 years all over the globe and I honestly don't know what you're asking.
BTW, I have no clue what your breasts are like, so it doesn't help me understand your explanation…
IMO many clubs do seem to emphasize the small petite girl w/ slender legs; small waist; small-booty; and these types usually have small boobs.
IDK why it's so hard to find girls w/ large natural boobs in clubs these days - I do think many clubs think they are not small enough and thus they may not be hired; or these women may feel self-conscious being nude in today's SCs? I def like/prefer big natural boobs (C - DD) as long as they are not deformed (and they not need be) - when I look at webcams I see plenty of women w/ very nice large natural breasts and I ask myself why I don't see women like that in clubs - I'm not saying a club should hire mostly full-figured/voluptuous women; but let at least a 1/4 of the dancers be of this type for the custies who prefer them vs only skinny chicks with either small natural boobs or skinny w/ big-fake boobs neither of which is my preference although I prefer small and natural over big and fake.
The wider variety of PLs have brought the various body types that they are attracted to into the clubs.
BTW poledancer, your body is exactly the type that many of us PLs are looking for. Any new pics you'd care to share?
Here in Seattle there are only 15 clubs in the metropolitan area, and only one more in the entire state, so there are not a lot of clubs to make a comparison with. And more than half of those have only been around since 2008.
I do like large natural boobs and dancers of that type get my business. I've been clubbing here for 11 years now, and perhaps I'd agree that not as many big-boobied dancers are working here as when I moved here. But, I still look for those that are at least a D-cup. However I don't find as many as I used to. And as others have stated, I really don't care for enhanced boobs. I'd rather have a dancer small and natural than big and enhanced.
The term "titty bar" is likely a colloquial term for "topless bar" which was the common term used before "strip club" become standard. That was in the days before lap dances, when all there was to do was to watch dancers on stage dance go topless. So, as someone else mentioned, the emphasis was on viewing tits. Hence the names topless bar and titty bar.
To me it seems the boobs got smaller w/ each decade until the 1980s where more fake-ones started to appear - like women w/ curves and large natural beasts, thus I found the Playmates from the 50s the most desirable followed by the 60s then 70s and not liking most of the 80s and beyond:…
I remember someone a lot older than me called it a go go club. He fought in a war, I forget which one. I heard the guy tell me that over 20 years ago. I rarely ever heard someone call a strip club that before. I was wondering if he was a WWII vet. I don't remember anymore.
I met a lot of different people when I visited clubs in Fayetteville.
LOL - is that really true? Never heard that b/f.
Tits in Spanish is "tetas" but I can't see how that would be an acronym that makes sense but maybe
It is much more likely that it is just a corruption of "teats", which is the name for the mammary glands on most milk-producing animals. E.g. A cow's udder has 4 teats.
Tits in Spanish is "tetas"
Is that how the Grand Tetons got their name?
You may be thinking of the San Onofre nuclear generating station near San Clemente, CA:…