
Anybody else find it weird when dad and son go out to strip club together?

I get the whole turning 18 going to see tits and ass thing but I gotta say from a dancer standpoint it just seems really weird to me. I have had dad and son get lapdances together before and just listening to the talk back and forth it just seems really weird. I guess its a right of passage or something like boy to man. But when im dancing away and I got your dad cheering us on I still to this day get a little red faced. I mean don't get me wrong money is money but seems bizarre. any thoughts?


  • rickthevulture
    8 years ago
    I don't know. My dad flew back into my life when I reached sexual maturity and he said "son, let me introduce you to the joy that is a slutty female hairless ape licking your cloaca". I haven't looked back since.

  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    I suppose a lot of it has to do with the fathers relationship with the son's mother. My son and I closed the infamous Memphis Platinum Plus 3 nights in a row when he was in his early 20's. My marriage was on the rocks and it was no secret. We did agree that mom didn't need to know about the club visit.

    Now we did not double team any dancers. We went our separate ways when it came to private dances.
  • rickthevulture
    8 years ago
    By the way pole dancer, have you ever licked a vulture's cloaca until he jizzed in your mouth? You haven't lived until you've tasted vulture jizz. Squawk!

    When I come to your club you'll recognize me. I'll be the handsome black vulture wearing a suit. Squawk!
  • stripfighter
    8 years ago
    The situation you describe sounds like dad living vicariously through son and wanting to be a young boy again. Shadow's would be more appropriate in going separate ways for private.
  • poledancer83
    8 years ago
    OMG fucking trolls rick the whatever you are just fucking stop. you don't have enough money in your wallet for me to even show you my tits or ass. stop fucking posting weird shit on everyones stuff. daddy and mom didn't hug you enough when you were a kid or something but goddamn
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    I can only envision taking my son to a strictly topless air dance club. I think I'd feel uncomfortable with anything more than that. Hell, that might make me feel wierd. I know I would have if my Dad took me when I was young.

    I have always felt a bit wierd when watching a movie with a sex scene if my Mom is in the room. And I'm almost 50.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    poledancer, I know rick( in his many persona ) can be annoying but it's OK. LOL

    It is a different life choice situation you describe.

    I just don't see my dad taking me to a strip club, he probably had desires that we all do, but he never struck me as the strip club type.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I never knew my Dad and I don't have a son so this situation would never apply to me. But there are some things that a young man should learn and experience on his own or with peers his own age. Strip clubs and dancers are one of those. IMO and IME.
  • gunrack
    8 years ago
    The father/son going to SC together is weirdo behavior. They probably lack morals. I'm an open minded guy but that strange and repulsive.

    I can understand if a father got his adult son a hooker or something so he can experience sex if was dying or something along that line.
  • rogertex
    8 years ago
    PD - Quite unusual.
    But this ain't harming anyone - so I have no issue.
    Yeah - it would spook a dancer when father and son are mulling the finer points of extracting mileage out of a dance - but dancers have seen everything under the sun. Just enjoy the money.
    I just put that annoying rickvulture on ignore - this post is flowing much better.
  • Corvus
    8 years ago
    I will not be joining my father, nor taking any of my son's to the strip club. It just ain't going to happen.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    It is kind of strange, but no stranger than that dancer I wrote about on that thread dancing with her daughter, I also recall a thread a while back where a dancer's father worked for the same club she danced at.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    It is as strange as getting hit up for dances from a mom and daughter duo
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    Not as weird as when I go to the strip club with my grandma.
  • HoHoHoDetwaah
    8 years ago
    That was you Jack?!? Well, she appeared to be having fun, so why not.
  • HoHoHoDetwaah
    8 years ago
    Seriously though, it would be awkward for me. I took my Dad to a breastaurant once and that was even a little awkward. My Mom passed away a while ago and my Dad doesn't want to date anyone new, so I kind of want to take him sometime, because I think he'd enjoy it. I'm worried he'd walk out though and possibly be mad at me.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Omg the melt down from PoleDancer on Rick the Vulture is pure comedy gold. I've never laughed so hard this early in the morning. Good stuff Vulture!
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    8 years ago
    Fuck You Meat, You're a total Fucking retard and a piece of shit as a human being!
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    ^^^ Oh you want to start shit? You sure as hell cant finish, like your fellow libtards protesting about nothing. Your a waste of any TUSCL bandwidth, and nobody gives you positive feedback. So keep on posting as a tough guy, you fag lover.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Hugh? You need to stop drinking that Flint, MI municipal water. Lol!!!!!
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    It's obvious (dot) Txtittyfag and who(Hugh?) are products of their own environment. I'd be totally miserable living their lives, too. Sucking dick in impoverished areas is no way to keep up appearances. It's a shame, really. I mean posting on TUSCL as a tough guy constantly looking for reaffirmation because nowhere else you can get it epitomizes failure, right Hugh?/(dot) Txtittyfag?
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    I wouldn't go to a strip club with my dad. That said every relationship is different, sometimes fathers and sons are more like friends than family members.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    No (dot) Txtittyfag, us winners will keep the protests to those who know it best, you and "Ewww" G. Rection. We don't have time to waste protesting fake causes for the needy. We're too busy working and paying the top 75% of all income taxes to the government so faggits like you can pretend to live in poverty of your government handouts. It's a shame to look for a cause because you make so little of income to take of yourself.

    Slam dunked that faggit (dot) Txtittyfag/ Eww G. Rectum!
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    My son is solidly at "boyish curiosity" age, and (adorably) asked me if I'd take him to a strip club when he's old enough. I told him that'll be something he does with his buddies in college, but he can ask me for advice on where to go :) One of my SC wingmen has an older son, and asked me if I'd take his son to the SC -- "I know he'll be going anyway, I'd rather he start learning from you how we respect the strippers rather than act like most of these young assholes, and what kinds of stupid mistakes to avoid." I think it would be fooking weird, but I agreed... but this hasn't materialized, so I haven't had to make a final choice. I suppose if I did take him, our interaction would be limited to stage tipping and socializing on the floor, we would not be doing joint lapdances, nor would I be present for his lapdance to "cheer him on".
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    8 years ago
    At this point I would say the thread has been officially hijacked. Sorry to the OP.... bet you are fucking proud of yourself, Meat Moron! Only a damn troll gets a hard on about 'meltdowns' caused by other trolls.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    Getting back to appropriate comments...

    Nice twat shot on your avatar PD.

  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    meat: "Eww G. Rectum!"

    Lol! Yeah, that Hugh's a real dumb fag. Probably hanging all his hopes on mystical (non-existent) things like "Karma" straightening it all out. Is EwwGRectum that latest loser that tittyfag(dot) has taken into his little-conservatives are so bad circle jerk?
  • ricktheturtle
    8 years ago
    I'm sorry you were offended by my friend pole dancer. Sometimes rick doesn't understand that some female hairless apes find vultures offensive. Aah...yup

    Of course, I'm not crazy about hairless apes that are prejudiced against other species. You damn dirty apes are too big for your britches sometimes. Aah...yup.

    And trust me, rick has plenty of money. He is a trusted member of the council of ricks and has access to all rick resources. Aah...yup
  • ricktheturtle
    8 years ago
    And I'll add that us turtles find it perfectly normal for a dad to fuck any females in front of his son. You apes are the weird ones. Aah...yup
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Another pandering faggity response by EwwwG.Rectum. Let's see, apologetically stating you hijacked the thread with your super faggity "sensitive to others on the board" post in a passive/aggressive manner means you'll never get laid by any hot chic. The hot girls don't have time to wait for pandering faggity comments that you hope makes them "feel good" about your presence. The only thing that works with women is huge cocks and big wallets, two things you have to compensate for when going to the club, evident in your TUSCL drivel. Nobody emotionally panders others to really get what they want. If you can back up your shot you tell them what they need to hear, and not be a pussy ass passive aggressive politically correct faggit!

    What a loser. Slam dunked that faggit EwwwG.Rectum!! And special thanks to (dot) Txtittyfag for hoping I'm an Dougster alias opposed to a faggit troll like Huge Ass Rectal/ dot Txtittyfag.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    By the way, the Council of Ricks are probably the second most intelligent posters on this thread with me being second to none.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    Y'all talk like there's something wrong with strip clubs.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Still I think that a Dad taking his son to the club is faggy akin to one of the pair holding the other's balls cupped in his hands. Really, do it on your own for Christ's sake.
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