Nursing a Drink

avatar for Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx

I'm not much of a drinker in the clubs as I would much rather spend my money on dances. Most visits I only receive one or two drinks at the most. Usually a bottle of water or a beer. Lots of times I nurse the hell out of my drink to avoid having to purchase another one.

How long do you typically nurse your drink. I can nurse a bottle of beer for over an hour and a bottle of water throughout my entire visit (usually 3-4 hours).


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
8 yrs ago

I quit drinking alcohol back in 2009. Now I get one coke and sip it for 4 or 5 hours. It's not the cost. Depending on who is working, I usually get it free anyhow but I don't want to have to make a bunch of trips to the crowded men's room and take a chance of losing my prime seat.

Good point Shadow. I also don't like constantly using the restroom and losing my seat.

avatar for ime
8 yrs ago

i often get a mixed drink, easier to take your time with and they don't seem to ask you if you need another one as often. If driving I usually only have two to three drinks over a few hours. I think most places notice when your spending money on dances etc..compared to sitting at table nursing drinks and nothing else.

avatar for Subraman
8 yrs ago

I mostly get shots. Sometimes I do them kinda slow, so when I'm really nursing it -- like 2 seconds?

avatar for Dominic77
8 yrs ago

I drink liquor neat so that is sort of hard to nurse. 10-20 minutes? I consume 3 drinks (+/- 1) in 2 hours.

avatar for jackslash
8 yrs ago

I can nurse a beer for 5 or 10 minutes.

avatar for Dominic77
8 yrs ago

^^ the downside is you usually have to shoo the waitress away more often, but that's not really a problem. I tend to drink my whiskey or tequila about that quickly if not quicker, too. (2-5 minutes or as a shot).

avatar for DoctorPhil.
8 yrs ago

@mikey i know your also the first poster you sick necrphiliac monkey becuz you @Dominic alias is replying

i am so smart i am so smart

avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 yrs ago

My preference is to nurse on a titty - but that's just me

avatar for larryfisherman
8 yrs ago

Sometimes I like to get my drink on with dancers I like. Tipsy dancers equals more fun dances. Usually though I drive to the club, so I don't like to drink too much. I can nurse a beer for 40 minutes.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 yrs ago

I'm a value SCer - I don't mind spending $$$ but mind wasting $$$ - and for me spending $$$ on what I don't want is wasting instead of spending - so yeah - never been much of a drinker and thus rather not spend what is often an exorbitant charge for a SC drink (on nightshift usually minimum f$5 for a bottle of water and in some places more when that bottle of water costs them probably 25-cents or less wholesale).

These days I will usually order a lite beer instead, that way I can sip on something w/ a bit of flavor - I also tend to drink a bottle of water a lot quicker than a beer - and in many places liquor (beer, etc) is 1/2-price on dayshift but water is not so in many places on dayshift one ends up paying more for a bottle of water than a bottle of beer.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 yrs ago

I didn't really answer the original question - yeah I'll usually nurse just one drink for my whole visit which can be b/w 2 and 4 hours - for the 4-hour visits 50/50 chance I'll get an extra drink or two.

avatar for Dominic77
8 yrs ago

Eat a dick DoctorPhil(dot) then burn your medical license.

avatar for James1557
8 yrs ago

I rarely drink (except water or juice) in the club. I usually nurse a water or juice for an hour or so. I tell the girls that I want to remember what I have done in the morning - that usually raises a smile even from hardened drinkers. And I find that some of the most interesting girls don't drink either - often because they have to drive home.

avatar for londonguy
8 yrs ago

If I ever got to the stage I was concerned about spending too much money on drinks I'd give up going.

avatar for shailynn
8 yrs ago
  1. Larryfishsticks you're not old enough to buy beer!!!

  2. I've never seen Juice nurse a Chackin danger basket!

avatar for wallanon
8 yrs ago

Some clubs are really bothersome about the drinks. In those clubs I'll leave a little in the glass so I get asked less about whether I need a drink. In clubs that are more laid back I'll get a drink or two and then just say I'm good. I usually don't have time to sit around waiting to sober up, so the days of me doing rounds of drinks and shots with dancers aren't that common now.

avatar for skibum609
8 yrs ago

I had 13 beers last night, 5 laps and a 6 song massage. All y'all welfare cases should stay home.

avatar for Dominic77
8 yrs ago

there are no welfare cases on Tuscl. I think everyone here is (at least marginally) above the Mitt Romney 47% limit.

avatar for twentyfive
8 yrs ago

^^^If skidum ever made a positive statement the internet would go dark

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