Jail for lap-dancing teacher who had sex with 17-year-old pupil daily for 6 mont
Detroit strip clubs
Free the teacher! Free the teacher! She provided the education that every 17-year-old boy wants.
Interestingly getting busted probably will work out well for her for a few years. I have seen her reported on several news reports. From the looks of it she is taking advantage of the free press she was given. Dr Phil is just the start, she will likely be on a few other talk shows. I wouldn't be surprised if she shows up as a minor feature act for a few months.
Several others hot women who got their names in the press have done so. The fact that she has already stripped is a bonus.
She can always strip for a while until she gets back on her feet. Guys don't have that option.
Given the alternative of working as a teach for teach pay plus benefits, I think I would take her "Door Number Two" gamble as well. Interesting.
--> "Nothing ventured. Nothing gained."