Why would a stripper ask
...if I had any bi tendencies. We've been all about some relatively tame kinks. I told her I had no interest or attraction to men at all and asked why she would ask that, and she changed the subject. Being the throwback apeman that I am, I have no effeminate appearance or mannerisms at all, and I definitely don't have a flair for fashion. I asked if that was her fantasy to manage two guys or if someone expressed an interest in being with her and another guy, but she wouldn't say any more about it. Maybe she's just being sure I'm low risk for stds?
I lot of gay men don't fit the stereotype either. There's no requirement that gay and effeminate go together. You can still be a "man's man" and still be gay (pun intended), lol!
I wouldn't necessarily read any more into it than that. ;) $0.02
Side note - one of the burliest guys I know is gay and doesn't hide it either. You'd never know if talking to him or by the way he dresses, until his little boyfriend comes out and gives him a big hug.