OTC courtesy and discourtesy of attractive dancers

avatar for serrano
I have notice that in OTC, tendency of hotter dancers to being somewhat delusional... they seem to try to do what they wish yet still expecting consistently high level of donation from you despite only provide inferior service and poor courtesy.

What you feel is proper protocol for reduce the donation if significant discourtesy from dancer? Such as she arrive 2-4 hour late, using or checking cell phone too much during session, texting her friend or drug dealers during session you paying for to making her post-session plans, try to leave session only BJ without FS, taking too many smoke break or even smoking in non-smoking room, hiding to use drug by herself in bathroom wasting your time during session, breaking things or making mess in hotel room, arriving hungry not eaten anything or she arriving completely sleep deprive to your session, showing up with hairy leg under pantyhose, the list go on and on...all such headaches seen from the more beautiful young dancers with entitlement issue and poor sense of provide quality service.


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Not much you can do except not repeat w/ her and just eat the loss as part of doing business and dealing in "risky investments" - if you don't repeat w/ her but she insists on keeping you as a custy then you have to set rules - if you are paying her good $$$ you should receive adequate treatment, some dancers are better than others and you just need to refine your OTC game and not jump on the first ho that says yes to OTC - for me no OTC is better than bad OTC (or ITC) - you should not put up nor accept mistreatment and/or disrespect from dancers especially when you're paying the, she has to shape-up pronto or move-on, I may give a dancer a 2nd-chance but not a 3rd.
It's the same as any business transaction. You are a customer paying for a service. If you are dissatisfied with the service, you need to make that known. As far as the donation- that gets trickier. If she agreed to FS and wants to leave after BJ then you are clearly.justified in reducing what you will pay. If she provided everything agreed upon, but with hairy legs or sleep deprived, etc., then you should pay what you agreed to, but talk to her about it before agreeing to the next OTC session.
Frankly, most of those sound like reasons to reduce the "donation" to zero, and stop seeing her. In fact, some of those would be "get out, now" offenses, with not a care in the world how put out she might be about it.
I'm not a big OTC guy because I prefer free sex with my 3 "girlfriends" but if any of them were distracted, too flaky, poor service etc. then I'd just cull the # down. If fact, my escort g/f is becoming somewhat annoying so she may be cut from the herd. I made a mistake starting in the friend zone with her because after sex she doesn't leave!
avatar for crazyjoe
8 years ago
Fuck yahoo
What you have described is not discourtesy. It is normal stripper behavior.
Everyone has experienced strippers being late or arriving disheveled, that's just going to happen, they're strippers. I'm not sure ANY of those other things you mentioned have ever happened to me, and if they had, I'd be looking VERY closely at:

1. Myself: what about me makes the girls walk all over me like I'm a complete beta male? Maybe I should assert some respectful leadership here

2. My choices: are there patterns as far as "I choose these types of girls, and they all have bad habits... maybe I should pay a little more and not bottom-feed at the clubs?"
I think you need to do a better job choosing who to OTC with. I don't really run into that stuff often, most of it I've never dealt with. Like GMD said, a number of those things are cause to call the thing off right then and there and send them home with nothing. Short of those things, I'd probably not try to short them payment for shitty service, but I'd tell them if it happens again they won't get paid or asked back.

As far as doing/not doing certain things, I don't agree to specific acts, so I'm not sure I'd be comfortable not paying or paying less if we didn't do what I wanted. That said, we both know the score and while I have had a few instances of established girls coming over and ending up just literally hanging out instead of doing anything sexual in all of those cases there's been no talk of payment. I chalk that up to the way I operate and don't generally take issue with it.

Bottom line is, don't put up with it. That shit happens because those girls don't know any better. If you keep letting them do it, they won't learn. You're doing yourself, her, and the rest of her potential customers a favor by nipping it in the bud. You also need to screen your OTC partners better. It's not like these girls are Jekyll and Hyde, you can usually get a good idea for personalities in the club.

This reminds me of an OTC I did w/ an older ebony after she got off her shift a bit past midnight - we went to a motel and she turned into a real bitch (in a bad way) - I was so annoyed w/ her behavior that I left her ass at the motel (we had gone together in my car) - I'm def not the type of person to fuck anyone over and it takes a lot for me to retaliate against someone - I didn't necessarily leave her there to get back at her for being a bitch, I just wanted to get away from her and not have her in my car b/c she was ghetto aggressive - later that night she sent me a threatening text w/ something along the lines of "you better watch out for my peoples" but nothing came of it - I didn't see her for a few months after that and then we saw each other at the club and she tried to approach me but I wasn't having it and didn't deal w/ her for a couple of months after that - eventually I started getting dances w/ her again ITC b/c I couldn't recist her firm natural DDs - she tried to get me to do OTC again but no f'ing way b/c I think that bitch was unbalanced, but she did treat me well ITC (mainly b/c I was a good custy and she didn't want her $$$ screwed).
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