I try citrulline supplement today and went for lapdance in evening. WOW. So much more intense, feel so rock hard and amazing, extremely hard and basically ready for LDK during second dance...yet able to receiving 20+ dance tonight. Dancer so impress with rock, she having so much fun stick shift me for 45 minute, song after song, big smile on her face. I always thinking in general supplement is all snake oil to rob your money and I do not really take any supplement, but this citrulline is real effect. I am not joking, it is reality that citrulline enhance lapdance experience many fold.
So I have reading on other forum about men take L-citrulline to making better erection. Also many post about L-citrulline as gym supplement, body builder meatheads remark they were have many random erection during stretching or waking in morning, feeling like they are 15 year old again. Apparently it is non-essential amino acid involve in nitric oxide pathway that powering erection...citrulline a compound naturally found in watermelon. I purchase from neighborhood GNC about $16 powder for 30 serving, but also available on amazon. Never had been inside a GNC before, thinking all supplements fake. Ah, wishing I had discover citrulline sooner.
jackslash, you should write the study's authors and see if there was any evidence for increased gayness when the subjects were taking the citrulline. ;)
One needs to be careful taking those supplements - supplements are not regulated by the FDA and one does not know their quality and potential side-effects
rattdog: "how about just eating a big piece of watermelon during the afternoon "
So will (kentucky) fried chacken and watermelon be the new TUSCL prepping to go to the strip club diet? Maybe we need to encourage RickyBoy to add a "proper diet" section to the next edition of The System?
last commenthttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/p…
Sounds brilliant serrano!
So will (kentucky) fried chacken and watermelon be the new TUSCL prepping to go to the strip club diet? Maybe we need to encourage RickyBoy to add a "proper diet" section to the next edition of The System?