
This is so obvious that I shouldn't have to say it. Except that I think that some of you will inexplicably disagree with me.
It's more fun to watch/dance with a fully nude attractive woman than one who is topless. In other words, all other things being equal, a nude strip club is better than a topless one.
How do I begin to defend the obvious? A woman's body is an amazing work or art. Who covers up part of a beautiful work of art?
A pussy is wonderous, the perfect receptacle for my penis. Being heterosexual means that you want to see/touch/explore/kiss/suck/adore/duck a clean pussy on an attractive woman.
I love tits. I worship great tits. But eventually I've got to move below her waist and bid the tits a temporary farewell. If she is attractive then you should want her all.
Seems obvious to me. But so did Trump's victory.
last commentI agree that a fully nude dancer theoretically should be better than just topless, especially if you're getting a lap dance. But if she's topless but wearing a sexy thong it leaves a little bit to the imagination. You start to wonder and anticipate what her pussy looks like. Is she shaved? Landing strip? Neatly trimmed? Inner or outer labia? Your mind starts to wonder and makes you want her more.
I've occasionally taken pics of my ATF nude. One time after we finished fucking she put on tight tank top that she ripped intentionally on the ready area. So as she was sitting next to me her nipples were popping out, it was one of the sexiest things I've even seen. Even though I've seen her nude more times than I can count, I was more turned on by her than ever with her dressed like that.
well yeah, if the dancer quality is equal, i totally agree a nude club is better.
the thing my limited experience with nude clubs---the dancers typically aren't as attractive as the ones at topless clubs. and that's why i tend to lean toward topless clubs
but as i said, i haven't been to that many nude clubs, so some of you could speak on them better than I could
Seeing her bared pussy is always better. But I still like girls dressed for sex, like high heels, makeup, and thigh high stockings with a garter belt.
But of course you want her tits, ass, and pussy bared. And for her to do that in a public place is in and of itself a real turn on.
I think there are only topless strip clubs around still because of alcohol rules or zoning laws.
Well ya, nude beats topless, if all things are equal. But all things are rarely equal, and topless clubs have way hotter girls. Although, not to beat that dead horse again, for a good number of years SF had this weird stripper inversion where the club with the hottest girls was an all-nude club ... those were have-your-pie-and-eat-it-too days
In South FL they don't have the alcohol/no-nudity crap, all clubs are full-nude stage w/ topless lap-dances and full-nude no/low contact table-dances (w/ the black dives having full-nude full-contact table dances since they generally don't have separate dance areas), thus there isn't good-talent topless clubs vs poor-talent nude clubs since there is just one type of club
Full-nude is not a must for me as the dance-grind often feels about the same, but I do like looking at the coochie which I can't really do when she's grinding on me.
the key is: "all other things being equal." If equal mileage then sure nude is better, BUT two-way topless beats nude air every time.
So fla and Atlanta do nude right. Allowing alcohol makes every club nude so there are no topless clubs where the hot girls go.
Atlanta does have no-touch air-dance clubs where the GPS chicks tend to migrate
Follies ATL has the trifecta - full nude dances w/ 2-way contact, alcohol, and extras
Sounds like the girls are quite personable right there in the front room, not really taking no for an answer.
Juice, when you were there holding down Shadow's corner, was it bar stool seating, or regular seating.
Regular seating good for lap sitting. Bar stools not for that, but they have other uses if girls are going to come up to you and get physical.
Our local clubs are nothing whatsoever like that.
Our underground Mexican Bar circuit, when it is running, is better, but it is still only occasionally GFE and never onsite FS.
I agree with you however nude appears to be an extinct animal near me. It never used to be that way -- there used to be plenty of local nude options 20 years ago. Now it's a 2 hour drive to the nearest nude club so local "pasties" clubs it is. ¯_(ツ)_/¯.
I miss the days when full nude was fairly common in local club. Dancer quality was better back then too. Now several clubs have fat saggy belly cellulite ass dancers that shouldn't even be in a club.
I'm going to vote for topless clubs, mainly because the vast majority of the 80+ clubs I've visited have been topless. At the moment the only nude clubs I can think of are XTC in Austin, Cowboys in Lexington, Hollywood Show Club in Washington Park, Skybox and Club O in Harvey, Club 390 in Chicago Heights, and Palace in the Pines in Lowellville, OH. There's much to be said for maintaining a bit of mystery. I'm very turned on by a beautiful stripper in a thong and high heels! Nudity in the VIP room or on an OTC date is, of course, a must.
Twice in the last week I've been to an all nude, all alcohol club in a "no touch" state. The first time a slim blonde dancer was letting me suck on her little titties while she stroked me through my pants in a wide open LD area. The second trip I was in the Champagne Room with my dick in the nude dancer's mouth 15 minutes after I arrived. This is in a very relaxed well run club. The first dancer is about a 7; the second a 9. I can't imagine going regularly to a topless or bikini bar. My favorite dancer while nude on stage has what she calls her "signature" move. She lies on the edge of the stage and lifts her leg over the head of the customer and rests her thigh on the shoulder with the thigh against the ear and the beautiful pink pussy about 6 inches from your nose. You just can't compare this with a covered crotch.
I'm not philosophically against topless clubs, but I prefer nude clubs because with every topless club I ever went to, the dancers generally always seem to be holding something back. While I think in terms of pure physical looks, nude clubs have less attractive women, they seem more willing to do more. And the thing about extras to me is it doesn't matter what they look like as long as I enjoy their company and they can do their job.
Three miles away is a full nude, full alcohol extras club. I prefer topless. Seen enough vaginas and pretty women who leave something to the imagination are far sexier to me. Some people like it subtle, some don't. Topless on stage doesn't mean topless in the CR here in America.
I have a problem with nudity.
I think clothing makes a difference. Not a lot, but just enough, can be very alluring and make a girl extra sexy. It depends on the girl. Outright nudity is great, but a real talent accentuates her assets with the right outfit. Then she takes it off.
JS that's why I'm not much for places like Hiiter and like the nude clubs. I go to the clubs for the pussy not the drinks.
A similar parallel can be drawn over pasties. If the titties hang and swing the same, why is it such a problem?
Agree. I've learned from experience that pasties don't bother me one bit.
All things being equal, I agree. Unfortunately, in most areas things are rarely equal.
For starters, in areas with a mix of nude and non-nude clubs, all too often the non-nude clubs seem to have most of the hottest girls. If I have to choose between a nude 6 and a topless 8+, I'm going to choose the latter any time, especially if OTC is my ultimate goal anyway.
Another issue is that nude clubs in many states are dry. I hate going to these clubs, not only because I cannot drink, but because these clubs often have a weird quiet pervy vibe that just isn't much fun to me. Being one of a bunch of old guys in sweats or gym shorts, each sitting quietly at a table with his bottle of water while staring intently at each girl's vagina as if he is her gyno, is just a buzz kill for me.
There is also this weird phenomenon in a few places that allow full nudity with alcohol, but have managed to suck most of the fun out of their clubs through heavy enforcement of onerous no contact rules. DC and, to a lesser extent, MA or both good examples of this. I have been told the OR is like this as well, but I have not clubbed enough there to have developed a firm opinion.
The Miami area, Pasco County FL, Atlanta and certain parts of PA are all, IMHO, great examples of places with fun clubs that serve alcohol and allow nudity. I am also a big fan of states that have byob nude clubs that allow hard liquor (NJ and SC have byob nude clubs, but only allow beer and wine), most notably Texas. But unfortunately most of us live in areas that are more restrictive and only get to enjoy the full experience during travel adventures.
Don't care what happens on the floor as long as the option for everything coming off in the VIP exists. It's nice if there's some or brief nudity on stage or on the floor, but I'm gonna get worked up over it either way.
I prefer the underground Russian circuit. Blonde is beautiful and they're pale, the same color as me!
RickDugan nailed it. Nude in NY is no-alcohol and I would prefer topless with drinks, all else being equal. Just makes things a bit more casual and fun.
Not for me.
Saying dancers with clothes on is better than nude is just illogical. I've been to four of the clubs on mr deuces list and I would choose to revisit any of those before any lame topless joint unless the topless girls are known for giving peeks in VIP. I had a routine with a cutie at mill stream in Baltimore where I'd take her to VIP but she'd pull her bikini bottom aside to allow some fine DATY. That's one topless joint I learned to love.
Another good nude joint is Bottoms Up in Akron OH.