
2016 Coming To A Close - Happy Or Sad?

They never tell you what you need to know.
Tuesday, November 29, 2016 12:29 PM
I don't know why, but when each year comes to a close I always think it's an automatic reset where I can start my life over again. Oh yeah, I'll excercise more, donate more of my time to charitable causes, spend less money on worthless shit, go to bed earlier, eat healthier, fuck less strippers, gamble less, be nicer, work harder/or/smarter at my job... come February I haven't done any of that shit. I actually will start something and stick to one of them, usually it's exercise more or eat healthier. 2016 started out pretty average for me and average isn't a bad thing at all, but since a few months ago things started to get nuts and I can't wait to get this year over with. If you have your health, be glad about that, I know several people that won't be here this time in 2017 and a few are very young, at least too young to deal with what they're dealing with. Kinda makes you sit back and realize when you're bitching over some useless shit, things aren't that bad.


  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    It's been a great year for me, and Trumps victory was only a very small part of what made it great. But even if it sucked, I don't buy into the whole turn over a new leaf crap for New Years. I've never kept a New Years resolution and I don't know anyone else who has. Jan 1 is just another day.
  • Sleepwalking
    8 years ago
    I would have to say happy. 2015 & 2016 were polar opposites for me. For 2015, I went the entire year without having sex. That had not happened to me since the late 80's when the first George Bush was in office. TUSCL shaped a large part of my 2016. After reading this site, I dipped my toe into the p4p waters for the first time. By the end of this year, I was doing belly flops off the high dive. I went from never having fucked a pro before this year, to fucking 22 different ones in 2016, if you count strippers, sugar babies, and Hong Kong chicas. Oh, I did do one civilian too. It's been a crazy year. Ditto what Shailynn said about appreciating your health. Try to appreciate everything. Roof over your head, food to eat, etc. We are very fortunate compared to so many people around the world. Hopefully everyone has a good 2017. My goal is to cut back on the p4p and transition back to civilians, but as Shailynn & JS69 said about New Year's resolutions...
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    It was a pretty-good year Never been big on resolutions since it should't take a new year to do what one needs/wants to do/change - in the past I'd get a bit bummed how fast the year would go by but these days have resigned myself that's just the way it is
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    Happy. I have my health; a great wife; great family and friends; a job I fucking hate, but pays well and I set my schedule; I get to ski, golf, hike, gamble, smoke weed and strip club when I want to. I don't have to lie to anyone. What would make this time of year better, would be if people could look at the few days during Christmas each year when we all seem to treat each other decently and carry that spirit with them as long as possible. Say hello to strangers; paste a smile on your face and you'll be stunned at how many people will smile back; let someone go in front of you in line; don't act like its black Friday. Tell people you love how you feel, because when you get older you will realize that sometimes you don't get another chance to say things. Always remember that the single best thing about being a fucking guy, besides having the entire world as your urinal, is women. Yep, as annoying as they are, they make life worth living....all of them.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    To me it is just an arbitrary day to start a new calendar.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    I for one will not be unhappy to put 2016 behind me. This year I had too many losses ending with my dad in June. Hopeful for a better 2017
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Sorry to hear that 25. Yeah everything was going smoothly for me then I don't know what happened, health had suffered greatly for a few people on my side of the family and also my wife's, and work has been more stressful this fall than usual. Last year (2015) I was on a high at work, amazing how quickly the economy can change. In my part of the country, a lot of people are excited about Trump so hopefully they will spend money more freely being optimistic and hopefully my relatives get their health issues back in check. Luckily for all involved they aren't facing something as severe as cancer and they all can be "repaired" by their upcoming surgeries although these will be some pretty complicated recoveries. Like Sleepwalking said, I can pay my bills, I have my health and sanity (for the most part), roof over my head and cars to drive, so everything is okay. BTW - Sleepwalking I don't know where you came from but you've been providing very good insight to many posts - thank you.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    16 was a good year, 17, we'll see. My health is what it is, it's not going to get much better for an old guy. :(
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    I'm gonna tell 2016 to not let the door hit its ass on the way out.
  • Clubber
    8 years ago
    Some will understand. It was a very bad year for me, but November 8th made it palatable. 2017, no idea whats heading my way, but it has to be better.
  • Sleepwalking
    8 years ago
    Thanks Shailynn. Appreciate that.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    2016 has been the best year of my life. I'm retired now, and with no boss and no wife I could do what I wanted all day every day. I exercised (biking outside all summer), I cooked delicious meals, I traveled internationally for 70 days, and I hung out in strip clubs as much as I could. In 2017 I want to read more books and bang more strippers.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    Also had a great 2016, and had some really wonderful experiences with dancers and SBs. Like @Jack, I do lots of road cycling and will log about 7K miles this year, if the weather holds out. Of course, feel exactly the opposite of @Smith on Trump's rise to power. But (like Obama said) America is more like an aircraft carrier than a speed boat, and there's only so much damage that can occur in 4 yrs. It's an object lesson on how fragile our democracy is, and how to protect it in the future. Hopefully Trump will continue eating junk food and drop dead from from cardiovascular disease. One can only hope..
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Yeah, Trump can have a lifetime supply of chacken fangers. On Juice's tab, of course.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    My 2016 started with me in the hospital with a brain tumor, but I've made a full recovery (I suppose Trump supporters would disagree with that!) This year saw my band gain some traction, so that was nice. My g/f wanted to "just be friends" for a while, so I have another potential g/f in the wings, who was a long time escort. She moved away, but is moving back Sat. and I'm the one picking her up as she doesn't drive. We've never met but have been texting daily. In the club I met a DS, but I think she's moved on. Still, it was an amazing experience! Even my ex-ATF couldn't compare which is saying a lot! Mushroom picking was amazing. I got the most morels, oyster mushrooms of 3 species and puff balls I've ever found. The weather was perfect. In fact I found more oysters yesterday! So all in all, it was a good year...except for Trump. I'm afraid of his lack of passion for being an actual leader of the free world. He just wants to make money.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    Congrats on getting past your surgery @Rockstar. That must have been some ordeal. Was thinking about you while reading this article by a quirky U. Chicago economist, Zingales: [view link] Note the date: May 19,2011. Zingales compares Trump to Italian prime minister Berlusconi of Italy and makes the argument that we were lucky to escape Trump getting elected in 2012. It just uncanny that this article was written over five years ago.
  • Sleepwalking
    8 years ago
    Trump and Berlusconi is an excellent comparison.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    I would like to point out to the Obama backers that 100% of the financial accomplishments he had nothing to do with, but always takes credit for, occurred with a Republican Congress. Having Trump elected harms me financially because I always feel morally obligated to declare more income with a Republican in the White House.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Skidum you are a stupid ignorant bigot and you are being nothing but a troll here on TUSCL. As a citizen you are a disgrace as an officer of the court I hope everyone that finds you in courtroom is aware of your lack of ethics and what an immoral racist you are. This I say without reservation based on your statement that only now that Trump is in office will you pay your taxes correctly. You are not a patriot at all in fact you are a subversive and deserve to go to jail for tax evasion The election is over and just like Trump you are feeling inferior and spreading your bigoted Alt. right garbage why don't you shut up at this point. In this great country of ours everyone gets a vote and sometimes one side wins and sometimes its the other. Patriots are fine with this, and act in accordance with being a good citizen but jackasses keep braying You sir are a JACKASS only paying taxes if the government is the one you voted for, SMH.
  • zipman68
    8 years ago
    Wow...twentyfive dude, that is a badass takedown o' skidude. But don't worry, skidude doesn't actually make enough to be paying federal income taxes. He jes' wants to have an excuse to whine. Like this: "I'm skidude an da libural gummint wants muh hard earned money. An' the gummint shul take its hands off my medicare! Gummint Medicare is stooooopid! waaa...waaa...waaaa!" You have to talk to skidude in language he understands. Like this: Hey ski dude 6-oh-9...you're damn right it's good that Trump won. I heard that Obama wanted to pass a constitutional amendment stating that ISHTAR needs a sequel. Of course those damn far left liberals want to remake the worst movie evah! They hate 'murica! Trump wants to change the word "Ishtar" to "Green Berets" and make every character a CGI version of John Wayne! Now that be 'murica
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