OT: the new El Jefe wants to suspend the First Amendment !
So, asshole, we aren't to be permitted Free Speech.
So, asshole, we aren't to be permitted Free Speech.
We know it's difficult for you, but try. Because I'm being nice, I'll explain it to you, oh brainless one.
The actor used Free Speech to chastise #2, Trump didn't like it and attempts to prevent their First Amendment rights.
Get it, dumbass ??
Sounds like as usual you have a brainfreeze. Wait a minute, one brain cell doesn't qualify your stupid self as having a brain.
How do you like those 19 telephone poles we just rammed up your ass ??
Sorry, my friend, but you are talking out of both sides of your mouth. You say the fellow has a right to speak out as he wish, and I agree. Trump also said it was rude, and I agree there as well. Would you stand up at a funeral and and yell at someone else attending and say something completely inappropriate? I don't believe you would. Then you lambaste Trump for , as you state, "...wants to suspend the First Amendment !", yet he is entitled to the same protection of said amendment. NO WHERE did he say or imply a suspension of the 1st Amendment.
Pence should have had the balls to reply, he didn't.
I don't go to many funerals, and I don't say inappropriate things at them. My dead brother used to do so while drunk and upset many people. That was the person you should have jumped on. Too late. RIP, Michael, I hope you are in a better place.
Trump is bound and determine to undermine our civil liberties, this is just another of his exposing his evilness.
For example vince, you have the right to post girly melodramatic commentary about our politicians on whatever forum will have you. But that doesn't mean that someone else won't call you an absurdly emotional bitch who abandons all critical thought in favor of shrill and panicky posts the second that anything remotely controversial is posted about Trump.
See what I mean? ;)
Again, you say it's just fine the cast member says something, but for Trump to do the same is wrong???
As for Mike Pence, he has to much class to call out the true "asshole".
BTW, you should NOT be posting this crap here!!!
rickdugan, "girly" LMAO what a bunch of crap, little one. "absurdly emotional bitch" LOL, You gotta stop drinking, rick. I could care less if asshole Trump shows his vileness and thin skinned self. You people elected him, we are stuck with this asshole. Thanks for nothing.
As far as the venue Mr. Pence was in a public place he is going to get called out regularly this is called free speech and as long as it is not rude vulgar or profane our leaders need to receive it respectfully and responsibly.
enquiring minds want to know.
And people who think you are a whiny girly man will do the same. Freedom of speech works in two directions. Your version of freedom of speech is the one embraced by hypersensitive 18 year old girls attending left leaning liberal arts schools, who believe that they may say what they wish but that anyone who responds is insensitive and/or trying to shut them up.
That's going to be your daughters one day. Shortly before they decide to become strippers, and we swoop in there and run The System on them.
^^^^ this
Pence got Boo birds from a New York Audience.
The Cast gave some emphasis to a musical number that declared that the Immigrants would get the job done. Part of a written play that celebrates the diversity of ideas which brought about our Constitution, including the First Amendment.
Then at leaving the cast delivered this message quoted from the article Vince referred to:
“Vice President-elect Pence, I see you walking out, but I hope you will hear us, just a few more moments. There’s nothing to boo here, ladies and gentlemen,” actor Brandon Victor Dixon said.
He then read a statement reportedly drafted by Lin-Manuel Miranda, the creator of “Hamilton,” with input from cast members. The statement emphasized the diversity of the show’s actors and their broad concerns about the Trump administration:
“Vice President-elect Pence, we welcome you, and we truly thank you for joining us here at ‘Hamilton: An American Musical’ — we really do. We sir — we — are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights, sir. But we truly hope that this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us. All of us. Again, we truly thank you for sharing in this show, this wonderful American story told by a diverse group of men and women of different colors, creeds and orientations.”
I think the remarks were respectful but reflected the consensus of issues where the cast and the author had concerns about the incoming administration. If THIS is what Herr Drumpf objects to, damn him anyways! To capitulate to him would be no different than if the cast were to throw in an apology to George the Third for having the nerve to dispute the divine right of kings.
Donald Trumps little infantile twitter outburst shows us once more that he is intolerant of free speech in printed works or in theater. Let the huzzahs begin!
Of course you can espouse whatever you like, BUT so can others (me) even if they disagree with you. THAT is the bottom line! It is a two way street.
Guys, I lost two friends already over this election on facebook, please don't make it 3 and 4. I know it won't come from me!
Behind the Anaheim Hills, here comes the night
I was high on junk
And the warm winds of Santa Anna feel alright
Will every crimmin' hood make a bargain with the world
Seats are successive when you're shot to the curb
I spend my day in blindness, at night I get my vision
Dodgy, cause there are no one indecision
Cause it's wild, well it's wild, wild, wild,
"We sir — we — are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights, sir."
This was absurdly accusatory and reflected the mindless hyperbolic melodrama that the media worked so hard to drum up during the election. Worse though, it was leveled with Pence on the spot and unable to respond to this absurd comment.
While emotional types like vm might lap this media nonsense up with his morning Cheerios, the reality is that there was nothing real in any of that coverage. Trump has given no indication whatsoever that he wants to touch social issues like gay marriage, women's rights or the civil rights laws that currently exist. In fact, most people looking at all of this clear-eyed see a guy who is fairly cosmopolitan in his views of things like bathroom use and the rights of women.
It was their decision. Last I said to them, that they are welcome back in my friend circle anytime.
Truthfully, If this event will make someone give up a many year friendship, then I wonder how much a friend I was to them. Oh well!
Then come back and bitch about the Bogart's VIP couches, or the stink in H8. The election is over. Some of us are ecstatic. Others, not so much. But we all have a love for fondling strippers.
I honestly hope that Mr. Trump does exceptionally well. All of our Presidents find out quickly how complex this job is. Mr. Obama touched on this recently in some of his comments Viva USA !!
You have to excuse Hugh, after all he's just a jackass! Huge Jackass!
If there's anything i've perceived by reading this forum it's nobody is seriously going to change someone's differing political opinion, it's just much back and forth bickering with zero resolved.
The sky isn't falling because Trump is in office.... well he isn't even in office yet! Also another person said the sky is falling because Ryan is the Speaker of the House again..... Do people forget that Ryan wasn't endorsing Trump. So he wont fall in line like a storm trooper in the Hitler era. Like Pelosi and Reid did.
I am so sick of liberals crying POOR ME.... when in fact nothing has changed. NOT ONE DAMN THING..... It is status Quo until Jan. 1, 2017. Then do you think right at that moment he will change the country??? Are you stupid.... when has the government ever worked fast. FUCK.... relax and just wait and see.
You are the idiot,crsm, get a grip on reality.
I can see that a person hasn't even taken office yet, made a proposal, offered up one piece of legislation, or even a budget recommendation..... and people are screaming sky is falling.... world is over... etc. Do these people have a grip on reality.
Look at your title.... ... guy just asked for an apology... never said anything about first amendment.....yet you come flying off the handle. YOu remember people being called racist when they would appose Obama.... yet nothing was ever in a racial tone. Love how some people think. Bring in common sense and they call names.
God, he's so hardcore.
I do understand those who think that Trump is overly sensitive and should ignore such bullshit. But I personally think it's refreshing to have a president who is not politically correct, is not afraid to call it as he sees it, and speaks his mind without taking a public opinion poll before he speaks.
John, if the fool wasn't so thin-skinned, there wouldn't be a need.
@vincemichaels “Did you serve in an active war ?? I did. That''s a reality we don't want but when called, one serves.”
@vincemichaels “I did not join the services, I fought on the streets for justice back during Nam. It was an honorable service to my country.”
vince, vince, vince, tsk, tsk, tsk
as has been pointed out there has been no threat to free speech. but if you wanted to defend free speech where were you when the obama administration was actually using the power of government to silence politically conservative citizens? you know, lois lerner, the IRS, OSHA, the EPA? ring a bell? your thread title is blatantly inflammatory driven by your lefty ideology. you almost sound as loopy as that shit for brains san_jose_guy
chill out. go get laid again
Again Trump hasn't done one damn thing yet. He just asked for people to show respect is all. VP - elect didn't go to the show to "protest"... didn't go to the show to "gain support"... didn't go or do anything. Yet he got booed and lectured by the actors. Again.... they haven't done one thing yet.... THEY ARE NOT IN OFFICE.
Do you get that???
Dr. Phill.... 100% correct
John Smith.... 100% correct
Vince.... Thank you for your service to our country.
I'm diabetic, mikey02, I don't eat Snickers.
We will see the type of person he really is when he takes over. I agree he doesn't need to tweet anything....but he does....or someone on his staff does.
We will find out what he is really made of. Will he do what he said (which some is good other is scary).... or was it all smoke and mirrors.
One thing we will really find out is if our Congress will do anything. Will they get stuff done for the good of the country or good for just their pockets. Will democrats only vote on party lines (which both sides have done the past few years).... or will they see good or will negotiate for the common ground/good.
Before anyone goes off and says the Rep. were a do nothing congress.... it is bull shit.... Dems had the majority and did nothing..... then it was all political posturing by both sides. If people cant see that both sides were "do nothing".... then they need to wake the fuck up.
It's getting a little stupid in here six years ago the congressional majority changed places The Republicans took control of the House, now the Senate is Republican controlled, Mr Trump and the Republican party own whatever happens, I agree that we have very little getting done by either party, and truthfully I don't care for all of the excuses that are being put forth by both parties. Let me just say this most issues are negotiable in my mind, but Mr. Ryan wants to grab my social security and use it as a political football. If he tries he will find out where the missing voters went and they might vote with pitchforks and i will be among them. Social Security is an "Entitlement" not a give away we paid into this system for the last 80 years or so I believe that the first paycheck deductions began in 1937 and I don't trust this group they are as Phony as the day is long. That is what keeps me awake at night, and Mr. Trump needs to understand that and speak to this issue now without bluster or his usual bullshit or the protests that have been occurring will seem like a walk in the park on a sunny day. Don't tell me what he has said because until I actually hear from him, straight I will not stop or modify my dissent.
Once again, I see you chatting with yourself. That's what ignore will do. :)
Oh I agree with you 100% about the social security. One thing is many many past congressmen have played with our SS $$$. If they would dip into the SS coffers everytime they need to give money to a pet project the SS system wouldn't be in the state that it is. There would be almost a surplus. But we can thank years of political BS and BS programs (that are still getting funded and are proven worthless) for the lack of funds in Social Security.
That is one reason people voted for Trump.... he said he is going after many of these BS programs.... cut them off. Now lets just see if he does this.
And if i had been allowed to put MY money into something I wished instead of letting Sammy "hold" it, I'd be a millionaire!
Now to all the people up in arms about the election.... have the watched the news or read an article....
How many things has Trump now backed off on? He was all fire and brimstone on the election trail.... now he is becoming more calm and collective. You see... if people would have a little patients and let the man get into office before crying.... the sky is falling. Grab a cold one and a stripper and sit back and relax.