There is a very old thread about the worst strip clubs still in business at…. Lets try to have an updated list for the guys on the site.
For me,"Dream Palace" in Tempe is the worst so far. ( I will add the reviews for all my visits shortly).
last commentThe Key West tourist trap clubs
Honorable mentions go to The Chapeau Vert in Detroit (Dead already, poorly managed dive- city council killed what mileage they had and there's no fixing it not to mention the area is becoming a shithole so its not safe to park at night---and they axed their day shift!) and Club Venus in Detroit (which at least had through the roof mileage in the day but pretty much City Council again killed the mileage- about all it is now is a place to go to be surrounded by friends in low places if you're into that sort of thing)...
Chix on Dix I thought went through that "Pub Save" reality show and got totally killed by a celebrity TV star who tried turning it into an actual gentleman's club with no concept of how the competition worked in metro Detroit. His ideas were more of a joy kill than DejaVu corporate for shit sake. Wrong location for what he tried to mold it for.... and wrong concept for the clients they had (mostly Auto workers, truckers, hood rats). They did a name change even- but its gone.
Fantasy's on Ft. Myers Beach is notoriously awful.
Uncle Paulie's Pub in the Chicago burbs was always more miss than hit.
The Ships Wheel in Metairie LA is probably closed, but it had some bad dancers.
For one thing, the money goes further. For another they will do as much as possible ITC, and everything OTC.
I don't need to have girls approaching me. I like to pick 'em. So long as they have one I like and can get along with, I'm fine. And I don't use that 1 to 10 scale to decide if I like a girl.
So it does not make any difference to me what their typical girl looks like.