
Can't find favorite dancer? Where did she go?

Saturday, November 5, 2016 9:54 PM
Hello, I had a favorite dancer at a club a dancer that I would always get private lap dances with (with great contact/touching). It seems as if she no longer works at this club, I did have her number as to go when she was working, but that number was changed it seems....so no contact there. My question is, is it usual for a dancer to leave a club for a period of time for whatever reason and return after a year or two years?? It has been a little over a year since she was last there.


  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    I've known a few that have come back after a year or more absence but when they have come back they have not stayed very long. They usually come back due to a financial crisis but leave again as soon as that passes.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    The only consistent thing about strippers is that they are inconsistent - quite often they disappear out of the blue and sometimes one may run into them again at the same club or a different club - def don't put too much thought nor hope into it and just find someone else, it's all you can really do
  • DandyDan
    8 years ago
    That type of thing happens all the time. There was even one at one of my old favorite clubs who came back after an absence of over a decade. Of course, the thing about her is that she had worked in various West Coast cities for most of that time. That isn't normal, but typically, every stripper I ever knew always left for some time.
  • Joe_yy
    8 years ago
    I also meant to include in the question, if she now has a boyfriend/husband who supports her or if she found a different occupation.....if either of those were now the case would she quit and not return??
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    If you know some of her dancer friends you can ask them if they know where she is or why she left. Give them your phone number and say you would like her to call. This will only work if she has an interest in you.
  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    A. She found a whale and is now traveling the world B. She got in debt with her pimp/dealer/boyfriend and is laying low C. She's in jail D. She's in rehab or hospital E. She got fired or quit and is working a different club F. She's shacked up with me
  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    Realistically, you could be the only one who cares, and that is really sad in so many ways. Getting attached is not likely to do you any good.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    Damn, it's been a year. A. She hides in the dressing room when an obsessed custie enter the club. B. She ditched her phone to prevent an obsessed custie from contacting her. C. She moved to a new club to avoid an obsessed custie. D. She is now a streetwalker because she finds it safer than being stalked by an obsessed custie.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    a BF is a reason why some quit, and if she got married even more, many also try to go legit and find amother line of work - but the reason can be anything including having moved to another state (strippers have that flexibility and many do move around). In any event, she's a sex worker and you seem too desperate for her which is not a good thing b/c she's obviously not desperate for you - being so desperate for a sex-worker often leads guys to get used and taken advantage off - find another piece of ass, she's not the only stripper in America
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Shit some more
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Sure, many, quit for a year or two and then come back. But don't count on it. Best to just move on yourself.
  • gawker
    8 years ago
    I've stayed in touch with 3 strippers for more than 8 years and have experienced every reason stated above. One dancer I met when she was 20 and she's been in and out of the club off and on, sometimes gone for a year; more often a couple of months. She met a whale and became his traveling companion for about a year. She's been court committed to detox & rehab. She's had health problems. She's done some computer cam work. She's found a 42 year old virgin who sends her hundreds every week to support her habit & her mother's. Another dancer was steady for years, took close to a year off to have a baby and sometimes tires of northern winters and heads for Southern California for the winter. She's been dancing at the same club for 12 years. The third, my ATF, is the most unstable, leaving many times due to suspensions, usually going to another club for a month or so. She's been in drug rehab, literally more than 20 times and is currently dancing out of state. She calls or texts me almost daily and I don't doubt she'll end up either back at her "home" club or dead of an overdose
  • TippingDollars
    8 years ago
    The key thing to do is talk with other strippers at the same club who have been there for years. I call them vets. These vets usually keep tabs on all the girls and usually know where they go.
  • mrrock
    8 years ago
    Very rare I've found when they come back. Or when they do it's not for long like a month or two then gone again. Best to just move and forget her for future and remember the good times had.
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