Next President: What If?
They never tell you what you need to know.
Let's just assume for a minute (wishful thinking) that any other repbublican candidate won other than Trump. Do you think they would beat Hillary?
Now let's imagine Bernie got the nomination, who do you think would win in a Trump vs Bernie race?
Now let's imagine Bernie got the nomination, who do you think would win in a Trump vs Bernie race?
Anybody other than Trump beats Hillary
Trump beats Bernie
Anybody other than Hillary or Bernie beats Trump in a landslide. Actually, Hillary may win in a landslide.
Bernie was proposing pie-in-the-sky stuff that can't be paid for. I think he would lose to just about anyone.
Hillary put Trump away for good last night. It's all over.
Most Republican candidates would beat Hillary. Someone farther to the right, like Cruz, would win but it would be closer; someone like Kasich would leave her picking up the pieces of her shattered world.
Someone like Ben Carson, who is a bit bizarre and might have flamed out in odd ways, might also lose to Hillary.
^^^ I understood this to be the takeway from the 2012 losses as well. And with immigrants one of the #1 issues is immigration and meaningful, fair immigration reform. The GOP should have taken the initiative here and been inclusive. 2016 could have turned out a lot different.…
--> "Their renewed push coincides with a fresh round of soul-searching among Republicans after Hispanic and Latino voters, who made up 10 percent of the electorate, broke for Obama over GOP nominee Mitt Romney by a 44-point margin." -->…
--> "But now, no reasonable person can say that immigration’s death -- in 2013 and 2014 -- is anyone’s fault but House Republicans. Still, we also understand why they killed it: They saw no short-term benefit. Yes, the long-term politics (for 2016 and 2020) cry out for Republicans to remove immigration as an issue. But doing so would be so painful in the process (just see Eric Cantor’s primary defeat).” -->…
--> ""[W]e must embrace and champion comprehensive immigration reform. If we do not, our Party's appeal will continue to shrink to its core constituencies only," the RNC declared. It warned, "If Hispanic Americans perceive that a GOP nominee or candidate does not want them in the United States (i.e. self-deportation), they will not pay attention to our next sentence."" -->
--> "Two years later, the Republican Party has jettisoned that advice and moved in the opposite direction" -->
This to me just points out how broken the GOP has become. I voted for Sanders, but I think all will agree Sanders would have won the general election if he had been able to win the primaries.
I have age bias against Sanders (even though I'm past 60!). 75 is too old to be running for public office.
Anyway, prepare for a 7-2 left leaning Supreme Court soon. Now my Diet Coke is gonna get taxed like it's a pack of cigarettes. God help us all.
...assuming the Senate doesn't filibuster all nominees for the next 4 to 8 years.
How about Condolezza Rice ?
The Bush clan are so inside and inbred that have extra toes and no balls. Bush senior that all the dems love but Reagan hated(he brought him on the ticket so Bush would not sabotage the 1980 election) Reagan never allowed Bush senior in to cabinet meeting except for photo ops because he could not be trusted. After all his wife is a Pierce, Her grandfather was one of the most corrupt worthless presidents in history ranking third behind Obama and Carter. HE was a Democrat and was so worthless his own party refused to renominate him for reelection.
So yes any of the insiders could beat the beast but they would be almost as bad. We have not had a decent president since Reagan.
Both Bushs' got us into wars that have all but bankrupted us but I suppose Bush II did better than IGore would have done as he was quoted in remarking he would have used nukes on Afghanistan. and Iraq. I do not know about y'all but I am weary of picking the best of the worst. The Democrats foment violence at the polls,vote fraud and pack the courts to forward their agenda. Republicans are to frightened to speak up or do anything because they secretly are afraid they might just loose they do nothing jobs for life.
They are two sides of the same coin.
You're projecting out for years, expecting specific Justices will be replaced during her term?
That's a lot of ifs.......