Is it over?
Between 1999 and 2013 I played an average of 50 rounds of golf a year. In 2014 I played 95. In 2015 5 and this year 5 and I am not taking the clubs to Florida at the end of the month. I think I am done golfing, which I have played since 1969. Whether to drink or play with naked ladies I go strip clubbing 80 -100 times a year on average. This year I hit 100 already and my last experience was maybe my best ever. Its now been 10 days and I have zero interest. Three day weekend coming up and we're going hiking so with work I know at least another 7 - 10 will go by, but in reality I have less interest in clubbing than I do golf. I am wondering, is strip clubbing going the way of ice hockey, basketball, blackjack, golf, and rock climbing, all of which I was obsessive about at one time and now either never do or are almost done?
How do have time for that?
At your age, time to take up knitting, bowling, or miniature golfing.
Miniature golf is a good idea. Maybe start making balloon animals and giving them to children (but do so in full view of their parents and not out of the side of a windowless van).
Perhaps you should try to get together leith some of the craziest TUSCL posters. Here's a brilliant idea: find crazyjoe! I bet he's drinking from a bidet somewhere! ;)
Your problem is that you are spoiled. Too much of a good thing. You no longer appreciate what you have. You should do some pro bono work instead of feeling sorry for your self.
The only worthwhile charity is the world wildlife fund. And maybe I can't resist those cute little guys. But don't give money to anything for hairless apes. There are too damn many hairless apes on the planet already.
I'm excluding rickdugan from that, of course. ricks transcend their species.