Asking a stripper who they are voting for...

avatar for Alterego4401
Last night went to a dive strip club near my city. MD is a pretty democratic state, more so the closer to Baltimore. I jokingly asked several strippers who are you voting for. All said Trump. I asked why, and it was the "He'll make America great again" and I basically don't like immigrants rant. Mind you, some of their clientèle are immigrants, so its a bit self defeating. But they all enthusiastically supported Trump. Makes me feel good to be voting for Hillary, if these ladies, who make great life decisions, are voting for Trump. 


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avatar for Tiredtraveler
8 years ago
Have you ever thought that they have a choice between Dancing and being on welfare and chose to work instead of steeling from the rest of us who do have jobs and pay a load of taxes.
Baltimore has been run by the Democratic machine for more than half a century and with all that DC money flying around the area it is still a shit-hole. It is as bad if not worse then Detroit.
You want to Hillary's vision for the country drive through Baltimore, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Detroit, Gary Indiana, Chicago, East St Louis and the list goes on of Democrat run disasters all over the country. They take from everyone and keep it. They write special loophole in the tax code so they do not have to pay(the Clinton Foundation where Chelsea draws a large salary and has a huge tax free expense account that pays for everything from her private jet to day care) So yes I am willing to hold my nose and vote for Trump because I would rather take a chance on him than a known sociopathic criminal who has killed to protect her philandering rapist husband.
avatar for Alterego4401
8 years ago
Hahaha Tire your on that same stuff those strippers were on.
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
I'm surprised they didn't say Bob Dole or Sarah Palin.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
^^^my surprise is they are voting at all!
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
Why does that surprise you, alterego? The dancers themselves and their primary customers benefit the most from GOP tax policies. Even if they themselves don't like the GOP, it makes sense to vote that way. The more money is confiscated from their best customers, the less money those same customers have to spend in Strip Clubs --> That one thing I agree about from posts like Melonie (before she was banned) from Dollar Den in StripperWeb.

Think about it.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
^^^^Dominic, not to mention if the Republicans have their way abortions will be out.
avatar for DandyDan
8 years ago
Considering how many strippers are scam artists, it's not a surprise they would want one as President. I suspect if he actually became President and then dumped Melania, they'd want him to be the ultimate Sugar Daddy.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Lots of dancers like Trump; it's not a Baltimore thing. They like Trump for the same reason they have loser boyfriends: bad judges of character.
avatar for mrrock
8 years ago
No most strippers stare at you with a blank face when asked that question.
avatar for shadowcat
8 years ago
I don't discuss politics or religion with strippers. No point in either side getting angry. Same can be said about this discussion board.
avatar for JohnSmith69
8 years ago
I asked Tiny Tits who she was voting for earlier in the week. She said Trump because she hates the ice queen.
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
Perhaps not surprisingly, since this is San Francisco, many of the strippers are looney left, Bernie or even Jill Stein lovers (yes, the more politically active know her). I know the political leanings of the strippers here because of previous conversations, I adamantly do not talk politics with them anymore, so I'm just extrapolating.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Most strippers are not politically conscious, especially if they are White.

Fortunately here we get some from San Francisco, and they are the exception, and they are the ones I like.

avatar for chessmaster
8 years ago
"(the Clinton Foundation where Chelsea draws a large salary and has a huge tax free expense account that pays for everything from her private jet to day care)"

That's funny since the donald takes from the trump foundation and spends it however he likes.
avatar for jackslash
8 years ago
Strippers don't vote. At least most of them don't vote because most have not bothered to register to vote. This is not a bad thing. Why would I want my vote cancelled out by the vote of an uninformed, uneducated slut?
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
^^^^^^^ Very true of most strippers, especially the White ones. But there are still others, of all colors, who are not like that, and these will be the ones invited into the organization I am building.

avatar for elvis2
8 years ago
Wore my "TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT" cap in a club today, all the dancers commented how they supported him.
Last week wore it in a different club, and as I walked in, thought better of it, turned around and started walking out. A young, muscular body-builder type was behind me, and as I turned to leave I remarked to him that maybe it be best I not wear my "TRUMP" cap in the establishment, and he replied "ANYBODY SAY ANYTHING ABOUT THAT HAT, JUST TELL ME. I WILL STRAIGHTEN THEM OUT ". I turned around, went back inside, not worried a bit.I think he will be our next President.
avatar for maho
8 years ago
I've asked 2 so far....and both said Trump.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
I know San Francisco girls in our local clubs, who would never ever vote for Trump, or do anything to help any Republican win. THey would vote for the Democrat. If they thought it safe to make a message send vote, they might vote for someone to the left of the Democrat.

And these are the White girls. The girls of color, I can't see any of them ever supporting a Republican in any way.

avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
I don't care for either choice but can't stand Hillary especially in her red devil outfit she wore for the debate. On the plus side Hillary won't get much done with a Republican controlled congress and in the remote chance Trump gets elected, he might be able to work out a deal with the Republican congress to cut government spending and actually increase growth. Hillary claims her plan will work better but we all know nothing will happen if she gets elected because she'll get blocked or have to compromise for everything.

I do favor Hillary's plan to raise the cap on income for social security taxes but she wants to raise taxes on the poor, the middle class, and the rich. Her stated goal to not raise taxes on people making less than 250k is a joke. Trump did terrible in the debate in my opinion compared to what he could have talked about. I'm not fond of Trump's plan to drop all estate taxes on the rich. I'm ok with lowering the corporate rate tax to bring foreign income back home to create jobs here but Trump did a terrible job explaining it to the undecided masses in my opinion. Corporations employ millions of Americans but Hillary is ok with taxing them more hurting millions of American workers in the process as they lose benefits or lose jobs or lose pay raises thanks to Hillary increasing taxes if she is elected. However Trump seems ok with a trade war so it seems like this election is a lose lose scenario.
avatar for Cowboy12
8 years ago
CF#2 is for Trump too. Have not asked any other strippers.
She is very articulate and seems to know quite a bit about both candidates.

Neither candidate is a great choice, but I would like to see how a non-politician will shake things up.
4 more years of the same sad policies will be epic failure for USA.
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
I've met strippers who hate Hillary and others who hate Trump. I usually try to avoid talking about it if I'm thinking clearly. Say the wrong thing to a new dancer and she might just walk away. I'm one of the few people who actually voted Libertarian in past elections.
No one represents me well. I want freedom for strip clubs, a smaller government, less government control and less spending. I'm also in favor of women's right to go topless just like men can. Pasties would be banned. Prostitution legalized and taxed. Who wants to run a logical pragmatic party?
avatar for jester214
8 years ago
A smart stripper says whoever they think you're voting for.

A truthful stripper says: "I can vote?", "Who?", "I'll probably sleep in and forget to vote.", "Felon."
avatar for Mainster
8 years ago
My latest Lap Poll went about 30% Trump, 5% Clinton, the rest undecided or not voting. Virtually ALL described Clinton as dishonest, untrustworthy, or evil. 70% added the word "cunt."
avatar for DandyDan
8 years ago
I have little doubt that white strippers prefer Trump to Hillary. But I brought up the election with my current favorite Latina stripper and she was hating on Trump. I suspect the black strippers are the same way. So it probably goes the same way that poor person demographics go in this country.
avatar for NinaBambina
8 years ago
I hate getting asked that question, and try to avoid answering it, but I find the majority of customers agree. If they disagree, I change the subject.

Most girls at my club do not want Trump elected. However, compared to all the clubs I've worked at, and ANY club I've worked at in Michigan, my club has a large amount of girls who hold degrees, or are at least attending universities now working towards a degree. The dancers are generally more educated (not all, but generally), so they are less likely to just blindly answer, "Trump, because he will make America great again!" Lol.
avatar for NinaBambina
8 years ago
Also, I agree that many of these girls will not even vote and aren't even registered.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
SLGay says: September 29, 2016 • Mrs Clinton is the anti Christ and her husband is the devil incarnate!


He just pinpointed why I'm voting for Clinton. Any President who can be called the 'anti-Christ' must be okay in my book.
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
I like the way you think, rockstar666.
avatar for Tiburon
8 years ago
Actually a poll was done on who mainly supports trump. The results were 70% noncompete educated white males. There were all interviews done at MULTIPLE trump rallies and they have NO IDEA what the hell their talking about. They just literally repeat the same rederic (sp?) That trump says. Some of them even STILL believe Obama is not American born (the main answer is Kenya...not even sure why). And this is AFTER trump agreed Obama is all American made.
avatar for NinaBambina
8 years ago
Rhetoric. ;)
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